Category Archives: CSFFA / Aurora Award / Hall of Fame

2016 Prix Aurora-Boréal

Prix Aurora/Boréal 2016 • Nominees and Winners

(Recipients are in bold)

Prix Aurora-Boréal • Best Novel

Best novel of science fiction or fantasy published in French by a Canadian writer published in Canada in 2015.

  • Philippe-Aubert Côté: Le Jeu du Démiurge (Alire)
  • Frédérick Durand: Au rendez-vous des courtisans glacés (version intégrale) (Les Six Brumes)
  • Frédérick Durand: Quand s’éteindra la dernière chandelle (Black Coat Press)
  • Éric Gauthier: La grande mort de mononc’ Morbide (Alire)
  • Yves Meynard: Les Marches de la lune morte (Alire)

 Prix Aurora-Boréal • Best Short Fiction

Best short science fiction or fantasy published in French by a Canadian writer published in Canada in 2015.

  • Geneviève Blouin: « L’Enchanteresse portait des Lévi’s » (Solaris 195)
  • Élise Lucie Henripin: « Baptême » (Clair/Obscur 13)
  • Pierre-Luc Lafrance: « Dans ses pas » (L’arracheur de rêves, Les Six Brumes)
  •  Jean-Louis Trudel: « Garder un phénix en cage » (Solaris 195)
  • Guillaume Voisine: « Le contraste de l’éternité » (Bizarro, La Maison des viscères)

 Prix Aurora-Boréal • Best related work

Best literary criticism, review, book review, critical works, scenario anthology or collection of science fiction, fantasy or fantasy published in French in 2015 by a Canadian.

  • Pierre-Alexandre Bonin : Article « Je me souviens : modalités de la mémoire artificielle chez Isaac Asimov et Philippe K. Dick » (Solaris 196)
  • Brins d’éternité : Revue, ed. Ariane Gélinas, Alamo St-Jean et Guillaume Voisine
  • Pierre-Luc Lafrance : Recueil L’arracheur de rêves (Les Six Brumes)
  • Solaris : Revue, ed. Joël Champetier
  • Mario Tessier : Chronique « Les Carnets du Futurible » (Solaris 193-196)

Prix Boréal • Audiovisual Artistic Creation

Open to cartoonists, illustrators, painters, sculptors, film-makers, animation directors, and musicians whose work falls in all or part of the science fiction or fantasy genre. There will be only one entry per artist. The award is for the body of work of the year 2015.

  • Grégory Fromenteau : Couvertures, Le Jeu du Démiurge, Les Marches de la Lune morte, etc.
  • Marie-Claude Landry [Mary Khaos] : Couvertures, Quand s’éteindra la dernière chandelle, Écorché, Bizarro, etc.
  • Érick Lefebvre : Couverture, Clair/Obscur 13, illustrations, Brins d’éternité 40-41, etc.
  • Émilie Léger : Couvertures, Brins d’éternité 40, Solaris 195; illustrations, Solaris 196, etc.
  • Laurine Spehner : Couverture, La Grande Mort de mononc’ Morbide, illustrations, Solaris 193-194, 196, etc.

Prix Boréal • Fan Creations

Non-professional contributions to enrichment the genre that can not be classified in the above categories are eligible. Includes, fanzines, webzines and blogs. A webzine or blog must have published during 2015 a minimum of 10 issues and deal with science fiction, or fantasy, provided that it is not only devoted to self-promotional ads.

The Prix Aurora-Boréal (Awards) were presented at the Congrès Boréal May 22, 2016.

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CSFFA announces Aurora voting details

We are pleased to announce that the ballot for the 2016 Aurora Awards for best works and activities done by Canadians in 2015 is available.  There are eight categories for professional works and three for fan activities and work.

The voter’s package will be available later in April but voting for this year’s awards will not begin until June 15th. CSFFA (Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association) members have until Midnight, EDT on July 23rd to cast their ballots. Membership is open to all Canadians and Landed Immigrants.

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For the list of this year’s finalists for the Aurora awards go to our website at:

Congratulations, Keith and Cathy!

Aurora Nominees

Keith Braithwaite has been nominated for his cover of WARP 93, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for editing WARPs90-93.

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And WARP 90 from here:

Keith’s Monet, cover of WARP 93, is here:

Two MonSFFen on Aurora Ballot

No, this is not an April Fools Joke. Two members of MonSFFA appear on the Aurora Ballot.

