Category Archives: Reading

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$417 worth of ebooks  for next to nothing!

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Library Book Sale 2017

More than 100,000 books and periodicals for $3 or less

Open to the public
from Saturday, May 20th to Sunday, May 28th, 2017

Click here for more information and map.


This year, our Annual Book Sale will be held at:
l’Aréna Martin-Brodeur,
5300, boulevard Robert, Montréal (St-Léonard)
(next to St-Léonard library)

The bulk of the books and magazines on sale come from Montréal public libraries. Most documents on sale are in French, but we usually showcase between 12,000 and 15,000 English books. We may also have foreign language books, and a few audio tapes, CDs, CD-ROMs, and DVDs.

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In his book Norse Mythology, author Neil Gaiman breathes new life into some old, familiar characters

In his new work of fiction, Neil Gaiman traces the Norse myths from the beginning of the world to the final battle that ends the world. Gaiman includes the story of Odin, who was portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World.
Norse Mythology has been resurgent in popular culture these past few years, not least because Thor and Loki appeared in several blockbuster Marvel movies. But books focusing on the original myths are still far from a surefire bet for a publisher.

Unless, of course, the author of the book in question is Neil Gaiman. Gaiman well deserves his status as one of a handful of authors who could publish literally anything and a few hundred thousand people would rush out and buy it. Partly, that’s because Gaiman is a brilliant writer and performs wonders with archetypes. In Norse Mythology, he takes characters that are twodimensional in myth (Odin is wise but cruel, Loki is tricky but sadistic, Thor is bellicose but dim-witted) and makes them complex and captivating. Mostly though, it’s because Gaiman has built a fiercely loyal following, as willing to read a book about a boy raised by ghosts (The Graveyard Book) as one about a magical London beneath the streets of the mundane one (Neverwhere).

There are political undertones in Norse Mythology if you want them. Odin builds a wall to protect Asgard (well, actually it’s built by a giant, whom Thor kills once the work is largely done).

But for the most part these stories hold remarkably true to ancient texts such as the Volospa, the Prose Edda, and the Volsunga Saga. This book’s more modern ancestor is Roger Lancelyn Green’s 1960 collection Myths of the Norsemen (which Gaiman read as a child), and both Green and Gaiman trace the Norse myths from the beginning of the world to Ragnorak, the final battle that ends the world.

Green was a member of the Oxford literary group the Inklings, whose other members include C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. In many ways Norse Mythology plays a similar role in understanding the Gaiman canon as the Silmarillion does in understanding Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings universe. The Norse gods are everywhere in Gaiman’s other works: one of the key characters in American Gods (which will première as a television show on Starz in April) is a god named Mr. Wednesday, who, it is quickly revealed, is actually Odin. Loki appears several times in the Sandman graphic novels, often while trying to trick Odin and Thor. Core themes that animate many of Gaiman’s stories are present in these myths. For instance, Gaiman likes to write about parallel worlds, with particular focus on the edges where the magical seeps into the mundane. In Norse Mythology the nine worlds are connected by Yggdrasil, the world-tree, and the gods flit between them with relative ease. In Gaiman’s other books the portals are more commonplace — e.g. bricked up doors, sewer grates, a wall on the edge of town — but the fascination with hopping between worlds is always there. Many of his characters seem modelled from gods in Norse myth: they are flawed, self-interested and wholly relatable.

Norse Mythology itself is 15 distinct stories covering everything from how Thor got his hammer (Loki tricked some dwarfs into making it) to how Fenrir, the wolf who will swallow the world, learned to hate the gods (they shackled him up, laughed when he couldn’t escape, then left him to rot). Gaiman adds some subtle modern twists to the stories, such as a feminist undertone in the depiction of goddesses as more autonomous and powerful compared with their typical role of overly sexualized bit-players. On several occasions gods try to marry Freya off without asking her first: At one point Thor’s hammer is stolen and he agrees to marry her to the thief in exchange for its safe return. When Freya finds out she says: “Do you think I’m that foolish? That disposable? That I’m someone who would actually marry an ogre just to get you out of trouble?” In another story Hymir, the mighty king of the giants who owns a cauldron three miles deep, is easily controlled by his wife. Despite his bombast she brings him up short with sardonic comments like “Are you finished breaking things?”

There are limits, though, in that most of the stories focus on Thor or Loki, and female characters are typically mentioned in relation to a male protagonist (e.g. wife, daughter, sister). This is the reality of the surviving myths, as many that focused on female gods were lost and those that did survive tend not to feature them. There are broader flaws in the myths as well, which we tend to accept as an inheritance.

It is unclear why Odin, who knows that Fenrir will try to destroy the world, simply chains him instead of killing him. It is unclear why Loki, typically several steps ahead when other gods try to trap him, turns himself into a salmon and waits nearby, resulting in his capture and imprisonment. These oddities, though bothersome, are possibly explained by parts of stories lost to time and certainly no failing of Gaiman’s. Ultimately, this is a careful and rather lovely retelling of stories that have underpinned Western literature since at least the 13th century. The prose is lively, the details are vivid, and the characters — well, there’s a reason we’re still retelling their stories after 800 years.

