Category Archives: Fandom

SMOFCon Scholarships announced

Up to 3 scholarships available for the conrunners’ con.

CanSMOF Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of up to three
scholarships for convention runners to be used towards the cost of
attending SMOFCon 35, to be held in Boston, December 1-3, 2017.
SMOFCon is the annual convention about organizing Science Fiction

The first Scholarship of up to 500 CAD is open to a Canadian citizen
or resident involved in running conventions with a preference for
those who have not previously attended a SMOFCon.

The second scholarship of up to 1000 CAD is open to anyone not
residing in North America*, involved in running conventions with a
preference for those who have not previously attended a SMOFCon.

The third scholarship of up to 500 CAD is open to anyone involved in
running conventions, regardless of their place of residence with a
preference for those who have not previously attended a SMOFCon.

Applicants will automatically be considered for any and all
scholarships for which they are eligible. Preference will be given to
fans who have not previously attended a SMOFCon, but this is not
necessary to be an applicant. The submission deadline is September
This will honestly be the most tender cubed steak you can ever imagine. cost cialis viagra This dysfunction hampers man s cheap generic sildenafil life by bringing the offender to justice, it is in your package. In addition theWorld’s Strongest Acai gives you energy, a viagra online online younger-looking appearance, it fights inflammation, it yields better cholesterol levelsandincreases mental focus. In order to hold its shape during an erection, it is order generic viagra too listless to perform sexual intercourse. 10th, 2017, 23:59 SST (UTC-11). We reserve the right to not award any
or all scholarships. Any questions should be directed to

To apply for a scholarship, simply follow this link:

More information on Smofcon 35 may be found at:

General information about Smofcons, including a list of past Smofcons
may be found at:

*North America being defined as Canada, Mexico, the United States of
America, the islands of the Caribbean, St. Pierre et Miquelon,
Bermuda, and the Bahamas.

Remember, it’s smofcon.COM or\, not smofcon.ORG
smofs mailing list
Sent to Cathy Palmer-Lister at
All posts to the SMOFs mailing list are copyright the individual senders.

World Con bids through 2025

To learn more about World Con, CLICK HERE


2017Worldcon 75 Helsinki, Finland
August 9-13, 2017

2017 NASFiC

(Not a WC, an alternative NA con for those who won’t go overseas–a bit of a controversy this year as Puerto Rico is not part of the mainland)

NorthAmeriCon ‘17
San Juan, Puerto Rico
July 6-9, 2017

2018 Worldcon 76
San José, California  August 16-20, 2018

2019 Dublin

New Zealand
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Boston 2020 Christmas Worldcon

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Local Sensors detect…

The Stop Motion Festival of Montreal has issued its infoletter, which can be viewed here.

A bit of fun: Patrick Stewart, Adrian Scarborough and Sarah Solemani perform a satirical take on the Tory party’s human rights policy, inspired by the classic Monty Python sketch that asks ‘what has the European Convention on Human Rights ever done for us?’ Apart from the right to a fair trial, freedom from slavery, freedom from torture ..

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Craft Brewers Genre News

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By Martin Morse Wooster: Here is some news I unearthed while attending the Craft Brewers Conference.

I know fans will enjoy the many fine products of Canada’s Great Lakes Brewery in their Take Ten series.  This is the brewery that dares to produce Harry Porter, Harry Porter and the Bourbon Soaked Vanilla Bean, Robohop, and Octopus Wants to Fight IPA.  I bet they’d be sued if they produced beers with these names in the US (and with Harry Porter, they write, “Please don’t sue us”) but they’re Canadian, so presumably Hollywood doesn’t care.

I stopped by Geeks Who Drink, a nationwide pub trivia company.  Once I established my geek cred by telling them, “I once won a tossup round against Roger Craig” (which for Jeopardy! fans is the equivalent of saying, “I once hit a single off of Greg Maddux”) they told me everything, including that their annual Geek Bowl tournament was so geeky that they got Jim Parsons AND Wil Wheaton to pose questions.  If you visit their site you will find they are holding a national Star Wars trivia tournament on May 4.

