Category Archives: Space Travel / Exploration

DC-X: The NASA rocket that inspired SpaceX and Blue Origin

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DC-X: The NASA rocket that inspired SpaceX and Blue Origin

The rocket looked like it was out of a science fiction movie. A gleaming white pyramid resting on four spindly legs, the experimental craft was NASA’s ticket into a new era of space exploration.
The first flight of the second version of the Delta Clipper, the DC-XA, at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. NASA
The rocket looked like it was out of a science fiction movie. A gleaming white pyramid resting on four spindly legs, the experimental craft was NASA’s ticket into a new era of space exploration.

With a series of built-in rockets on its underside, the ship could rise from the ground and touch back down again vertically — the first of its kind.

The Delta Clipper Experimental, or DC-X, could have formed the basis for a new generation of spacecraft. Indeed, a string of successful tests in the desert during the mid-1990s bore that promise out, hinting at future missions to low-Earth orbit and even the Moon.

Today, spaceflight companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are flying rockets based on the same vertical launch and landing concept that DC-X pioneered. The ability to reuse rockets in this way, rather than have them crash into the ocean, promises to bring costs down exponentially.

But almost 25 years ago, that dream of reusable spacecraft seemed quite far away. The DC-X, NASA’s futuristic spacecraft, ended its life in a fiery explosion on the launchpad.

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Postage Stamps to honour the Apollo Mission to the Moon


Apollo 11 stamps celebrate first moon landing – and the significant Canadian contributions to the mission

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LONGUEUIL, QUE. –June 27, 2019

Canada Post today issued two commemorative stamps celebrating the 50th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 mission that landed humans on the moon for the first time – and the Canadians who helped make it possible.

On July 20, 1969, more than half a billion people around the world were transfixed by grainy black and white television footage of astronaut Neil Armstrong taking humankind’s first steps on the moon. The mission was a giant leap for human space exploration and featured significant Canadian ingenuity and innovation. Canadian engineers working at NASA, and a company based in Longueuil, Quebec, that built part of the lunar lander, were instrumental in making the mission a success.

READ MORE about the Canadian legs on the moon!


The U.S. Postal Service is Issuing First Moon Landing Forever Stamps

The first day of issue event for the stamps is free and open to the public with paid admission to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex (KSCVC), on Friday, July 19, 2019, at 11 a.m. EDT at the Apollo Saturn V Center (requiring bus transport from the KSCVC), at Space Commerce Way, Merritt Island, Florida. Later in the day, Kennedy Space Center will also serve as one of several remote locations for a live NASA TV broadcast, as we celebrate the historic accomplishments of the Apollo Mission and anticipate NASA’s return to the Moon in 2024.

For an in-depth look at NASA’s historic Apollo Program, including historic footage, audio tapes, and photography; publicly available posters and resources; and information on Apollo Anniversary celebration events across the country:

The U.S. Postal Service is sharing for 1969: First Moon Landing stamp news with the hashtags #MoonLandingStamps and #AstronautStamps.


Anniversary of the Moon Landing

On the 20th of July, MonSFFA will be celebrating the anniversary of the moon landing fifty years ago! Here are some interesting sites to explore.

The Canadian Mint: Two new coins released, one in pure gold, the other in pure silver.

” While the United States launched and landed the spacecraft, Canadians also have every reason to celebrate. In fact, many don’t know that the landing gear for the Apollo 11 Lunar Module was designed by the Canadian company, Héroux-Devtek. Technically, Canadian technology was the first object of Apollo 11’s mission to touch the Moon! “

NASA Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Historic Moon Landing with Live TV Broadcast, Events

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Apollo 50th Logo full color at 300 DPI
Credits: NASA

NASA will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 Moon mission and look to the future of exploration on the Moon and Mars with a live, two-hour television broadcast Friday, July 19, and partner-led events taking place across the country from July 16 through July 20.  List of special events includes a reunion of Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins at the historic launch pad where Apollo 11 began its mission. READ ALL ABOUT events around the country.