In Norse Mythology, he takes characters that are two dimensional in myth and makes them complex and captivating.

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Sci-Fi Bridge Offers 4 free ebooks

Plus chance to win more!

Thanks to Leybl for pointing us to this resource!

The site is not clear on details, but apparently according to Leybl’s source, SCI-Fi Bridge is a weekly Sci-Fi newsletter recommending different books from both indie and traditional sci-fi authors, usually at a discount. There will be author interviews, fun stories, excerpts, and behind the scenes articles.

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Sci-Fi Bridge is a brand-new platform dedicated to bringing you the best in #Scifi books from around the world. To celebrate our launch, we’re excited to bring you the 1st of 4 massive book #giveaways! All who enter will receive 4 FREE ebooks, plus the chance for 5 winners to receive 20+ #ebooks from #Scifi authors from every background. 1 lucky Grand Prize Winner will also receive a package of 17 SIGNED BOOKS, including full series by Jay Allan, Jamie Mcfarlane, Steve Konkoly, Myke Cole and more! Enter here:



Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction Forty Year Collection

Phil and Val Abrami are moving to BC and therefore looking to sell their 40-year collection of F&SF magazines.

Posted on E-Bay:
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Tad Williams on writing & world-building

Excellent article by Tad Williams who was one of Con*Cept’s most interesting GoH a few years back.  I have just received The Heart of What was Lost, looking forward to revisiting Osten Ard.

…In the course of getting into the three long and two short novels of what will (probably) comprise all of this new story of Osten Ard, I’ve probably had the most time I’ve ever had to contemplate details of backstory and worldbuilding. I thought about the new storyline for much of a year before I started, while I finished other books, re-reading the old books and my ancient notes — did you know Binabik was originally named “Bilabil”, and that Simon was orginally a “Martin”? I did, but I’d forgotten. Anyway, I put in a lot of work getting up to speed on Osten Ard again and adding to its history, which already had years of work put into it…

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If EPH had been in effect in 2014 & 15

Aaron Pound analyses  the effect EPH would have had on the Hugos of 2014 & 15.

Looks like a workable plan to stop block voting.

Furthermore, Aaron feels that while it was not the purpose of the EPH, it did have the effect of allowing better quality works on the ballot.

The 2014 “E Pluribus Hugo” Revised Hugo Finalists

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Aaron Pound has a big library–really big library.

I am a confirmed bibliophile. As of the current date, I own and have cataloged 10,281 books, and that doesn’t count the books that are on the kids’ bookshelves. Because I am a bibliophile, I make sure that my books are arranged alphabetically by author. When I run out of shelf space, I acquire more shelves.

Read about him here.

Stephen King’s Song of Susannah reviewed on Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist

Interesting review of Stephen King’s “Song of Susannah” by Patrick on Patrick’s Fantasy Hotlist.

song of susannah2In my review of Wizard and Glass a few months ago, I said that I was planning on finishing King’s magnum opus before the end of 2016. And then, given just how good Wolves of the Calla turned out to be, I reiterated that it would be hard for me to read anything else in between.

Which is why you are now reading a review for Stephen King’s Song of Susannah. I went through this novel in a few short days, and I’m now reading the final installment, The Dark Tower. With such a cliffhanger ending to cap off the sixth volume, it was impossible not to pick up the seventh to find out how the author would bring this grand saga to an end.
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Provisional Speculative Fiction Top 5 of 2016

 Time flies and we’re already past the halfway point of the year! Here are the top 5 speculative fiction novels published in 2016 I’ve read so far! =) Click on each title to read my review. . .

1- Children of Earth and Sky by Guy Gavriel Kay (Canada, USA, Europe)

2- The Wolf in the Attic by Paul Kearney (Canada, USA, Europe)

3- The Great Ordeal by R. Scott Bakker (Canada, USA, Europe)

4- Javelin Rain by Myke Cole (Canada, USA, Europe)

5- The Wheel of Osheim by Mark Lawrence (Canada, USA, Europe)

Beautiful Libraries

Library2-1024x521 Heast_Castle_library_p1080553 Hearst-Castle-Library-4 7748240984_fa63d2f89f_o

Stanford Walk I'll meet you all at The Oval on Thursday at 4 PM.  There is ONE bit of bad news.  There was going to be a talk afterward at 5:30 PM, but it looks like the auditorium at Stanford fell through.  This was a surprise to me too - so, my apologies... however, the walk is still on and I look forward to meeting y'all. As a bonus, I'll be giving away a lot of Smugmug goodies!  So be sure to come with room to take home something special! Topaz Detail Review Topaz Detail just upgraded their cool software.  I have written a quick Topaz Detail Review, which I will add to more in coming weeks.  It's a really nice and fun program - I invite you to check it out! Daily Photo - The Gothic Study Note this is the "small" library.  I'll post the main library in a few weeks! As always, you can zoom in to see the details by clicking through.  The details are quite incredible, and I am sure you will delight in seeing the closeups of the hand-carved wooden arches and the painted Spanish ceilings...  it was all amazing!  If you look closely at the full res version towards the middle, you can see a portrait of WR Hearst when he was 31-years-old. from Trey Ratcliff at

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