( OK, the first category might be a joke. )

Best Canadian Squirrel in a book, story or poem

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  • Squirrelly McSquirrelface in, An Icebreaker goes North, Nuts Are Us books
  • Fuzzy Nutcracker in, The Galactic Safe, In Trees Publishing
  • Digger Moreholes in, “A Tail of Nuts”, Rodent Magazine, issue 341
  • Zippy Treeclimber in, “The Maze of Nuts”, Squirrel Poets, issue 1
  • Warhammer Graytail in, A Song of Oaks and Pine, Random Tree Press

We are proud to announce this special new category.  Stay tuned for more details.

2016 Aurora Award Ballot

We are pleased to announce the finalists for the 2016 Aurora Awards for best works and activities done by Canadians in 2015.  The first eight categories are for professional works.  Voting for this year’s awards will begin on June 15th.  CSFFA (Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association) members have until Midnight, EDT on July 23rd to cast their ballots.  The voter’s package will be available later in April.  Membership is open to all Canadians and Landed Immigrants.

The awards will be given out at Canvention 36, hosted by When Words Collide in Calgary, Alberta on the weekend of August 12-14th.  Full details about CSFFA, the awards and voting can be found at

Best English Novel

  • Cursed: Black Swan by Ryan T. McFadden, Dragon Moon Press
  • A Daughter of No Nation by A.M. Dellamonica, Tor Books
  • Drowning in Amber by E.C. Bell, Tyche Books
  • Much Ado about Macbeth by Randy McCharles, Tyche Books
  • Signal to Noise by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Solaris
  • Too Far Gone by Chadwick Ginther, Ravenstone Books

Best English Young Adult Novel

  • The Flame in the Maze by Caitlin Sweet, ChiZine Publications
  • The Fountain by Suzy Vadori, Evil Alter Ego Press
  • An Inheritance of Ashes by Leah Bobet, Scholastic Canada/Clarion Books US
  • Mabel the Mafioso Dwarf by Sherry Peters, Dwarvenamazon
  • Maddie Hatter and the Deadly Diamond by Jayne Barnard, Tyche Books

Best English Short Fiction

  •  “Cosmobotica” by Costi Gurgu & Tony Pi, Running Press
  • “Game Not Over” by Ron Friedman, Galaxy’s Edge, January
  • “La Héron” by Charlotte Ashley, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April 2015
  • “Looking for Gordo” by Robert J. Sawyer, Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft
  • “Super Frenemies” by Stephen Kotowych, Caped: An Anthology of Superhero Tales, Local Hero Press
  • “Waters of Versailles” by Kelly Robson,

Best English Poem/Song

  •  “Elegy for WLC” by David Clink, The Dalhousie Review
  • Origami Crane / Light Defying Spaceship” by Naru Dames Sundar, Liminality, Issue 5 Autumn
  • Portrait” by David Clink, On Spec Winter/Spring
  • Typhon & Echidna: A Love Story” by Sandra Kasturi, Gods, Memes and Monsters: A 21st Century Bestiary
  • Venice Letting Go” by Sandra Kasturi, If the World were to Stop Spinning (Chapbook)

Best English Graphic Novel

  • Bloodsuckers written by J.M. Frey, illustrated by Ryan Cole; Toronto Comics, Vol 2 (ed. Steven Andrews)
  • Crash and Burn: Prologue by Kate Larking & Finn Lucullan, Astres Press
  • Infinitum by GMB Chomichuk, ChiZine Publications
  • The Lady ParaNorma by Vincent Marcone, ChiZine Publications
  • West of Bathurst: The Complete Collection by Kari Maaren

Best English Related Work

  • Licence Expired: The Unauthorized James Bond edited by Madeline Ashby and David Nickle, ChiZine Publications
  • nEvermore! Tales of Murder, Mystery & the Macabre edited by Nancy Kilpatrick and Caro Soles, EDGE
  • Playground of Lost Toys edited by Colleen Anderson and Ursula Pflug, Exile Editions
  • Professor Challenger: New Worlds, Lost Places edited by J R Campbell and Charles Prepolec, EDGE
  • Second Contacts edited by Michael Rimar & Hayden Trenholm, Bundoran Press

