Category Archives: Awards

2016 Hugo Nominations

Nomination period for the 2016 Hugo awards ends March 31st at 11:59 pm PDT .

If you are a member of the current World con, MidAmeriCon II, you have nominating and voting rights. If you were a member of Sasquan last year,  or a member of Helsinki in 2017, you may nominate for this year’s awards.

Happy Pup001I’ve been asked a few time lately if the Puppies are still around. Sadly, the answer is yes, they are. However, some seem to think that the Sad Puppies are being more transparent this year. * This cannot be said for the Rabid Pups. You can find the foaming-jawed mongrel over here.  And btw, Castillia House is Vox Day.  Count how many times he nominated himself, or someone he publishes. If you are feeling particularly masochistic, read the comments from the minions. The term SJW stands for Social Justice Warrior, and for some reason Vox Day and his pack think there is something not only wrong, but even disgusting about wanting to work toward a more liberal, more tolerant world. As someone who has signed petitions, walked in manifs, etc, I am not at all bothered by being called an SJW.

A number of authors have already put oars into the troubled waters, John Scalzi (of course):    Apparently some folks are confused why I don’t want to be associated with a group who spent a couple of years saying I was talentless scum. George RR Martin is making his own recommendations, over here. After the Hugo ceremony last year, Martin presented his own awards to people he felt should have won in categories the Rabids ruined.

File 770 seems to want to continue the blow-by-blow account of the battle over the Hugos, so if you wish to keep up to date on the Puppies, and their inexplicable need to destroy the reputation of the Hugos they claim not to care about, check in daily. Beware, it is never a pretty picture.

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*Personally, I find (Sad Puppy Alpha) Kate Paulk’s sarcasm hard to take.


I will not insult those who consider your novella to be Hugo-worthy by removing you from the List. I will, however, be updating the version of this post at to note that you prefer that your work not be purchased, enjoyed, and nominated without your prior approval.



The Spectrum 23 Award Nominations List

For a look at some truly awesome fantasy art, click here.

Keith will want to see this one:

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The winners will be announced at the Spectrum 23 Awards Ceremony held at the Society of Illustrators on Saturday, May 7, 2016.

John Williams wins IFMCA awards

The International Film Music Critics Association (IFMCA) has announced the 2015 IFMCA Awards for excellence in musical scoring.

The award for Score of the Year goes to composer John Williams for his work on the massively popular and successful epic science fiction fantasy “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” from director J. J. Abrams…. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is also named Best Score for a Fantasy/Science Fiction/Horror Film, and wins the Film Music Composition of the Year award for the film’s conclusive end credits suite, “The Jedi Steps and Finale”. These are the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth IFMCA Awards of Williams’s career, and it marks the third time he has been awarded Score of the Year, after “Memoirs of a Geisha” in 2005, and “War Horse” in 2011.
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