Category Archives: Fandom

Protests at World Con San Jose

In a way I am glad I cannot attend World Con this year. It’s sad that we SFF fans are suddenly a lodestone for loons.  Just when we have shaken off the puppies, we get Jon Del Arroz. Let’s hope he cannot afford to go to Dublin next year.

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Ad Astra this weekend!

If you are missing Con*Cept, you should try Ad Astra.

The weekend includes discussion panels and presentations on a variety of topics including writing, publishing, TV and movies, science and costuming, as well as events including book signings, a meet and greet with our Guests, writing workshops, our Masquerade costume competition, book launches, a Saturday night dance, live music, and The Tesla Tea Service, our charity event hosted by the Toronto Steampunk Society, and many more.

I noticed that former MonSFFan Graham Darling will be there! he starred in the MonSFFilm production Plant 9 from Outer Space.

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Graham J. Darling of Vancouver BC writes diamond-hard Science Fiction, mythopoeic Fantasy and unearthly Horror, and singular hybrids thereof, out now or soon in Sword & Mythos, Pulp Literature, Sensory Perceptions and Great Jones Street ( As Graham D. Darling PhD, he’s a consulting chemist who makes molecules such as the universe has never seen, with a dozen patents and over 30 articles in refereed journals; as Doctor Carus, he’s an alchemist who demonstrates medieval science & technology to school kids and passers-by.

Nominations open for CUFF delegate


Full announcement at:

Nominations are now open to find a CUFF delegate for 2018. Canadian fans are looking for a fan from Eastern Canada to travel to attend VCON 42 / Canvention 38 in Vancouver this October 5th through 7th as the CUFF delegate. The delegate is welcome, even encouraged, to stay longer than just the convention and hang out with the local fans. In order to be nominated for the CUFF this year an application must be submitted by July 31, 2018 to

In exchange for funds that are likely to cover all of their costs for the trip,  the primary responsibilities of the delegate are to:

  • Attend this year’s Canvention and report back to your fellow fans on the event
  • Assist in raising funds for the next year’s delegate as they are able
  • Administer (with the assistance of a fan from the other side of the country) the process to select the next year’s fan delegate.
  • Promote Canadian genre-related media and fan activities.

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In order to be nominated for the CUFF this year an application must be submitted by July 31st, 2018 to The application must have a minimum of three fan supporters from the east and three in the west (six total). It should contain a letter with a brief fan-related bio and how you hope to make this trip beneficial for you and the fan community.

Voting will be open August 1st and close August 24th. This is a short voting period, but necessary to give the successful candidate enough time to work with VCON programming and to schedule their visit.

Any Canadian fan or pro may individually nominate a fan to be this year’s CUFF delegate by filling out the form.

If you (the nominator) are not likely to be known to the current fund administrator (Kent Pollard) please indicate the name and contact info for a fan who is likely to be well known and can confirm you are an active fan, or links to information that will make your involvement in fandom clear. The same process will hold true for voting.

Voting, when open will be permitted by anyone who has been active in Canadian fandom for two years prior to the Canvention, (for this year, October of 2016) or anyone who has a membership to VCON 42. Voters are requested to make a donation to the fund of at least $5.00

CUFF is donation supported and provides for covering expenses for a Canadian science fiction and/or fantasy enthusiast to attend CanVention on the opposite side of the country. CanVention is the annual convention of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association, which traditionally alternates between Eastern and Western Canada.

VCON 42 will take place at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel October 5th through 8th, based around a theme of how Douglas Adams and the British Invasion affected Canadian Fandom. It features the following Guests of Honour:

Author GOH: Charles Stross

VCON Artist GoH: Ashley Mackenzie

Canvention GoH: Amal El-Mohtar

More Information about VCON 42 / Canvention 38,

Kent Pollard

SMOFCon 36: Scholarships available

CanSMOF Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of up to three scholarships for convention runners to be used towards the cost of attending SMOFCon 36, to be held in Santa Rosa, CA, November 30th to December 2nd, 2018. SMOFCon is the annual convention about organizing Science Fiction conventions.

The first Scholarship of up to 500 CAD is open to a Canadian citizen
or resident involved in running conventions with a preference for
those who have not previously attended a SMOFCon.

The second scholarship of up to 1000 CAD is open to anyone not
residing in North America*, involved in running conventions with a
preference for those who have not previously attended a SMOFCon.

The third scholarship of up to 500 CAD is open to anyone involved in
running conventions, regardless of their place of residence with a
preference for those who have not previously attended a SMOFCon.