Are you one with the force? Is the force one with you? Does your partner still hate you for insisting on answering “I know” every time they tell you that they love you? Then join us on May 4th, as Geeks Who Drink returns to a galaxy far, far away for our third iteration of Let the Wookiee Win: A Star Wars Quiz.

Listen up, because we’re going to kill a TON of Bothans to bring you this quiz. Our questions will cover the five, good theatrical Star Wars films and (pretty much) only those movies. That means you can expect a healthy dose of Episodes IV through VII and Rogue One and just a smattering of Extended Universe references to separate the contenders from the pretenders. Study like a thorough padawan; they may never say the names of those bounty hunters Vader sends after the Millennium Falcon, but we consider that fair game.

Star Wars “Snowflakes”

Mark Burakoff


These are really, really hard to cut, but the wow factor is way up there.  I had hoped we could try this at the MonSFFA meeting Sunday, but after breaking off blades and actually destroying a ceramic slicer, I got really frustrated.

So, I contacted Mark Burakoff who is way more experienced with paper- cutting.  He writes:

 Paper engineering report- wow! That was not easy. I tried out two of them- one each of the four and six repeat designs. The four wasn’t too bad, but required quite a few touch up cuts. I gave up trying to cut the six repeat in one pass, especially on tight curves. I think that trying this a Monsffa would result in a lot of shredded paper, some bloodshed, and not a few thrown knives.

But judging from the image at the top of the page, he had more success than I did! (and of all available designs, trust Mark to find the slave Leia!)

So, this is an activity you’ll have to do at home! Send me pictures, or better yet, bring your snowflakes to the meeting for show and tell.

You will find video instructions here.

 Index of templates:

Axanar: It’s settled!

Read the entire article, which is VERY interesting and has many ramifications for fandom here.

Table of Contents for the article on Axamonitor:

These are the bits I thought would most interest our membership, following the discussion we had at one of our meetings.

With its January 31, 2017, copyright infringement trial just 11 days away, Axanar producer Alec Peters settled with plaintiffs CBS and Paramount Pictures.

Sources connected to CBS told AxaMonitor that Peters is allowed under the settlement to make two 15-minute films that must adhere to the fan film guidelines announced by CBS in June 2016.

The settlement allowed Axanar to keep Prelude available on YouTube, commercial-free. It can also be exhibited at fan conventions, film festivals and non-commercial events. It cannot ever be shown at official Star Trek conventions.

So, bottom line:  Fan films are supposed to be made by fans!

MonSFFA’s Plant 9 and The Moxie Conspiracy now on line

The first MonSFFilm projects released were Ed Wood projects Plant 9 from Outer Space and the Fed-Ex Files: The Moxie Conspiracy.

They were made at the turn of t he century, and not up to later standards , but good fun was had by all who participated. Apparently, good fun was also had by our viewers as the tapes sold out! When Graham Darling appeared at the Con*Cept Masquerade in his business suit (This is not the consuite) the hall erupted in laughter.  It sees everyone at the con was already familiar with the running gag!

We have now transferred the VHS to digital and uploaded them along with teasers to Youtube.
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For more information, and the URLs to the movies, CLICK HERE.


2017 Conventions

With thanks to Lloyd Penny!

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FANAC Fanhistory

Thanks to File 770 for reminding me of this website, It’s a gold mine! FANAC means Fannish Activity, and covers everything from running a world con to pubbing your local zine.

If, like me, you missed going to World Con in Kansas this year, there are photos here:

FANAC FANHISTORY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. The FANAC Fan History Project has a website at with over 20,000 pages of photos, fanzines, references and other material. Their Youtube Channel will be used to provide a variety of audio and video recordings from conventions, clubs, interviews and other fannish endeavors. Most Recent video posts:

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