Category Archives: Fanzines

New zines at e-fanzines

With the FAAn Awards coming up, it’s a good idea to browse a few recent zines. Bill Burns keeps an archive on e-fanznes. These are the latest additions.

New today at

Nic Farey’s This Here…#62

Guy Lillian’s The Zine Dump #57


Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #63

John Thiel’s Meteor #4

Octothorpe #77, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line


Zine and FAAn Award news

From Nic Farey, This Here 62

TH 62

The Faniverse in general, and I believe the fanzine bit of it in
particular, does have a common spirit which is shared at
some level, as much as individual expressions of it may
differ wildly. The spirit of the FAAns smells like, what, inky
fingers? Weed? Strong Drink ((c) L Huntzinger)? Snark?
Desperation? Perhaps all of the above, yet I contend that it
behooves the disparate members to have at it and participate
in what’s still fanzine fandom’s only dedicated awards…

Zines to Share!

From Garth in Vancouver: Obdurate Eye 24

And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hillside …. 1
Fanzines I Want …. 3
Fanzines and Letters and My Replies ………………… 4
One Way to Look at It #3 (Teunis Peters) ……………. 6
Around the World Across This Nation and Up My Street …8
Pacific Northwest Conventions in 2023 …….. 12
February 2023 New Fantasy and Science Fiction Releases……. 16
Fanzines Received ……………….. 19
Art credits
Jose Sanchez, “Monster Face” (1990) . cover, p. 6
Clip art ……pp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12

From Leybl in Israel: CCFebruary2023-v01

This month’s roundup:

  • • More Yiddish-related SF material dedicated to my dear departed father, David Botwinik (o”h – ע”ה ): o Part F of the Yiddish SF short story “Kamf-Nign” by Leybl Botwinik (with English translation)
  • • Star trek vs. Star Trek vs. Star Trek – Part II (The Original Series (TOS))
  • • Sheer Science – Interactive game: Learn how a satellite is built + why it’s important for preserving the Earth.
  • • Book review: “More Zion’s Fiction” – Story #16: “Set in Stone” – by Yael Furman
  • • Our usual tidbits from the Web.
    – Your editor, Leybl Botwinik

2023 Fanzine Activity Achievement (FAAn) Awards

From Nic Farey,  current FAAn Awards admin:


We’re halfway through the voting window for the 2023 Fanzine Activity Achievement (FAAn) Awards, so consider this your halftime pep talk (with apologies to those who have already returned their ballots. of course).

Attached is The Incompleat Register 2022, the voters’ guide and pro forma ballot for the 2023 FAAn awards, fanzine fandom’s only dedicated honors.

The voting deadline is midnight (Pacific time) Friday March 10 2023, and ballots must be received by then (please note this if you’re sending by snail mail). Your own name and contact details should also be clearly supplied.

The awards will be announced at Corflu Craic in Belfast, Northern Ireland on April 2 2023.

Voting is open to anyone with an interest in fanzines, no memberships of anything are required.

Publicity is welcomed. Feel free to share and distribute this as far and wide as you like.

Nic Farey
(Current FAAn Awards Administrator)

New zines added to e-fanzines

Update from Bill Burns:

It’s been a quiet week, but added today at are:

Octothorpe #76, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

Rich Lynch’s You’re Still on My Mind #1, a letterzine companion to My Back Pages

Archive issues of Heath Row’s apazines: Telegraphs & Tar Pits #48, 49, 50, Faculae & Filigree #17, Snow Poster Township #8, Theoretically Game #2, Explosion Containment Umbrella #6, De Profundis #582, Menace of the LASFS – February 2023
