Category Archives: Awards

Aurora Awards

2020 Categories & Nominees

Below are the categories and nominees. Details about the nominees can be found here.

Best Novel

Haunting The Haunted by E. C. Bell, Tyche Books

* The Gossamer Mage by Julie E. Czerneda, DAW Books *

A Brightness Long Ago by Guy Gavriel Kay, Viking Canada

The Quantum Garden by Derek Künsken, Solaris Books

Jade War by Fonda Lee, Orbit Books

Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Del Rey and Jo Fletcher Books

Best Young Adult Novel

Wolf’s Bane by Kelley Armstrong, K.L.A. Fricke Inc

The Brilliant Dark: The Realms of Ancient, Book 3 by S.M. Beiko, ECW Press

The Ehrich Weisz Chronicles: Metamorphosis by Marty Chan, Fitzhenry & Whiteside

* Bursts of Fire by Susan Forest, Laksa Media Groups Inc *

Murder at the World’s Fair by MJ Lyons, Renaissance

Best Short Fiction

* This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, Saga Press and Jo Fletcher Books *

Clear as Quartz, Sharp as Flint by Maria Haskins, Augur Magazine, issue 2.1

Alice Payne Rides by Kate Heartfield, Publishing

Little Inn on the Jianghu by Y.M. Pang, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September

Modigliani Paints the World by Hayden Trenholm, Neo-Opsis, Issue #30

Blindside by Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, Amazing Stories, v. 77, issue no. 1, Fall

Best Graphic Novel

The Handmaid’s Tale: The Graphic Novel by Margaret Atwood and Renee Nault, McClelland & Stewart

* Krampus is My Boyfriend! by S.M. Beiko, Webcomic *

It Never Rains by Kari Maaren, Webcomic

Carpe Fin: A Haida Manga by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Douglas & McIntyre

Dakwäkãda Warriors by Cole Pauls, Conundrum Press

Best Poem/Song

The Girl Who Loved Birds by Clara Blackwood, Amazing Stories Magazine, v. 76, no. 3, Spring

* At the Edge of Space and Time by Swati Chavda, Love at the Speed of Light, Ancient Hound Books *

Steampunk Christmas by David Clink, Star*Line,  v. 42, no. 4., Fall

The Day the Animals Turned to Sand by Tyler Hagemann, Amazing Stories Magazine, v. 76, issue no. 3, Spring

Totemic Ants by Francine P. Lewis, Amazing Stories Magazine, v. 77, issue no. 1, Fall

Beauty, Sleeping by Lynne Sargent, Augur Magazine, issue 2.2

* Bursts of Fire by Sora, theme song for book trailers

Best Related Work

PodCastle by Jen R. Albert and Cherae Clark, Escape Artists Inc.

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Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine edited by Karl Johanson

Lackington’s Magazine,edited by Ranylt Richildis (online)

Dave Duncan’s Legacy by Robert Runté, On Spec Magazine issue 111

Augur Magazine, Issue 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 published by Kerrie Seljak-Byrne and Alexander De Pompa

* On Spec Magazine, Diane L. Walton, Managing Editor, The Copper Pig Writers Society *

Best Visual Presentation

* Umbrella Academy, Steve Blackman, Dark Horse Entertainment *

V Wars (Season 1), William Laurin and Glenn Davis, High Park Entertainment

Killjoys (Season 5), Michelle Lovretta and Adam Barken, Temple Street Productions

Murdoch Mysteries (Ep. 10-18/Season 12 and Ep. 1-9/Season 13), Peter Mitchell and Christina Jennings, Shaftesbury Films

Van Helsing (Season 4), Jonathan Lloyd Walker, Nomadic Pictures

Best Artist

Samantha M. Beiko, cover for Bursts of Fire

James F. Beveridge, cover for Fata Morgana and cover for On Spec #112

Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, A Rivet of Robots in On Spec Magazine and Cartoons in Amazing Stories

Nathan Fréchette, covers for Renaissance Press

* Dan O’Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press and cover for On Spec Magazine #110 *

Best Fan Writing and Publications

R. Graeme Cameron, weekly columns in Amazing Stories (online)

* R. Graeme Cameron, Polar Borealis, Issues #9 to #12, editor *

Jennifer Desmarais, Travelling TARDIS, JenEric Designs

Steve Fahnestalk, weekly columns in Amazing Stories (online)

