Category Archives: CSFFA / Aurora Award / Hall of Fame

February 2023 CSFFA Newsletter

February 2023 CSFFA Newsletter

We at CSFFA hope you have lots of great speculative fiction keeping you company during these winter months. Our February newsletter provides some updates on where we’re at in the annual Aurora Awards cycle, and a nice bit of news on one of the recent Best Novel winners.

In this newsletter:

  • Aurora Awards Eligibility Lists Close Soon
  • Mexican Gothic featured in CBC’s 2023 Canada Reads contest

Aurora Awards Eligibility Lists Close Soon

This year’s eligibility lists of works that are eligible in the ten Aurora Award categories will close on February 25th at 11:59 EST (or 8:59 PST in BC). CSFFA members will only be able to nominate works that have been approved on these lists.

We are looking for CSFFA members to help us add works that were first published/done by Canadians in 2022. Works in our eligibility lists will be validated by a team of CSFFA volunteers. If there are issues with any of the approved items, please let us know right away.

Note:  We are no longer giving out an award for movies or TV shows. Works that were in the Best Fan Organizational category are now in the Best Fan Related Work category. Due to a lack of eligible works in past years it was decided to make these changes. Also, we have redefined the Best Artist category so that it is the Best Cover Art/Interior Illustration category. Rather than nominate an artist, members now nominate each work that an artist has had published in the past year.

Nominations for this year’s awards will begin on Saturday, March 4th.

Membership registration note: Please do not wait until the last few days before a deadline to either signup or renew your CSFFA membership. Once you’ve paid your account should automatically be updated.  If not, do NOT pay a second time. Email us via our contact page to check that your payment did go through.  If you send us your receipt

Mexican Gothic featured in
CBC’s 2023 Canada Reads contest

Congratulations to Silvia Moreno-Garcia and her 2021 Aurora winning novel Mexican Gothic on being named a finalist in this years CBC’s Canada Reads! What an amazing spotlight on Mexican Gothic, we couldn’t be more proud on seeing this wonderful and moving novel brought back into the hearts and hands of Canadians. It is nice to see the work of Silvia Moreno-Garcia showcased and bringing a spotlight to the amazing speculative fiction written right here.

“It’s great to see horror on the CBC Canada Reads list. It’s often considered a minor genre. I’m glad Mexican Gothic is getting renewed attention and I’m eternally grateful to my champion, TikTok creator Tasnim Geedi, who will be representing the book during the competition.”
Silvia Moreno-Garcia

This year’s CBC Canada Reads, which runs March 27 – 30, 2023 with the theme of novels that will shift your perspective, will have five books represented by five Canadian personalities over four days of passionate debate and discussion with one book being named the one book all Canadians should read. But readers are the true winners with the five books on the short list or the books on the long list, which includes Speculative writer Guy Gavriel Kay, as great recommendations when choosing your next read.

We wish Mexican Gothic and Silvia the best during Canada Reads and in the future. You can join the fun by tuning into Canada Reads this March.

Aurora Awards: Voters’ package available

News from CSFFA

The 2022 Voters’ package is ready to download!

Have you started reading works by this year’s finalists? We are pleased to announce that this year’s voters’ package contains either e-versions or links for every single one of our 2022 nominated works and is open to all CSFFA members to download. (Not a member yet? Not a problem! Head on over to to take care of that.)

The electronic versions of these works are being made available to you through the generosity of the nominees and their publishers. We are grateful for their participation and willingness to share with CSFFA members. Please remember, all downloads are for CSFFA members only and are not to be shared.

The purpose of the voters’ package is simple–before you vote for the awards, we want you to be able to experience as many of the nominated works as possible so you can make informed decisions.

Downloads are available until voting closes, July 23rd, 2022, at 11:59pm EDT. Voting for this year’s awards will begin on June 11th, 2022. So, enjoy and let the reading begin.

Aurora Awards: Nominations open

Join the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, to nominate and vote for the Aurora Awards. Also, you get a great deal in reading material when the nominations are announced!   CPL

Aurora Awards
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association


Nominations are now open to CSFFA members and will close on March 26th at 11:59 pm EDT. You may select/change/remove items at any time until nominations close.

All twelve categories are open this year and members may select up to five different works in each category. Select works from the dropdown lists, which are sorted by title. If you want to remove an item that you have chosen, select the blank line at the top of the dropdown list. You must click the Update button at the bottom of each nomination form to save your selections. Your choices will be displayed on your nomination central page.

You don’t have to nominate in all categories. Nominate those works that you enjoyed, because this is your chance to have your favorite works from 2021 on this year’s Aurora Awards final ballot. The top five most-nominated works in each category will be selected to be on the final ballot.