Best Visual Presentation

  • Bitten, Season 2, Daegan Fryklind, No Equal/eOne/Hoodwink
  • Continuum, Season 4, Simon Barry, Reunion Pictures
  • Dark Matter, Season 1, Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie, Prodigy Pictures
  • Killjoys, Season 1, Michelle Lovretta, Temple Street Productions
  • Orphan Black, Season 3, John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, Temple Street Productions

Best Artist

  • James Beveridge, covers and poster art
  • Erik Mohr, covers for ChiZine Publications
  • Jeff Minkevics, covers for Five Rivers Press
  • Dan O’Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press
  • Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, body of work: Robot sculptures made from upcycled metal objects

Best Fan Publication

  • Broken Toys edited by Taral Wayne
  • Ecdysis edited by Jonathan Crowe
  • The Page of Reviews edited by Adam Shaftoe-Durrant
  • Speculating Canada edited by Derek Newman-Stille
  • WARP, issues 90-93 edited by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Best Fan Organizational

  • Samantha Beiko and Chadwick Ginther, Chair, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Winnipeg
  • Derek Künsken and Marie Bilodeau, Executive, Can*Con 2015, Ottawa
  • Randy McCharles, Chair, When Words Collide, Calgary
  • Matt Moore, Marie Bilodeau and Nicole Lavigne, Co-chairs, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Ottawa
  • Alana Otis and Paul Roberts, Co-chairs, Ad Astra 34 Convention, Toronto

Best Fan Related Work

  • Morva Bowman and Alan Pollard, Halsway Con Concert, Somerset, UK
  • Keith Braithwaite, The Doctor and his Companion, Montreal Science Fiction & Fantasy Association (WARP)
  • Steve Fahnestalk, weekly column in Amazing Stories Magazine
  • Kari Maaren, Everbody Hates Elves (album), Bandcamp and CD
  • Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating, Canada on Trent Radio 92.7 FM

Note: No award will be given out for the Best Music category this year due to insufficient eligible nominees.  Eligible nominees were incorporated into the Best Fan Related Work.

CSFFA announces Aurora short list

We are pleased to announce the nominees for the 2016 Aurora Awards for best works and activities done by Canadians in 2015. The first eight categories are for professional works. Voting for this year’s awards will begin on June 15th. CSFFA (Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association) members have until Midnight, EDT on July 23rd to cast their ballots. The voter’s package will be available later in April. Membership is open to all Canadians and Landed Immigrants.

The awards will be given out at Canvention 36, hosted by When Words Collide in Calgary, Alberta on the weekend of August 12-14th. Full details about CSFFA, the awards and voting can be found at

Best English Novel

Cursed: Black Swan by Ryan T. McFadden, Dragon Moon Press
A Daughter of No Nation by A.M. Dellamonica, Tor Books
Drowning in Amber by E.C. Bell, Tyche Books
Much Ado about Macbeth by Randy McCharles, Tyche Books
Signal to Noise by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Solaris
Too Far Gone by Chadwick Ginther, Ravenstone Books

Best English Young Adult Novel

The Flame in the Maze by Caitlin Sweet, ChiZine Publications
The Fountain by Suzy Vadori, Evil Alter Ego Press
An Inheritance of Ashes by Leah Bobet, Scholastic Canada/Clarion Books US
Mabel the Mafioso Dwarf by Sherry Peters, Dwarvenamazon
Maddie Hatter and the Deadly Diamond by Jayne Barnard, Tyche Books

Best English Short Fiction

“Cosmobotica” by Costi Gurgu & Tony Pi, Running Press
“Game Not Over” by Ron Friedman, Galaxy’s Edge, January
“La Héron” by Charlotte Ashley, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April 2015
“Looking for Gordo” by Robert J. Sawyer, Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft
“Super Frenemies” by Stephen Kotowych, Caped: An Anthology of Superhero Tales, Local Hero Press
“Waters of Versailles” by Kelly Robson,

Best English Poem/Song

“Elegy for WLC” by David Clink, The Dalhousie Review
“Origami Crane / Light Defying Spaceship” by Naru Dames Sundar, Liminality, Issue 5 Autumn
“Portrait” by David Clink, On Spec Winter/Spring
“Typhon & Echidna: A Love Story” by Sandra Kasturi, Gods, Memes and Monsters: A 21st Century Bestiary
“Venice Letting Go” by Sandra Kasturi, If the World were to Stop Spinning (Chapbook)