To the Moon in 11 years: A photographic timeline of Apollo

In just over a decade, NASA’s Apollo program overcame tragedy and pioneered new technologies to reach the Moon.


A real-time journey through the first landing on the Moon:  This website consists entirely of original historical mission material.

Included real-time elements:

  • All mission control film footage
  • All TV transmissions and onboard film footage
  • 2,000 photographs
  • 11,000 hours of Mission Control audio
  • 240 hours of space-to-ground audio
  • All onboard recorder audio
  • 15,000 searchable utterances
  • Post-mission commentary
  • Astromaterials sample data

Lunar tales: The first (imaginative) Moon landings

Although humans didn’t really reach the Moon until a half century ago, we’ve ventured there in our minds for millennia.
This iconic shot from the 1902 film A Trip to the Moon shows the fabled Man in the Moon embedded with a massive, bullet-like spacecraft that was launched from Earth by a giant cannon.
It’s been 50 years since humans first landed on the Moon. But for how long have we rehearsed those first steps in our imaginations? This we do know: We’ve been telling each other tales about our Moon-landing dreams for nearly 2,000 years.
Nearly 2,000 years ago, Lucian of Samosata wrote a tale about a boat that was blasted all the way to the Moon by a powerful waterspout.
Ruth Cobb from Chatterbox Children’s Annual, 1926 (Image from Lady Meerkat)
The earliest known written story about people traveling to the Moon was by Lucian of Samosata, a Syrian-Greek writer born around 125 AD. His travels throughout the Mediterranean world were the basis for the fictional tales in his True Stories, an often bawdy satire of Homer’s revered epic the Odyssey.

One such story tells of the journey Lucian and 50 companions take on a boat carried to the Moon by a giant waterspout. When they arrive on the lunar surface, they’re greeted by a race of three-headed vultures and soon find themselves in the middle of a war with another species. Eventually they make their way back to Earth and experience more fantastic adventures. Lucian’s lunar tale is the earliest known piece of fiction that depicts space travel, a Moon landing, aliens, and interplanetary war.

Some 15 centuries later, three people changed our view of our place in the universe forever. Nicolas Copernicus published his heliocentric theory of the universe, which replaced the Earth with the Sun at the center of the solar system; Galileo Galilei spotted sunspots, the phases of Venus, and moons circling Jupiter; and Johannes Kepler showed us that the planets circle the Sun in ellipses.

But Kepler also wrote a novel about landing on the Moon. Entitled Somnium (A Dream), he began writing it when he was still a teenager. Although it took him about two decades to complete, he eventually finished it in 1608. However, it wasn’t published until 1634 — four years after his death.  Continue reading ! More great tales that led the way to the future!

We are dedicating our July meeting to the moon landing–July 20th–the anniversary of the landing!  –CPL

Never-before-seen footage of Apollo mission has marvellous, quiet moments

NEON/CNN FILMSTodd Douglas Miller hit the jackpot when he found footage of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon.

My favourite image from this big-screen moon-landing documentary was one I, an avowed space enthusiast, had never seen. It’s footage from the crowd on the Florida coast, gathered on July 16, 1969, to watch the launch of Apollo 11. A woman gazes up, and in her glasses is reflected a bright new transitory star, rising, rising, rising. And then gone.

Everyone knows about the voyage of Apollo 11. You might have seen Ryan Gosling in First Man, the Neil Armstrong biopic that won an Oscar for visual effects. You may recall 2007’s In the Shadow of the Moon, which featured interviews with most of the lunar voyagers, or the 2005 Imax 3D film Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon.

But you haven’t seen it like this. Director Todd Douglas Miller chanced upon a cache of large-format footage, never before seen, and a separate collection of 11,000 hours of audio recordings capturing the voices of individual mission control personnel. So there are sights and sounds guaranteed to be new.