Ron S. Friedman, Will Voyager 1 leave the Milky Way?, Quora

Christina Vasilevski, Books and Tea

Best Fan Organizational

KT Bryski and Jen R. Albert, ephemera reading series, Toronto

Brent Jans, Pure Speculation Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival, Edmonton

* Derek Künsken and Marie Bilodeau, co-chairs, Can-Con, Ottawa *

Randy McCharles, chair, When Words Collide, Calgary

Sandra Wickham, Creative Ink Festival, Burnaby, BC

Best Fan Related Work

Brandon Crilly and Evan May, Broadcasts from the Wasteland, podcast

Kari Maaren, Music on YouTube Channel

* Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating Canada *

Joshua Pantalleresco, Just Joshing, podcast

Edward Willett, The Worldshapers, podcast

Aurora Awards Ceremony

From the
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association

Aurora Awards Ceremony

The Aurora Awards Ceremony will be held online this year on Saturday, August 15 at 7PM EST via the youtube link from When Words Collide.  

For more information, please visit the When Words Collide Canvention page.  


The 2020 annual general meeting (AGM) of CSFFA (Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association) will begin Saturday Aug. 15 at 2PM EST.

Members can attend the virtual AGM without voting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the suggested motions. Be advised however that all voting happens online before the AGM. The deadline to vote on the motions is midnight EST (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday Aug. 11. Therefore please log in to the website and vote on the motions before Aug. 12.

Note: One of the motions if approved will create a new fiction category.

The 2020 CSFFA AGM will be held via Zoom. All 2020 CSFFA members may attend the AGM. To attend AGM, send a message to In reply, before the AGM, you will be given a Zoom invitation.

Please remember that you do need to be logged in to the website with an active membership in order to vote.

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Awards Winners

2020 Hugo, Lodestar, and Astounding Awards Winners, CLICK HERE

Winners of the 1945 Retro Hugo Awards, honoring work from 1944, have been announced by CoNZealand, the 78th Worldcon. CLICK HERE

Hormonal changes viagra discount online usually happen in accordance with bodily changes that are noticed in varied parts of the world. Obesity is one of the killers of viagra online no prescriptions testosterone. Vicious cycle of erection problem adds to stress generic viagra from canada take a look at the shop here and to more sexual troubles. How does Kamagra Work? Kamagra sildenafil best price with its highly effectual chemicals and other ingredients turns a man ON with his life. The 32nd Annual Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards were presented at a virtual ceremony on Friday evening, July 24. CLICK HERE

“Humanslayer” by Scott Huggins won the sixth annual Baen Fantasy Adventure Award, announced August 2, 2020 during the Baen Virtual Roadshow, broadcast live on Facebook. CLICK HERE

Aurora Awards: Voting is now open

Aurora Awards
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association

Voting is open on the website.

Please remember you do need to be logged in to the website with an active membership in order to vote.

Due to some technical difficulties with our web forms, the validation for voting is not currently working. This means that if you vote incorrectly, the software will not stop you from submitting your vote. We will be manually checking the votes periodically and you may receive an email from us to re-submit your vote if it would otherwise be rejected.

Because of this we ask that you take extra care to read through the rules and ensure that your vote is adhering to them. Votes must be sequential, start with the number 1, and cannot duplicate within the category (for example, you cannot select two works as your second choice in the same category).

Reminder: voting closes July 25 at 11:59:59 EDT

In addition, our Nominee’s Page is now live.
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This page provides information on this year’s Aurora nominees.

The Voter Package Downloads also give you access to many of the works up for the awards this year. Like with voting, you need to be logged in to the website with an active membership to access these downloads.

The CSFFA Mid-Year financials are also available and are part of the AGM documents page. These documents are available for participants in the CSFFA AGM, which takes place after the Aurora Awards ceremony.

The Aurora Awards ceremony will be held online this year. The broadcast will be on August 15 at 5PM Mountain Daylight Time. More details about the Award ceremony will be provided as they become available.

If you have any technical difficulties voting or have any other questions, please contact us and we will help.

Happy Voting!!!

