Category Archives: Fanzines

e-fanzines: New and archive issues added

New and archive issues just added at

Nic Farey’s The Incompleat Register 2022. Guide and ballot for the FAAn Awards for 2022


Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #35

Archive issues of Heath Row’s Telegraphs & Tar Pits #44-47, Explosion Containment Umbrella #5, Brass Hat Mind #2, Losconzine #48, Theoretically: Game #1

Corflu news and more zines

Message from Nic Farey:

It’s award season!

Attached is The Incompleat Register 2022, the voters’ guide and pro forma ballot for the 2023 FAAn awards, fanzine fandom’s only dedicated honors, and voting is thus open.

The voting deadline is midnight (Pacific time) Friday March 10 2023, and ballots must be received by then (please note this if you’re sending by snail mail). Your own name and contact details should also be clearly supplied.

The awards will be announced at Corflu Craic in Belfast, Northern Ireland on April 2 2023.

Voting is open to anyone with an interest in fanzines, no memberships of anything are required.

Publicity is welcomed. Feel free to share and distribute this as far and wide as you like.

Nic Farey
(Current FAAn Awards administrator)


The following zines have been received and uploaded to our website:

ThisHere60 Reduced



Posted to efanzines:

  • Added today at are some of the final issues of 2022, and the first issue of 2023.
  • Opuntia #541, edited by Dale Speirs (2023)
  • Alan White’s Pixel Dreams (2022)
  • Nic Farey’s This Here…#60
  • Journey Planet #68 and #69, edited by James Bacon, Chris Garcia et al
  • Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #23
  • Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #443Bill


More Zines!

Lots more zines arrived while I was busy with Christmas stuff.

This is the November 2022 issue of The N3F Review of Books. N3FReview202211

This is Guy Lillian’s review of zines: TZD56

From Israel, here is CyberCozen for December CCDecember-2022-v01

From Gail in South Africa: PROBE194X

Received via the N3F:

MT VOID 2251

MT VOID 2252

MT VOID 2253

A busy week for fanzine production!  Now at are:


Alexiad #122 edited by Lisa & Joseph Major

Leybl Botwinik’s CyberCozen – December 2022

David Grigg’s The Megaloscope #4

Archive issues of Heath Row’s Telegraphs & Tar Pits #39-43, Explosion Containment Umbrella #4, Faculae & Filigree #16

Opuntia #539, edited by Dale Speirs

Journey Planet #66, edited by James Bacon, Chris Garcia et al

Octothorpe #72, a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line


N3F: Origin and Fanactivity Gazette are attached. Happy Holidays!



From Garth Spencer: The Obdurate Eye 22

From the N3F: TNFF202212

Just added at

Marc Ortlieb’s Knot a Fanzine #4

Garth Spencer’s The Obdurate Eye #22

Henry Grynnsten’s Wild Ideas #30

Christopher J. Garcia’s The Drink Tank #442

Journey Planet #67, edited by James Bacon, Chris Garcia et al