Items on our eligibility lists have been submitted by publishers, authors, and fans, and verified by a team of CSFFA volunteers. To review what is eligible for this year’s awards you can go to our public eligibility page. Unlike our dropdown lists, these lists are sorted by author’s or creator’s first name.

How to watch the Aurora Awards Ceremony

Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association

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How to watch the Aurora Awards Ceremony

 It’s almost time to reveal who will be taking home this year’s Aurora Awards!

On Saturday, October 16th at 7pm EDT (4pm Pacific) our host, Can*Con, will be presenting the Aurora Awards in a virtual ceremony. 

For full information about the ceremony and who the presenters are, go to: and look at the Upcoming Events items in the menu. 

The ceremony will be accessible via their YouTube channel,

There will also be a post-event celebration party in the Can*Con Lounge, but you will need a Can*Con account.  It’s free.  If you don’t already have an account, you will need to get one in advance.  Their signup page is:  Please do this early and not just before the ceremony since your account will need to be verified.

Thanks for reading!

Your CSFFA Board of Directors

Come join us on Facebook and Twitter!

CSFFA releases Aurora Package

News from the directors of CSFFA

Aurora Awards
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association

2021 Aurora Voters Package is available

We are pleased to announce that the 2021 Aurora Awards Voters Package is now available. Become a part of the excitement and download your package today! Items in our Voters Package have been kindly provided by the nominees and their publishers. They are there to help our members make more informed decisions when they vote and are strictly for their personal use.

Voting for this year’s awards opens on July 31, 2021, and will close on September 4, 2021 at 11:59pm EDT. The Voter’s Package will close at the same time and will no longer be available to download. Please be aware that our system gets busy in the last few days and your votes may be locked out if made to close to the deadline.

To download this year’s package or to vote you must be a paid member of CSFFA. Annual memberships are just $10.00 and are open to all Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

The Aurora Awards will be presented virtually by Can-Con on October 16, 2021

Good luck to all the nominees and happy reading to all our CSFFA members.

2021 AGM happening June 27

The 2021 annual general meeting (AGM) of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (CSFFA) will begin Sunday, June 27 at 2 p.m. E.D.T.  CSFFA members can now vote on this year’s AGM items. Voting must be done online prior to our virtual Zoom AGM. Voting will close at 11:59 pm EDT on June 25th. You must have a 2021 CSFFA membership to vote.

We are doing our annual general meeting within the first six months of our calendar year in compliance with federal government’s requirements. In the past we had a dispensation that allowed us to hold it later but with better online tools it is easier to hold the AGM online. It also allows more members to participate.

All AGM documents are accessible once you have logged into your account. We have provided our 2020 financial statement, actions taken by the board in 2020 and who is running to be on the board.  You can also submit questions to the board.

We encourage all members to participate.
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Please note: This is our annual meeting to discuss the CSFFA society. This is not a vote for the Aurora Awards. That will not begin until July 31st.

Aurora Award Interviews

Over the past few weeks, Cliff Samuels has done a few interviews about this year’s Aurora Awards.

The first was with Ryah Deines from Tyche Books. Here’s the link to the YouTube video:

The second is an audio interview for the Stuph File Program (#0614)Â hosted by Peter Anthony Holder. We have a link to just Cliff’s portion of the interview here: Stuph File interview. For the full show and other shows go to Stuph File website at For their newsletter go to: The Stuph File Newsletter

2021 French Language Aurora winners

On Sunday, April 2nd, as part of the 2021 edition of the Boreal Congress, “Imaginary Effects: From Dark to Bright”, this year’s Aurora Boreal awards were unveiled. These are the French language awards for works by Canadians done in 2020.

Full details about who won can be found at: 2021 Aurora Boreal Award winners

Congratulations to all.

Thanks for reading!

Your CSFFA Board of Directors


Aurora Awards: Nominations close April 24

Letter from the  CSFFA Board of Directors

Hi again! This newsletter reminds you to get your nominations in before bed this coming Saturday, and details recent changes to the Aurora Awards.

Nominations close April 24 (Saturday 11:59pm EDT)

The nomination forms are open for all paid CSFFA account holders. You have until April 24th, 2021 (11:59pm EDT/8:59pm PDT) to submit your choices.

For those new to the awards, you may choose up to five different works in each category. The forms have dropdown boxes so you can easily select what you want. These lists were created by CSFFA members and publishers. Selections may only be chosen from these approved lists. Note: The first item on all the lists is a blank listing that can be used if you make a mistake and wish to remove it.

