Category Archives: Awards

Aurora Awards & CSFFA Updates for March 2023

Aurora Awards & CSFFA Updates
for March 2023

Springtime is almost here, and with it the awards process kicks into high gear! The nomination period for this year’s Aurora Awards have opened. This newsletter also features a call for a CSFFA secretary to join the Board. And if you are considering applying to professional development grant, don’t hesitate as there are only a few weeks left. More information below.

In this newsletter:

  1. Aurora Awards News: 2023 Nominations Are Open
  2. CSFFA Board of Directors Vacancy
  3. CSFFA 2023 Professional Development Grant Deadline: March 31st

Aurora Awards 2023: Nominations Are Open

You can now nominate for the 2023 Aurora Awards for works done in 2022. There are ten (10) categories.  You may nominate up to five (5) different works in each category. You do not have nominate in all categories or select five works in a category. Nominate what you know and what you enjoyed. Do NOT nominate the same work more than once. Duplicate entries of the same work will be voided.

Nominations will be open until 11:59pm EDT on April 22nd. At that time your choices will be locked. You must have a paid CSFFA membership to participate (annual membership is $10). Log into your account and click the Nomination icon on the member’s home page.

Note: The top five works by five different nominees will be chosen to be on the final ballot in each category. If a nominee has two works with the same number of nominations in the top five, they will be asked to select one to be on the ballot.

About the nomination form plus a few tricks:

  1. The nomination form consists of ten sections (one for each award category)
  2. Each section has five lines of drop-down lists of the approved eligible works in the category you are on. You may only nominate works from the drop-down lists.
  3. You can enter your selections in any order and if you wish to remove one, select the blank line at the top of each drop-down list.
  4. You do not have to nominate in all the categories, and you don’t have to select five works in a category.
  5. Do not nominate the same work more than once. Duplicate selections of the same work will be voided.
  6. To move through the drop-down lists, you can either use your mouse to scroll down or you can key in the first letter of a work and the list will move to the first work starting with that letter.
  7. You can go to the eligibility lists from the members-only page at any time to view what has been approved and use the URL link to look at online information about it.
  8. After you have selected works in a category you must click the Save button or your choices will be lost if you leave the nomination form.
  9. Each category has its own save button.If you close the form before you Save or Update your changes they will be lost, and you will have to start again.
  10. If you refresh your screen or come back to it later your selections will be visible.You may change your choices at any time. Categories that you have already saved works will display Update rather than Save.
  11. You may continue to change your choices until we have closed nominations.
  12. Nominate what you know and enjoyed. This is your chance to have a say what is on the final ballot. Make it your own choices.

CSFFA Board of Directors Vacancy

Your CSFFA board needs a secretary!

The secretary is a full member of the board, equally participating in discussions and decisions. Meetings are monthly (except December), the last Tuesday of each month (8 p.m. E.S.T.: attendees are in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia.)

Meetings happen via Zoom. Meetings typically last 60 minutes.

Duty of the secretary is to write the minutes of board meetings. In the event that the secretary can not attend a meeting, the meeting is recorded.

Interested? Email


CSFFA Professional Developmental Grant

Grant deadline one is fast approaching! Get your application in by March 31, 2023, 11:59pm MT. In case you missed any of the details you will find them below.

This grant is to enable CSFFA members to pursue education and professional development that helps them expand their skill set. Starting in 2023 we will be awarding a total of $2,500.00 over the year to new writers, writers new to the genre or writers changing focus, for example short story to novel.

This Grant will be awarded to successful a successful applicant or applicants to cover up to 75% of the cost of developmental avenues such as:

  • Courses
  • Retreats
  • Writing software
  • A book coach or editorial fees for their first book

There will be two submission windows in 2023. The first is January 1st to March 31st, with funds awarded by May 15th and June 1st to August 31st with funds awarded by Oct 15th.

Funds will be distributed at the discretion of the Board and based upon applications submitted per submission windows until the full amount of the grant is paid out. Any unawarded funds will be distributed at the discretion of the Board or rolled over into the next grant year.

Successful applicants will be contacted by CSFFA and an announcement will be made on our website, newsletter, and/or during the Aurora Awards.

All decisions by the CSFFA Board are final.

Application Submission Guidelines

  1. Applicants must be members of CSFFA in good standing.
  2. Current Board Members or family members of the selection committee are not eligible for this grant.
  3. Former Board members must have vacated their position for a minimum of one year prior to application.
  4. Must be a new writer or new to the genre of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Speculative fiction, or any subgenres of these main genres.
  5. Must be unpublished or have publications that are less than 50 copies in speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, or any sub genres of these main genres.
  6. Provide contact Information
  7. A 1,000-word proposal is to be submitted detailing the following:
  8. What the endeavour is, along with a description and weblink
  9. A timeline for the endeavour (must be less than one year)
  10. Expected results from the endeavour
  11. A short bio
  12. If awarded, the applicant is asked to submit upon completion a 500-word description on the results and experience of the endeavour. The applicant must also be in agreement that their name and or photo will be used on the website, newsletter or both.