Sélection des prix utopiales 2020 et utopiales jeunesse 2020

lauréats du prix Imaginales 2020

Après délibération du jury, voici les lauréats du prix Imaginales 2020:

Voire images et vidéo:

Catégorie roman francophone :
  • Danse avec les lutins, Catherine Dufour (L’Atalante)
Catégorie roman étranger traduit :
  • Vita Nostra, Marina & Sergey Dyachenko (L’Atalante)
Catégorie jeunesse :
  • L’Estrange Malaventure de Mirella, Flore Vesco (L’École des loisirs)

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Catégorie jeunesse :
  • François Baranger for illustrations in Les Montagnes hallucinées 1 by H.P. Lovecraft (Bragelonne)
Catégorie nouvelle :
  • Thomas GEHA, Chuchoteurs du dragon et autres murmures (Elenya)
Catégorie nouvelle :
  • Chuchoteurs du dragon et autres murmures, Thomas Geha (Elenya)
Catégorie Prix Spécial du jury :
  • S.T. JOSHI, Lovecraft je suis providence tomes 1 et 2 (ActuSF)

Jury 2020 :

Créé en mai 2002 à l’initiative de la Ville d’Epinal, le Prix Imaginales est le premier prix exclusivement consacré à la fantasy en France. Il récompense à la fois des écrivains, des illustrateurs, des essayistes ou des traducteurs. Un jury composé de journalistes, de critiques et de spécialistes départage les meilleures œuvres de fantasy dans six catégories.

  • Jacques GRASSER, Président et Adjoint au Maire
  • Victor BATTAGGION (Historia)
  • Lloyd CHÉRY (Le Point, Les Inrockuptibles)
  • Christophe de JERPHANION
  • Frédérique ROUSSEL (Libération)
  • Natacha VAS-DEYRES (Université de Bordeaux Montaigne)
  • Stéphane WIESER, Directeur du festival

Téléchargement :

2020 Aurora Awards Ballot

2020 Aurora Awards Ballot

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The 2020 Aurora Awards ballot has been announced. The Aurora Awards are nominated by members of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association. The top five nominated works were selected, with additional works included when there was a tie for fifth place.

Best Novel

Best YA Novel

Best Short Fiction

  • This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone (Saga)
  • “Clear as Quartz, Sharp as Flint”, Maria Haskins (Augur 2.1)
  • Alice Payne Rides, Kate Heartfield ( Publishing)
  • “Little Inn on the Jianghu”, Y.M. Pang (F&SF 9/19)
  • “Modigliani Paints the World”, Hayden Trenholm (Neo-Opsis 30)
  • “Blindside”, Liz Westbrook-Trenholm (Amazing Stories Fall ’19)

Best Graphic Novel

Best Related Work

  • PodCastle, Jen R. Albert & Cherae Clark, eds.
  • Nothing Without Us, Cait Gordon & Talia C. Johnson (Renaissance)
  • Neo-opsis, Karl Johanson, ed.
  • Lackington’s, Ranylt Richildis, ed.
  • “Dave Duncan’s Legacy”, Robert Runté (On Spec 111)
  • Augur, Kerrie Seljak-Byrne, ed.

Best Poem/Song

  • “The Girl Who Loved Birds”, Clara Blackwood (Amazing Stories Spring ’19)
  • “At the Edge of Space and Time”, Swati Chavda (Love at the Speed of Light)
  • “Steampunk Christmas”, David Clink (Star*Line Fall ’19)
  • “The Day the Animals Turned to Sand”, Tyler Hagemann (Amazing Stories Spring ’19)
  • “Totemic Ants”, Francine P. Lewis (Amazing Stories Fall ’19)
  • “Beauty, Sleeping”, Lynne Sargent (Augur Magazine 2.2)
  • “Bursts of Fire”, Sora (theme song for book trailers)

Best Artist

  • Samantha M. Beiko, cover for Bursts of Fire
  • James F. Beveridge, cover for Fata Morgana and cover for On Spec 112
  • Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, “A Rivet of Robots” in On Spec and cartoons in Amazing Stories
  • Nathan Fréchette, covers for Renaissance Press
  • Dan O’Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press and cover for On Spec 110

Best Visual Presentation

  • The Umbrella Academy
  • V Wars, Season 1
  • Killjoys, Season 5
  • Murdoch Mysteries, Episodes 10-18 in Season 12 and Episodes 1-9 in Season 13
  • Van Helsing, Season 4

Best Fan Writing and Publications

Best Fan Organizational

  • KT Bryski and Jen R. Albert, ephemera reading series, Toronto
  • Brent Jans, Pure Speculation Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival, Edmonton
  • Derek Künsken and Marie Bilodeau, co-chairs, Can-Con, Ottawa
  • Randy McCharles, chair, When Words Collide, Calgary
  • Sandra Wickham, Creative Ink Festival, Burnaby, BC

Best Fan Related Work

The awards ceremony will be held online in conjunction with When Words Collide (Calgary) on August 15, 2020.