Each nomination form allows you to Submit (save) your choices. You don’t have to submit everything at once. You can make selections and come back to add or modify them. You can continue to modify your choices until we close nominations on the 24th of April. At that point your choices will automatically be locked.

Ballot and Voters’ Package

We hope to announce the ballot in early May. This is dependent on how quickly we can contact the finalists and how fast they confirm the wording/spelling of their work. The voters’ package, e-works of this year’s finalists, will be out a few weeks after we announce the ballot. Voting for this year’s awards will not begin until July, to give you time to go through the voters’ package.
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Changes to the 2021 Aurora Awards

You may have noticed that this year’s awards are a bit different. Two reasons: we’ve added new categories and one of our categories has been combined into another category.

The first difference is that we have split the Short Fiction category into two awards, Short Story and Novelette/Novella. Short Story is for stories less than 7,500 words in length but are not poems or song lyrics. Novelette/Novella is for stories less than 40,000 words. We found in the past that we had so many short works of fiction that CSFFA members found it hard to choose when they nominated. This change was voted by CSFFA members last year at our AGM and is a permanent change to the awards.

The second difference is that works that would normally have been in the Fan Organizational category have been included in this year’s Fan Related Work category. This change is due to the Covid 19 pandemic and how it has changed how events happened in 2020. Few conventions were able to happen. Some, a small number, were able to run virtually. We decided to combine the two categories for this year’s awards. This is not a permanent change. The CSFFA board will review this later in the year.

Thanks for reading!

Your CSFFA Board of Directors


CSFFA: Aurora Awards & Hall of Fame news

Aurora Awards & Hall of Fame
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association

Remember to get your nominations in! Nominations close April 24th. When you get to the website, you will be prompted to acquire or renew your membership before nominating, if you have not yet done so.


The 2021 annual general meeting (AGM) of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (CSFFA) will begin at 2pm (EDT) on June 27.  The AGM will happen via Zoom.
The blood does not only deliver blood but buy cialis viagra check out that also nutrients to other parts of the body. To be more precise, the bile viagra pills in canada visit here reflux is not easy to treat. Millions of satisfied customers purchase generic cialis cannot be flaunting for no reasons. viagra online generic This name was secured by a German Botanist named Gerhard Walpers. Members will receive their official notice and any required documents e.g. agenda, financial report, nominees for board positions, a minimum of 21 days in advance of June 27.
READ MORE about the AGM

Hall of Fame Inductees

Inducted to the Hall of Fame: Stan Hyde, Monica Hughes, and Jean-Louis Trudel. READ MORE


Aurora Awards: new dates announced

The CSFFA which awards the Auroras has announced a change of dates. The Eligibility Lists are now closed. Only works listed on the site can be nominated.

Membership in the CSFFA is only 10$ and is very much worth your donation to the cause. The Voters Package alone is worth much more than 10$! 

The CSFFA year’s calendar has shifted somewhat, due to a change in webmasters.

Nominations will now open on March 27th, 2021.

Nominations will now close on April 24th, 2021.

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The Voter’s Package will now be available on May 29th, 2021.

After that date, the calendar will be back on track.

Voting will open July 31st, 2021.

Voting will close September 4th, 2021.

Prix Aurora Awards

From the Aurora committee:

Just a quick reminder that the Aurora Award Eligibility Lists for works done by Canadians in 2020 are open and awaiting your submissions. The Eligibility Lists will close on February 28th at 11:59 EST. If you have created, published, read, or Still, most of the ED patients find difficulty to take a single pill sildenafil pill every time you think of having sex with your partner. This type of sex drive issue related to diabetes may have problems getting an erection even though they cheapest viagra have a lot of things to deal with. The effectiveness of sildenafil reaches 60-85%, depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of cialis viagra sale erectile dysfunction. The principal types of hypertension are: primary (essential) hypertension and secondary hypertension: The learn this here now purchase viagra online majority of people diagnosed, suffer from primary hypertension with there being no identifiable cause for the illness. know of works or activities that should be on our lists please assist us and submit them. Help us find all the fantastic work done by Canadians in 2020! All works should be submitted to the eligibility lists on our website at

Aurora Awards

2020 Categories & Nominees

Below are the categories and nominees. Details about the nominees can be found here.