Applications must be submitted by 11:59:59 MT on the last day of each submission period. Any late submissions will be automatically transferred to the next submission period for consideration.

Submission of applications are to be made to

Copyright © 2023 Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.

Our mailing address is:
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association
1065 Henley Rd
Mississauga, ON L4Y 1C8

Zine and FAAn Award news

From Nic Farey, This Here 62

TH 62

The Faniverse in general, and I believe the fanzine bit of it in
particular, does have a common spirit which is shared at
some level, as much as individual expressions of it may
differ wildly. The spirit of the FAAns smells like, what, inky
fingers? Weed? Strong Drink ((c) L Huntzinger)? Snark?
Desperation? Perhaps all of the above, yet I contend that it
behooves the disparate members to have at it and participate
in what’s still fanzine fandom’s only dedicated awards…

February 2023 CSFFA Newsletter

February 2023 CSFFA Newsletter

We at CSFFA hope you have lots of great speculative fiction keeping you company during these winter months. Our February newsletter provides some updates on where we’re at in the annual Aurora Awards cycle, and a nice bit of news on one of the recent Best Novel winners.

In this newsletter:

  • Aurora Awards Eligibility Lists Close Soon
  • Mexican Gothic featured in CBC’s 2023 Canada Reads contest

Aurora Awards Eligibility Lists Close Soon

This year’s eligibility lists of works that are eligible in the ten Aurora Award categories will close on February 25th at 11:59 EST (or 8:59 PST in BC). CSFFA members will only be able to nominate works that have been approved on these lists.

We are looking for CSFFA members to help us add works that were first published/done by Canadians in 2022. Works in our eligibility lists will be validated by a team of CSFFA volunteers. If there are issues with any of the approved items, please let us know right away.

Note:  We are no longer giving out an award for movies or TV shows. Works that were in the Best Fan Organizational category are now in the Best Fan Related Work category. Due to a lack of eligible works in past years it was decided to make these changes. Also, we have redefined the Best Artist category so that it is the Best Cover Art/Interior Illustration category. Rather than nominate an artist, members now nominate each work that an artist has had published in the past year.

Nominations for this year’s awards will begin on Saturday, March 4th.

Membership registration note: Please do not wait until the last few days before a deadline to either signup or renew your CSFFA membership. Once you’ve paid your account should automatically be updated.  If not, do NOT pay a second time. Email us via our contact page to check that your payment did go through.  If you send us your receipt

Mexican Gothic featured in
CBC’s 2023 Canada Reads contest

Congratulations to Silvia Moreno-Garcia and her 2021 Aurora winning novel Mexican Gothic on being named a finalist in this years CBC’s Canada Reads! What an amazing spotlight on Mexican Gothic, we couldn’t be more proud on seeing this wonderful and moving novel brought back into the hearts and hands of Canadians. It is nice to see the work of Silvia Moreno-Garcia showcased and bringing a spotlight to the amazing speculative fiction written right here.

“It’s great to see horror on the CBC Canada Reads list. It’s often considered a minor genre. I’m glad Mexican Gothic is getting renewed attention and I’m eternally grateful to my champion, TikTok creator Tasnim Geedi, who will be representing the book during the competition.”
Silvia Moreno-Garcia

This year’s CBC Canada Reads, which runs March 27 – 30, 2023 with the theme of novels that will shift your perspective, will have five books represented by five Canadian personalities over four days of passionate debate and discussion with one book being named the one book all Canadians should read. But readers are the true winners with the five books on the short list or the books on the long list, which includes Speculative writer Guy Gavriel Kay, as great recommendations when choosing your next read.

We wish Mexican Gothic and Silvia the best during Canada Reads and in the future. You can join the fun by tuning into Canada Reads this March.

2023 Fanzine Activity Achievement (FAAn) Awards

From Nic Farey,  current FAAn Awards admin:


We’re halfway through the voting window for the 2023 Fanzine Activity Achievement (FAAn) Awards, so consider this your halftime pep talk (with apologies to those who have already returned their ballots. of course).

Attached is The Incompleat Register 2022, the voters’ guide and pro forma ballot for the 2023 FAAn awards, fanzine fandom’s only dedicated honors.

The voting deadline is midnight (Pacific time) Friday March 10 2023, and ballots must be received by then (please note this if you’re sending by snail mail). Your own name and contact details should also be clearly supplied.

The awards will be announced at Corflu Craic in Belfast, Northern Ireland on April 2 2023.

Voting is open to anyone with an interest in fanzines, no memberships of anything are required.

Publicity is welcomed. Feel free to share and distribute this as far and wide as you like.

Nic Farey
(Current FAAn Awards Administrator)

Aurora Awards ceremony on line tomorrow

Canvention 42 and the Aurora Awards

On Saturday, August 13, starting at 5pm MDT, we invite everyone to join us for the Aurora Awards ceremony. Our Master of Ceremonies, author Mark Leslie Lefebvre, will be live streaming the ceremony on both his YouTube channel ( and our YouTube channel ( The event will also be streamed live on Facebook, with the URL becoming available here about one week prior to the event. This event is open to everyone and is free to watch.