For more information, and complete nominees, see the Aurora Awards website.

Hugo Award Finalists Announced

The finalists for the Hugos and retro Hugos have been announced.

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The winners will be announced at CoNZealand, the 78th World Con, which this year will be virtual due to the pandemic.

2019 Stoker Awards Final Ballot

2019 Stoker Awards Final Ballot

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The Horror Writers Association (HWA) has announced the final ballot for the 2019 Bram Stoker Awards:

Superior Achievement in a Novel

Superior Achievement in a First Novel

Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel

Superior Achievement in Long Fiction

Superior Achievement in Short Fiction

Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection

Superior Achievement in an Anthology

Superior Achievement in Non-Fiction

Superior Achievement in Short Non-Fiction

  • “Magic, Madness, and Women Who Creep: The Power of Individuality in the Work of Charlotte Perkins Gilman”, Gwendolyn Kiste (Vastarien Spring ’19)
  • “Slasher Films Made Me Gay: The Queer Appeal and Subtext of the Genre”, Vince A. Liaguno (Ginger Nuts of Horror 9/1/2019)
  • “The Evil Aging Women of American Horror Story“, Karen J. Renner (Elder Horror: Essays on Film’s Frightening Images of Aging)
  • “Film’s First Lycanthrope: 1913’s The Werewolf“, Kelly Robinson (Scary Monsters Fall ’19)
  • “Lord Byron’s Whipping Boy: Dr. John William Polidori and the 200th Anniversary of The Vampyre“, Valerie E. Weich (Famous Monsters of Filmland 10/19)

Superior Achievement in a Poetry Collection

Superior Achievement in a Graphic Novel

Superior Achievement in a Screenplay

  • Doctor Sleep
  • The Lighthouse
  • Midsommar
  • Stranger Things, “The Battle of Starcourt”
  • Us

Winners will be honored at a gala during StokerCon UK, to be held April 16-19, 2020 at the Royal and Grand Hotels in Scarborough, UK. For more information, see the Stoker Awards website.

2019 Sunburst Award Winners

Unlike the Hugos and the Auroras, the Sunburst awards are juried. It’s rare that the same titles appear on both lists. –CPL

2019 Sunburst Award Winners

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The Sunburst Award Society has announced the winners of the 2019 Sunburst Awards for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic in the Adult, Young Adult, and Short Story categories.

Adult Award

The winner of the 2019 Sunburst Award for Adult Fiction is Plum Rains by Andromeda Romano Lax [Penguin Random House Canada].

The Sunburst Jury commented:

Plum Rains by Andromeda Romano Lax is a masterpiece, a story set in a future Japan so deftly drawn that it makes its world seem inevitable. The main characters’ lives and relationships are steeped in, and grow from, a past which is both historical and personal, built on a century of colonialism and exploitation: social, sexual, and economic. Woven into the novel is a unique exploration of an Artificial Intelligence story, incorporating both fast-forward developmental psychology and an analysis of the facets of empathy. This brilliant, character-driven novel examines individual reactions to threats to survival and autonomy. In the process, it challenges notions of insularity, suggesting that loyalty comes primarily from personal connection rather than group association. The interrogation of the notions of Outsider/Insider, connection, belonging, and compassion drive a story that is all too relevant to our present-day world.

Andromeda Romano-Lax has been a journalist, a travel writer, and a serious amateur cellist. She is the author of The Spanish Bow (translated into eleven languages and chosen as a New York Times Editors’ Choice), The Detour, and Behave, among others. Plum Rains draws inspiration from her family’s experience living in rural Taiwan. Andromeda co-founded and continues to teach for 49 Writers, a nonprofit organization. She currently lives with her family in Ladysmith British Columbia.