Best Novel

Haunting The Haunted by E. C. Bell, Tyche Books

* The Gossamer Mage by Julie E. Czerneda, DAW Books *

A Brightness Long Ago by Guy Gavriel Kay, Viking Canada

The Quantum Garden by Derek Künsken, Solaris Books

Jade War by Fonda Lee, Orbit Books

Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Del Rey and Jo Fletcher Books

Best Young Adult Novel

Wolf’s Bane by Kelley Armstrong, K.L.A. Fricke Inc

The Brilliant Dark: The Realms of Ancient, Book 3 by S.M. Beiko, ECW Press

The Ehrich Weisz Chronicles: Metamorphosis by Marty Chan, Fitzhenry & Whiteside

* Bursts of Fire by Susan Forest, Laksa Media Groups Inc *

Murder at the World’s Fair by MJ Lyons, Renaissance

Best Short Fiction

* This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, Saga Press and Jo Fletcher Books *

Clear as Quartz, Sharp as Flint by Maria Haskins, Augur Magazine, issue 2.1

Alice Payne Rides by Kate Heartfield, Publishing

Little Inn on the Jianghu by Y.M. Pang, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September

Modigliani Paints the World by Hayden Trenholm, Neo-Opsis, Issue #30

Blindside by Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, Amazing Stories, v. 77, issue no. 1, Fall

Best Graphic Novel

The Handmaid’s Tale: The Graphic Novel by Margaret Atwood and Renee Nault, McClelland & Stewart

* Krampus is My Boyfriend! by S.M. Beiko, Webcomic *

It Never Rains by Kari Maaren, Webcomic

Carpe Fin: A Haida Manga by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Douglas & McIntyre

Dakwäkãda Warriors by Cole Pauls, Conundrum Press

Best Poem/Song

The Girl Who Loved Birds by Clara Blackwood, Amazing Stories Magazine, v. 76, no. 3, Spring

* At the Edge of Space and Time by Swati Chavda, Love at the Speed of Light, Ancient Hound Books *

Steampunk Christmas by David Clink, Star*Line,  v. 42, no. 4., Fall

The Day the Animals Turned to Sand by Tyler Hagemann, Amazing Stories Magazine, v. 76, issue no. 3, Spring

Totemic Ants by Francine P. Lewis, Amazing Stories Magazine, v. 77, issue no. 1, Fall

Beauty, Sleeping by Lynne Sargent, Augur Magazine, issue 2.2

* Bursts of Fire by Sora, theme song for book trailers

Best Related Work

PodCastle by Jen R. Albert and Cherae Clark, Escape Artists Inc.

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Neo-opsis Science Fiction Magazine edited by Karl Johanson

Lackington’s Magazine,edited by Ranylt Richildis (online)

Dave Duncan’s Legacy by Robert Runté, On Spec Magazine issue 111

Augur Magazine, Issue 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 published by Kerrie Seljak-Byrne and Alexander De Pompa

* On Spec Magazine, Diane L. Walton, Managing Editor, The Copper Pig Writers Society *

Best Visual Presentation

* Umbrella Academy, Steve Blackman, Dark Horse Entertainment *

V Wars (Season 1), William Laurin and Glenn Davis, High Park Entertainment

Killjoys (Season 5), Michelle Lovretta and Adam Barken, Temple Street Productions

Murdoch Mysteries (Ep. 10-18/Season 12 and Ep. 1-9/Season 13), Peter Mitchell and Christina Jennings, Shaftesbury Films

Van Helsing (Season 4), Jonathan Lloyd Walker, Nomadic Pictures

Best Artist

Samantha M. Beiko, cover for Bursts of Fire

James F. Beveridge, cover for Fata Morgana and cover for On Spec #112

Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, A Rivet of Robots in On Spec Magazine and Cartoons in Amazing Stories

Nathan Fréchette, covers for Renaissance Press

* Dan O’Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press and cover for On Spec Magazine #110 *

Best Fan Writing and Publications

R. Graeme Cameron, weekly columns in Amazing Stories (online)

* R. Graeme Cameron, Polar Borealis, Issues #9 to #12, editor *

Jennifer Desmarais, Travelling TARDIS, JenEric Designs

Steve Fahnestalk, weekly columns in Amazing Stories (online)

Ron S. Friedman, Will Voyager 1 leave the Milky Way?, Quora

Christina Vasilevski, Books and Tea

Best Fan Organizational

KT Bryski and Jen R. Albert, ephemera reading series, Toronto

Brent Jans, Pure Speculation Science Fiction and Fantasy Festival, Edmonton

* Derek Künsken and Marie Bilodeau, co-chairs, Can-Con, Ottawa *

Randy McCharles, chair, When Words Collide, Calgary

Sandra Wickham, Creative Ink Festival, Burnaby, BC

Best Fan Related Work

Brandon Crilly and Evan May, Broadcasts from the Wasteland, podcast

Kari Maaren, Music on YouTube Channel

* Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating Canada *

Joshua Pantalleresco, Just Joshing, podcast

Edward Willett, The Worldshapers, podcast