About the Auroras and the Hall of Fame, from the When Words Collide website:

Each year a Canadian convention or festival hosts the floating convention known as Canvention. This year Canvention is being organized by the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (CSFFA), a national non-profit society along with a host convention. CSFFA’s mandate is to give out the Aurora awards and induct people into CSFFA’s Hall of the Fame.

There are twelve different Aurora awards. They are given out for both professional and volunteer (unpaid) work in the genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Works are nominated by members of CSFFA which all Canadians are welcome to join. The top nominated works are shortlisted for the Aurora ballot and voted on by CSFFA members. Through the generosity of the nominees and their publishers, CSFFA members also get to download electronic versions of almost all of the published nominated works.

The Hall of Fame inductees are determined by a jury of four experts and one coordinator from CSFFA.

For full details about CSFFA go to their site at:


FAAn Awards

WINNERS (In order of presentation):

Best Fanzine Cover
Littlebrook #11 (Ulrika O’Brien)

Best Letterhack (Harry Warner Jr. Award)
Jerry Kaufman

Best Fanartist
Ulrika O’Brien

Best Fanwriter
Mark Plummer

Best One Shot/Special Publication
Daangerous Visions (eds. Sandra Bond, Rob Jackson, Pat Virzi)

Best Perzine
This Here… (ed. Nic Farey)

Best Genzine
Portable Storage (ed. William Breiding)

#1 Fan Face
Nic Farey

Click here to view The Incompleat Register 2022 Results Issue with full breakdown and notes.


Aurora Awards: Nominations open

Join the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, to nominate and vote for the Aurora Awards. Also, you get a great deal in reading material when the nominations are announced!   CPL

Aurora Awards
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association


Nominations are now open to CSFFA members and will close on March 26th at 11:59 pm EDT. You may select/change/remove items at any time until nominations close.

All twelve categories are open this year and members may select up to five different works in each category. Select works from the dropdown lists, which are sorted by title. If you want to remove an item that you have chosen, select the blank line at the top of the dropdown list. You must click the Update button at the bottom of each nomination form to save your selections. Your choices will be displayed on your nomination central page.

You don’t have to nominate in all categories. Nominate those works that you enjoyed, because this is your chance to have your favorite works from 2021 on this year’s Aurora Awards final ballot. The top five most-nominated works in each category will be selected to be on the final ballot.

Items on our eligibility lists have been submitted by publishers, authors, and fans, and verified by a team of CSFFA volunteers. To review what is eligible for this year’s awards you can go to our public eligibility page. Unlike our dropdown lists, these lists are sorted by author’s or creator’s first name.

News from CSFFA regarding the Aurora Awards

News from CSFFA regarding the Aurora Awards

Important dates for 2022


Yes, it’s that time again.  A new year and new lists for the 2022 Aurora Awards.  After careful review we have worked out dates for 2022 when CSFFA activities will open and close.  The awards will be held in August via our host, When Words Collide, so things will happen a little earlier than last year.


So that we don’t overlap voting for the AGM and the Awards we will be doing this year’s AGM in early June before we begin voting for the awards.  The AGM will again be held virtually so everyone can attend.  As in past year’s you will be required to vote (online) on AGM items prior to the AGM.


The eligibility list will open in January, and you will have five weeks to put in works that you have either done or know about that were done by Canadians that you would like to have eligible to nominate.  Later in February we will open nominations where CSFFA members can nominate up to five different works in each of the twelve categories.  This will also be open for five weeks.  You can only select items for nomination that have been verified on our eligibility lists.


Here is the full list of dates for 2022.


Membership payments open 2022-Jan-03
Eligibility Lists Open 2022-Jan-03
Eligibility Lists Close 2022-Feb-12
Nominations Open 2022-Feb-19
Nominations Close 2022-Mar-26
Ballot announced to public 2022-Apr-09
Voter’s Package Available 2022-Apr-26
AGM Voting Opens (mid-week) 2022-May-18
AGM Voting Closed (mid-week) 2022-Jun-01
Online AGM 2022-Jun-04
Award Voting Opens 2022-Jun-11
Award Voting Closes 2022-Jul-23
Voter’s Package Closes 2022-Jul-23
Membership Payments Close 2022-Jul-23
Awards Ceremony (online) 2022-Aug-13

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Thanks for reading!

Your CSFFA Board of Directors


Come join us on Facebook and Twitter!

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How to watch the Aurora Awards Ceremony

Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association

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How to watch the Aurora Awards Ceremony

 It’s almost time to reveal who will be taking home this year’s Aurora Awards!

On Saturday, October 16th at 7pm EDT (4pm Pacific) our host, Can*Con, will be presenting the Aurora Awards in a virtual ceremony. 

For full information about the ceremony and who the presenters are, go to: and look at the Upcoming Events items in the menu. 

The ceremony will be accessible via their YouTube channel,

There will also be a post-event celebration party in the Can*Con Lounge, but you will need a Can*Con account.  It’s free.  If you don’t already have an account, you will need to get one in advance.  Their signup page is:  Please do this early and not just before the ceremony since your account will need to be verified.

Thanks for reading!

Your CSFFA Board of Directors

Come join us on Facebook and Twitter!