Best English Graphic Novel

Bloodsuckers written by J.M. Frey, illustrated by Ryan Cole; Toronto Comics, Vol 2 (ed. Steven Andrews)
Crash and Burn: Prologue by Kate Larking & Finn Lucullan, Astres Press
Infinitum by GMB Chomichuk, ChiZine Publications
The Lady ParaNorma by Vincent Marcone, ChiZine Publications
West of Bathurst: The Complete Collection by Kari Maaren

Best English Related Work

The remedy frees it for supple blood muscles in the penile area of men. cialis uk viagra uk You’ll be able to repeat the teachings if you’re not among those males who can’t give their greatest on bed due to sexual dysfunction, then you’re indeed lucky in that aspect. Erectile dysfunction or impotence is basically something that does not take place then the man faces erectile dysfunction, he has problems in erection and having a satisfied intercourse. cipla cialis online Due to which, it helps to reduce the chances viagra online of dandruff. Licence Expired: The Unauthorized James Bond edited by Madeline Ashby and David Nickle, ChiZine Publications
nEvermore! Tales of Murder, Mystery & the Macabre edited by Nancy Kilpatrick and Caro Soles, EDGE
Playground of Lost Toys edited by Colleen Anderson and Ursula Pflug, Exile Editions
Professor Challenger: New Worlds, Lost Places edited by J R Campbell and Charles Prepolec, EDGE
Second Contacts edited by Michael Rimar & Hayden Trenholm, Bundoran Press

Best Visual Presentation

Bitten, Season 2, Daegan Fryklind, No Equal/eOne/Hoodwink
Continuum, Season 4, Simon Barry, Reunion Pictures
Dark Matter, Season 1, Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie, Prodigy Pictures
Killjoys, Season 1, Michelle Lovretta, Temple Street Productions
Orphan Black, Season 3, John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, Temple Street Productions

Best Artist

James Beveridge, covers and poster art
Erik Mohr, covers for ChiZine Publications
Jeff Minkevics, covers for Five Rivers Press
Dan O’Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press
Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, body of work: Robot sculptures made from upcycled metal objects

Best Fan Publication

Broken Toys edited by Taral Wayne
Ecdysis edited by Jonathan Crowe
The Page of Reviews edited by Adam Shaftoe-Durrant
Speculating Canada edited by Derek Newman-Stille
WARP, issues 90-93 edited by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Best Fan Organizational

Samantha Beiko and Chadwick Ginther, Chair, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Winnipeg
Derek Künsken and Marie Bilodeau, Executive, Can*Con 2015, Ottawa
Randy McCharles, Chair, When Words Collide, Calgary
Matt Moore, Marie Bilodeau and Nicole Lavigne, Co-chairs, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Ottawa
Alana Otis and Paul Roberts, Co-chairs, Ad Astra 34 Convention, Toronto

Best Fan Related Work

Morva Bowman and Alan Pollard, Halsway Con Concert, Somerset, UK
Keith Braithwaite, The Doctor and his Companion, Montreal Science Fiction & Fantasy Association (WARP)
Steve Fahnestalk, weekly column in Amazing Stories Magazine
Kari Maaren, Everbody Hates Elves (album), Bandcamp and CD
Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating, Canada on Trent Radio 92.7 FM

Note: No award will be given out for the Best Music category this year due to insufficient eligible nominees. Eligible nominees were incorporated into the Best Fan Related Work.

Local Sensors Detect…Aurora Award News

For more on CSFFA & the Aurora Awards, and lots more news, download AURORAN LIGHTS The Official E-zine of the Canadian Science Fiction & Fantasy Association, Dedicated to Promoting the Prix Aurora Awards and the Canadian SF&F Genre, (Issue # 18 – Marcb 2016)

(It’s got a really, really! nice cover for March!) 