And while the heart-pounding launch footage is incredible, there are marvellous, much quieter moments to savour: Collins adjusting his skullcap and microphone before suiting up for the launch; a glimpse of science-fiction author Isaac Asimov strolling through the crowd on launch day; a three-and-a-half-minute single shot of the view from the Eagle lander as it descended from 13 kilometres to a feather-soft landing in the Sea of Tranquility.

And we hear Mother Country, a Johnny Cash-esque ballad sung by folk artist John Stewart, on Buzz Aldrin’s tape player on the way to the moon. (No road trip or space trip is complete without a mix tape.) Miller lets it play in the original tinny NASA audio recording before letting it build into a kind of soundtrack for the film and the landing: “They were just a lot of people doing the best they could … and the people cheered. Why, I even saw a grown man break right down and cry.”

You may get a catch in your throat watching the mission, a historical event almost 50 years old, but so vibrant it might have been shot yesterday. Miller doesn’t bother with onscreen explanations (except countdown clocks) or modern interviews. He just lights the fuse and lets us hang on for the ride of a lifetime.

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Elon Musk shows off SpaceX’s Tintin inspired ‘Starship’

Elon Musk’s rocket design is being mocked for looking like TinTin’s rocket, but according to Musk this similarity is deliberate.

“If in doubt,” Musk added. “Go with Tintin.”

The new design of the “Big Falcon Rocket” is now being called a “Spaceship Hopper” and is not intended to actually go orbital.

“This is for suborbital VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) tests,” Musk tweeted. “Orbital version is taller, has thicker skins (won’t wrinkle) & a smoothly curving nose section.”

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Snitched from the Telegraph:

It may look like something straight out of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century or Tintin’s Destination Moon but, according to Elon Musk, the pictures he tweeted of his latest SpaceX creation are very much real.

Musk, the CEO of SpaceX and electric car-maker Tesla, revealed that assembly of the ‘Starship Hopper’ test-flight rocket was complete and that the pictures of the shimmering, stainless steel construction were ‘not a rendering’.

The Tintin comparison is not an accident. In September of last year, SpaceX revealed the new design of the ‘Big Falcon Rocket’, now simply know as ‘Starship’, saying “I love the Tintin rocket design, so I kind of wanted to bias it towards that.”

“If in doubt,” Musk added. “Go with Tintin.”

True to his word, the 120-foot-tall hopper is a tubular, pointy-topped rocket with three rear ‘fins’ that serve as landing pads. It is an important building block of the controversial entrepreneur’s grand plan to land on and eventually colonise Mars, but this version of the Starship Hopper is not yet ready for space flight.

“This is for suborbital VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) tests,” Musk tweeted. “Orbital version is taller, has thicker skins (won’t wrinkle) & a smoothly curving nose section.”

This is snitched from the Sun:


Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques joins crew at space station

Saint-Jacques, 2 other astronauts take part in 1st manned voyage to ISS since rocket accident

The six-member Expedition 57 crew, from left: Serena Aunon-Chancellor, David Saint-Jacques, Alexander Gerst, Oleg Kononenko, Anne McClain and Sergey Prokopyev gather for a portrait. (NASA)

Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques and two international colleagues joined the crew at the International Space Station on Monday following a successful launch aboard a Soyuz rocket earlier in the day.

CBC News
Soyuz rocket launches in Kazakhstan

Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques lifts off with two other crew members bound for the International Space Station on Monday. 0:54

Saint-Jacques, 48, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko and American astronaut Anne McClain are on a mission that is scheduled to last 6½​ months.

The trio entered the International Space Station after spending nearly eight hours in their tiny capsule.



SpaceX completes launch and landing double bill

US rocket company SpaceX completed back-to-back launches at the weekend.

Late on Friday, it used one of its refurbished Falcon 9 vehicles to put up a Bulgarian satellite from Florida.

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