Applicants will automatically be considered for any and all
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necessary to be an applicant. The submission deadline is September
9th, 2018, 23:59 SST (UTC-11). We reserve the right to not award any or all scholarships. Any questions should be directed to

To apply for a scholarship, simply follow this link:

More information on Smofcon 36 may be found at:

General information about Smofcons, including a list of past Smofcons may be found at:

*North America being defined as Canada, Mexico, the United States of America, the islands of the Caribbean, St. Pierre et Miquelon,
Bermuda, and the Bahamas.

2020 Worldcon and 2019 NASFiC Bids

2020 Worldcon and 2019 NASFiC BidFiling Documents Online

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Kevin Standlee of Worldcon 76 announced they have posted filing documents accepted from two bids for events to be awarded by this year’s site selection voters.

The New Zealand bid proposes to hold the Worldcon in Wellington from August 12-16, 2020.

2020 Worldcon

New Zealand in 2020

The 2019 NASFiC bid proposes to hold the convention in Layton, Utah from July 4-7, 2019, simultaneously with the Westercon.

2019 NASFiC

Utah for 2019

The Futuristicostume” worn by Forry Ackerman at the first Worldcon

ORIGIN STORY. The International Costumers Guild revisits “The Futuristicostume” worn by Forry Ackerman at the first Worldcon in 1939.

We started our research by going back to the beginning, back to the first convention costumers Forrest J Ackerman and Myrtle Douglas.

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We now know his “futuristicostume” still partially exists. Most of the cape probably has not survived, but the pants and shirt are in the hands of a private collector. The shirt appears to be pale gold. As you can tell even in the black and white photos on line, the pants are most likely WWI military surplus. The most interesting story is about the cape. We found 2 references describing it as green. New photos from Ackerman’s personal collection recently came to light, so we snapped them up for the Archives. We understand that the cape he is wearing in them is a recreation, but it would appear to verify our references. However, in the book “House of Ackerman: A Photographic Tour of the Legendary Ackermansion”, by Al Astrella, James Greene and John Landis, there’s a color photo of what’s left of the cape, where it appears to be an antique gold. We are 90% certain we know the reason why. The clue was found in analyzing Myrtle’s costume…

Read more

CanSMOF scholarships awarded

CanSMOF Inc, is pleased to announce that three scholarships for the purpose of attending SMOFcon 35 in Boston have been awarded.

The first scholarship was open to a Canadian citizen or resident, the
second was open to a non-North American resident, while the third one was open to anyone involved in running conventions, regardless of their place of residence or citizenship. CanSMOF Inc. created these scholarships to allow promising convention-runners to attend the annual SMOFCon convention-runners convention.

The first scholarship was awarded to Amanda Brant of Winnipeg MB, the second one was awarded to Marcin Klak of Krakow, Poland, and the third was awarded to Nina Törnudd of Helsinki, Finland.
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CanSmof congratulates the three recipients and thanks all applicants.

SMOFCon 35 will be in Boston. MA, December 1-3, 2017.
For information about this year’s SMOFCon, see
For information about SMOFCon in general, see

Into the Unknown at the London Barbican

Into the Unknown at the London Barbican

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Twiki, menaced by Robbie in the background

By Mark Hepworth: The events that London’s premier arts venue The Barbican is currently hosting include a production of The Tempest, a viewing of a David Lynch biopic, a display of paintings on the subject of Sufism and music…and an exhibition on the history of Science Fiction. There is often a feeling of tension between SF and the artistic mainstream, be it a sense of resentment when someone like Margaret Atwood seems to try to manoeuvre away from the genre label, or slightly dismissive reviews in the ‘serious’ press. While genre barriers do seem to be falling, it’s still unusual to see SF getting such deep attention, and so I couldn’t resist the opportunity to fit in a visit to “Into the Unknown: A Journey through Science Fiction” to see how it treated its subject.

Billed as a festival-style exhibition with more than 800 works, it is scattered across several floors and areas of the Barbican. The curator is Swiss historian and writer Patrick Gyger, whose bio gives impressive credentials – he was director of the Swiss SF collection “Maison d’Ailleurs” where he opened a wing dedicated to Jules Verne, has worked with the European Space Agency, run Utopiales, and been GoH at Eurocon.

‘The Extraordinary Voyage’ itself

His exhibition begins with a walk through four loosely-themed sections, and in the first his love of Jules Verne comes through very clearly as you enter: Extraordinary Voyages begins with the early years of wonder and speculation, filling the space with models, displays, films, and books either from the early years of SF or inspired by it. It has a story to tell but doesn’t press its conclusions on you; rather it allows you to wander through and let the theme assemble itself. For example, here you can trace a line from the prehistoric creatures at the Centre Of The Earth through the modelwork of Harryhausen to portrayals of Godzilla. Finding these mini-themes among the artifacts is a voyage of discovery.