The other shortlisted works for the 2019 Adult Award were:

  • Amber Dawn, Sodom Road Exit [Arsenal Pulp Press]
  • Kate Heartfield, Armed in Her Fashion [ChizinePublications]
  • Rich Larson, Annex [Orbit/Hachette Book Group]
  • Eden Robinson, Trickster Drift [Penguin Random House Canada]

Young Adult Award

The 2019 winner of the Sunburst Award for Young Adult Fiction is Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman [Penguin Random House Canada]

The Sunburst Jury commented:

Rachel Hartman’s Tess of the Road is a tour de force, a novel that dives headfirst into its heroine’s complex, messy, morally multifaceted world while never losing sight of the story at its heart. Hartman’s Tess is on a journey whose point is less self-discovery than it is a simple acceptance of self-worth. Her credo, “Walk on,” comes to encompass not just her physical journey but her struggle to accept that she matters and that it is possible for others to find worth in her. Tess’s progress takes place in a richly imagined fantastic landscape where even the deeply alien quigutl are so deftly painted that the unfamiliar becomes known and comforting. The reader is able to journey with Tess into an understanding that the seemingly strictest and most unshakeable beliefs can be based on lack of knowledge or unwillingness to embrace change.

Rachel Hartman is both an author and comics creator; she currently lives in Vancouver. Tess of the Road is a companion novel to her first two YA books, Seraphina and Shadow Scale, the former of which won the Sunburst Award, the William C. Morris Award, and the Cybilis Award. Tess itself was shortlisted for the Andre Norton Award and the Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book.

The other shortlisted works for the 2019 Young Adult Award were:

  • Sebastien de Castell, Spellslinger [Orbit/ Hachette Book Group]
  • Regan McDonell, Black Chuck [ Orca Book Publishers]
  • Rebecca Schaeffer , Not Even Bones [Houghton Mifflin Harcourt]
  • Patrick Weekes, Feeder [Simon & Schuster Canada]

Short Story Award

The winner of the 2019 Sunburst Award for Short Story is “The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls” by Senaa Ahmad [Strange Horizons, 15 Jan 2018]

© 2017 Sam Guay, “The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls”

The Sunburst Jury commented:

In a remarkable year for short speculative fiction, Senaa Ahmad’s The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls stands apart, its horrific scenario etched in cool crisp prose: A group of young girls hope to better their lives by volunteering to be deployed as living incendiary devices, razing cities and their inhabitants, and accelerating their own decay and death in the process. A cunning inversion of the real-life Radium Girls, factory workers who were gradually and grotesquely poisoned by the material they worked with, Ahmad’s story turns the titular girls into weapons of mass destruction, objectified and vilified by the larger world even as they yearn for normalcy, grapple with their mortality and the consequences of their choices–and set each other on fire.

Senaa Ahmad is a writer living in Toronto. Her short fiction has appeared in publications such as Lightspeed Magazine, Uncanny Magazine, and Strange Horizons. A Clarion 2018 alumnus, she is working concurrently on her first two short story collections.

The other shortlisted works for the 2019 Short Story Award were:

Sunburst medallion.

The Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic has celebrated the best in Canadian fantastic literature in both Adult and Young Adult publications since 2001. Winners receive a medallion that incorporates the Sunburst logo. Winners of both the Adult and Young Adult Sunburst Award also receive a cash prize of $1,000, while winners of the Short Story Sunburst Award receive a cash prize of $500.

The Sunburst Award takes its name from the debut novel of the late Phyllis Gotlieb, one of the first published authors of contemporary Canadian speculative fiction.

SUNBURST JURORS. The 2019 Sunburst Award novel jury was comprised of Greg Bechtel, Susan Forest, Kari Maaren, and Susan Reynolds. Jurors for the 2019 short story awards were S.M. Beiko, David Demchuk, and Gemma Files.

The jurors for the 2020 Sunburst Awards have been named. Novel Jury: Kristyn Dunnion, Michelle Butler Hallett, John Jantunen, Michael Johnstone, and Peter Darbyshire. Short Story Jury: Omar El Akkad, Ruth Clarke, and Sarah Tolmie.

Submissions of eligible works published in 2019 for the 2020 awards will be accepted October 15, 2019. Submissions will close January 31, 2020. See the Sunburst Award News Page for details.