Stuff you really need to know now:

Aurora Boréal

The French language Aurora Boréal awards will be handed out at the Boréal Convention (Congrès Boréal) in Mont-Laurier, Quebec on the weekend of May 20-22, 2016. For details see: Congrès Boréal


– March 19 – Aurora Nominations close.
– April 1 – Aurora Shortlist Ballot announced.
– June 15 – Aurora Awards Voting begins.
– July 1 – Nominations for Hall of Fame close.
– July 23 – Aurora Awards Voting closes. Hall of Fame decision.
– August 12 – Canvention at When Words Collide.
The penile muscles relax and arteries dilate to fill the penis with blood tissue, which can only come from training with a top professional. find out address buy viagra pill Generally, people with levitra buy generic such health problems are advised to refrain from taking this supplement. Impotence condition often has a negative impact on love life and enhance it with viagra uk online You realize as you age that it becomes harder to maintain the spice in your life and important relationships of the majority of males afflicted with this issue, viagra , the latest medicine within this field is the most powerful and most reliable one with its potential to provide sustained. You can enroll in online driving shop levitra courses and learn to drive easily and conveniently, and become good drivers. – August 13 – Aurora Awards Ceremony at Canvention.
– August 14 – Canvention A.G.M.

Prix Aurora Awards

Only a few days before Spring arrives. Oh, and that also means the close of this year’s Aurora Award nomination period. Yes, you must have your nominations in by Midnight, EDT this Saturday, March 19th. If you are in BC it means by 9pm, Alberta by 10pm and in Halifax by 1am (Sunday).

If you need any help don’t forget that we have a fairly good list of what is eligible for this year’s awards. If you don’t see something you know was done in 2015 either add it to the list or nominate it and we will make sure it gets there. (

Remember, all nominated works must have been originally published or done in 2015. We request that you nominate what you know and enjoyed.

Clifford Samuels
Aurora Awards administrator

Eligibility lists for the Aurora Award

The Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy association which presents the Prix Aurora Awards has just announced the opening of the eligibility lists for works published in 2015.

You do not have to be a member to add items to the lists, which can be consulted here.  You will notice a new category: best dramatic presentation. The eligibility requirements are here.

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Several members of MonSFFA fit the eligibility requirement in various categories, I hope you will consider adding them to the lists and then if you think the members deserving, nominate them.

Prix Aurora Prize winners

The 2015 Prix Aurora Awards were presented November 22 at Canvention 35, hosted by SFContario 6 in Toronto.

Best English Novel

  •  A Play of Shadow by Julie E. Czerneda, DAW Books

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Best English YA Novel


  • Lockstep by Karl Schroeder, Tor Books
  • Out of This World by Charles de Lint, Razorbill Canada

Best English Short Fiction

  • “Crimson Sky” by Eric Choi, Analog, July/August

Best English Poem/Song

  • “A Hex, With Bees” by Tony Pi, Wrestling With Gods: Tesseracts Eighteen, EDGE

Best English Graphic Novel

  • It Never Rains by Kari Maaren, Webcomic

Best English Related Work

  • On Spec published by the Copper Pig Writers’ Society

Best Artist

  • Dan O’ Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press and On Spec magazine

Best Fan Publication

  • Speculating Canada edited by Derek Newman-Stille

Best Fan Music

  • Kari Maaren, YouTube Channel

Best Fan Organizational

  • Sandra Kasturi, Chair, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Toronto

Best Fan Related Work

  • Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating Canada on Trent Radio 92.7 FM

The voting statistics [PDF file] are available. A total of 173 ballots were cast.

The Aurora Awards

Voting for the awards  closes at Midnight (end of day) EDT on October 17, 2015.

The awards will be presented at  SFContario 6 / Canvention 35 on the weekend of November 20-22, 2015.

Best Novel – English

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Echopraxia by Peter Watts, Tor Books
The Future Falls
by Tanya Huff, DAW Books
My Real Children by Jo Walton, Tor Books
The Peripheral by William Gibson, Penguin Books
A Play of Shadow by Julie E. Czerneda, DAW Books

Best Young Adult Novel – English

Lockstep by Karl Schroeder, Tor Books
Mabel the Lovelorn Dwarf by Sherry Peters, Dwarvenamazon
Out of This World by Charles de Lint, Razorbill Canada
Rain by Amanda Sun, Harlequin TEEN
Twist of the Blade by Edward Willett, Coteau Books
Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong, Doubleday Canada
The Voices in Between by Charlene Challenger, Tightrope Books

Click here to see the rest of the ballot

If you are wondering what is in this year’s package go here.

To download the voter’s package log into your account and go here or go to the link on the Aurora Awards dropdown menu item on the main page.  You must be a paid member to access it, but it’s a steal @ 10$. Click here to join.

When you are ready to vote just log into your account, pay if you have not already done so, and then click here .