What the Fur? folds

What the Fur? held its last event last week. This was such a fun con, its members creative and bubbling with joy.  The con will be missed by the local furries and their friends.

A member has started a GoFundMe campaign to help Feli. Apparently, like so many conrunners, he has been putting his own funds into the con.

Message from the chair;

Christopher Pilgrim, August 1 at 10:13pm

Another year has come and gone. Another What The Fur has filled so many of us with joy and laughter, as well as some tears. We closed the doors to the convention and sadly, this would be the final time doing so. After 8 wonderful and amazing years, we say goodbye to the splendor that has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.

Usually, I use this closing letter as a place to speak of the year’s event. I will do a little of that. But I hope that you will read on as I say a little more this time. It is truly not easy to write any of this, but it all needs to be said.

This year, What The Fur welcomed 509 people to our humble little convention. And to be completely honest, that was a milestone that I didn’t think we would meet. 105 fursuiters participated in the parade, and there were several more wandering the halls and rooms. Too many for us to get a single group photo of this time. We were blown away. As a group, we managed to raise $930.35 for the Ecomuseum. Not as much as we have in years past but it isn’t the size of the donation that counts: it’s the intent and the meaning behind it.

Thank you. Everyone. Now to the part that will make me cry as I write it.

Continue reading What the Fur? folds

Trekkie licence plate sparks Indigenous anger

Pulled from use after Indigenous activists protest

The plate holder says, “WE ARE THE BORG” and “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.”

Is the word assimilate offensive? At issue is a legal battle that has just been launched that pits the right of a Star Trek fan to have it on his licence plate against Indigenous groups opposed to the word.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Nick Troller, a Winnipeg man whose licence plate — ASIMIL8 — was rescinded by the provincial government for being offensive to Indigenous people.

“It’s another case that pits the Charter freedom of expression against the new, phoney right not to be offended,” said JCCF President John Carpay, a former Alberta Wildrose party candidate. Carpay said he can understand why the plate might offend someone, but the word still shouldn’t be censored. “There’s a difference between words that are inherently offensive regardless of how you use them, such as vulgarities, obscenities, four-letter words, versus words like ‘war’ or ‘assimilate,’ which can have positive or negative connotations,” he said.

Troller said the licence plate is clearly a reference to the Borg, a fictional race from Star Trek that forcibly assimilates other cultures. The plate holder says, “WE ARE THE BORG” and “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.”

“The word ‘assimilate’ is just a word — it is neither good nor bad. We assimilate nutrients into our bodies in order to live,” Troller said in his affidavit.

But Indigenous activists say Canadians should do more to understand why the word could be considered offensive.

Anishinaabe Nation member and University of Manitoba assistant professor Niigaan Sinclair called free speech a “bogus argument” and said that Indigenous people are having “a very understandable reaction.”

“If Indigenous peoples feel triggered by a licence plate or a sports logo, or the name of a historical figure on a building, Canadians would be best served to listen to why Indigenous peoples are triggered, and show some care and sensitivity when they express themselves,” he said.

“You can’t just say whatever you want to say without any worries of consequence or responsibility.”

Troller used the licence plate for two years before the provincial Crown corporation rescinded it in April, following two complaints from Indigenous people.

“The Borg uses these phrases and the word ‘assimilate’ as a core part of their dialogue,” he said in his affidavit. “The meaning of the word … has not changed between the time that I obtained the plate and the time MPI ordered me to surrender it.”

Sinclair said that’s the problem. Many Canadians aren’t aware of the struggles Indigenous people have faced in the past, which protects them from considering others’ feelings, he said.

“Canadians don’t know their own past — or they only know parts of it — and they particularly have not been trained well to understand the complexities that Indigenous peoples have experienced,” he said.

The word “assimilate” is a grim reminder of past pain inflicted on Indigenous communities, said Ry Moran, director of the Winnipeg-based National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.

“For basically the entirety of this country’s history, Indigenous peoples have been forcibly assimilated through really extremely destructive means and ways,” Moran said. “Words like that, meant or not, have an actual impact on many people.”

Sinclair encouraged Canadians to reflect on whether their speech was “responsible.” “We live in a time period where we’re waking up to the violence and genocide of the past, particularly in this country, where Canadians have never had the opportunity to understand that, and Indigenous people are living in the intergenerational effects of that violence,” he said.

“It’s a very privileged position to ignore history …. Those of us in the Indigenous community, we live and breathe history every day.”

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Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association