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From Leybl in Israel, CyberCozen for the month of October CCOctober 2019-v02

From the N3F Franking Service
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Progress Report 2 <– News on the Fanzine Convention CorFlu
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Milky Way’s centre exploded 3.5 million years ago

A cataclysmic energy flare ripped through our galaxy, the Milky Way, about 3.5 million years ago, a team of astronomers say.

The so-called Seyfert flare started near the supermassive black hole in the centre of the galaxy, they add.

The impact was felt 200,000 light-years away.

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Click here to see this video: Media captionArtwork: The massive burst of ionising radiation explodes from our galaxy’s heart

The discovery that the Milky Way’s centre was more dynamic than previously thought can lead to a complete reinterpretation of its evolution.

“These results dramatically change our understanding of the Milky Way,” says co-author Magda Guglielmo from the University of Sydney, Australia.

“We always thought about our galaxy as an inactive galaxy, with a not so bright centre,” she added.

The flare created two enormous “ionisation cones” that sliced through the Milky Way and left its imprint on the Magellanic Stream. This is a long trail of gas that extends from nearby dwarf galaxies called the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds.

The stream lies at an average of 200,000 light-years from the Milky Way.

The Australian-US research team says the explosion was too big to have been triggered by anything other than nuclear activity associated with the supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy.

Known as Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A* – this colossus is more than four million times the mass of our Sun. This assessment needs further work but the conclusion seems inescapable, the researchers say.

“The flare must have been a bit like a lighthouse beam,” explained team leader Prof Bland-Hawthorn, who is also at the University of Sydney. “Imagine darkness, and then someone switches on a lighthouse beacon for a brief period of time.”

The research, which used the Hubble Space Telescope, will be published in the Astrophysical Journal.

2019 Sunburst Award Winners

Unlike the Hugos and the Auroras, the Sunburst awards are juried. It’s rare that the same titles appear on both lists. –CPL

2019 Sunburst Award Winners

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The Sunburst Award Society has announced the winners of the 2019 Sunburst Awards for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic in the Adult, Young Adult, and Short Story categories.

Adult Award

The winner of the 2019 Sunburst Award for Adult Fiction is Plum Rains by Andromeda Romano Lax [Penguin Random House Canada].

The Sunburst Jury commented:

Plum Rains by Andromeda Romano Lax is a masterpiece, a story set in a future Japan so deftly drawn that it makes its world seem inevitable. The main characters’ lives and relationships are steeped in, and grow from, a past which is both historical and personal, built on a century of colonialism and exploitation: social, sexual, and economic. Woven into the novel is a unique exploration of an Artificial Intelligence story, incorporating both fast-forward developmental psychology and an analysis of the facets of empathy. This brilliant, character-driven novel examines individual reactions to threats to survival and autonomy. In the process, it challenges notions of insularity, suggesting that loyalty comes primarily from personal connection rather than group association. The interrogation of the notions of Outsider/Insider, connection, belonging, and compassion drive a story that is all too relevant to our present-day world.

Andromeda Romano-Lax has been a journalist, a travel writer, and a serious amateur cellist. She is the author of The Spanish Bow (translated into eleven languages and chosen as a New York Times Editors’ Choice), The Detour, and Behave, among others. Plum Rains draws inspiration from her family’s experience living in rural Taiwan. Andromeda co-founded and continues to teach for 49 Writers, a nonprofit organization. She currently lives with her family in Ladysmith British Columbia.

The other shortlisted works for the 2019 Adult Award were:

  • Amber Dawn, Sodom Road Exit [Arsenal Pulp Press]
  • Kate Heartfield, Armed in Her Fashion [ChizinePublications]
  • Rich Larson, Annex [Orbit/Hachette Book Group]
  • Eden Robinson, Trickster Drift [Penguin Random House Canada]

Young Adult Award

The 2019 winner of the Sunburst Award for Young Adult Fiction is Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman [Penguin Random House Canada]

The Sunburst Jury commented:

Rachel Hartman’s Tess of the Road is a tour de force, a novel that dives headfirst into its heroine’s complex, messy, morally multifaceted world while never losing sight of the story at its heart. Hartman’s Tess is on a journey whose point is less self-discovery than it is a simple acceptance of self-worth. Her credo, “Walk on,” comes to encompass not just her physical journey but her struggle to accept that she matters and that it is possible for others to find worth in her. Tess’s progress takes place in a richly imagined fantastic landscape where even the deeply alien quigutl are so deftly painted that the unfamiliar becomes known and comforting. The reader is able to journey with Tess into an understanding that the seemingly strictest and most unshakeable beliefs can be based on lack of knowledge or unwillingness to embrace change.

Rachel Hartman is both an author and comics creator; she currently lives in Vancouver. Tess of the Road is a companion novel to her first two YA books, Seraphina and Shadow Scale, the former of which won the Sunburst Award, the William C. Morris Award, and the Cybilis Award. Tess itself was shortlisted for the Andre Norton Award and the Lodestar Award for Best Young Adult Book.

The other shortlisted works for the 2019 Young Adult Award were:

  • Sebastien de Castell, Spellslinger [Orbit/ Hachette Book Group]
  • Regan McDonell, Black Chuck [ Orca Book Publishers]
  • Rebecca Schaeffer , Not Even Bones [Houghton Mifflin Harcourt]
  • Patrick Weekes, Feeder [Simon & Schuster Canada]

Short Story Award

The winner of the 2019 Sunburst Award for Short Story is “The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls” by Senaa Ahmad [Strange Horizons, 15 Jan 2018]

© 2017 Sam Guay, “The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls”

The Sunburst Jury commented:

In a remarkable year for short speculative fiction, Senaa Ahmad’s The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls stands apart, its horrific scenario etched in cool crisp prose: A group of young girls hope to better their lives by volunteering to be deployed as living incendiary devices, razing cities and their inhabitants, and accelerating their own decay and death in the process. A cunning inversion of the real-life Radium Girls, factory workers who were gradually and grotesquely poisoned by the material they worked with, Ahmad’s story turns the titular girls into weapons of mass destruction, objectified and vilified by the larger world even as they yearn for normalcy, grapple with their mortality and the consequences of their choices–and set each other on fire.

Senaa Ahmad is a writer living in Toronto. Her short fiction has appeared in publications such as Lightspeed Magazine, Uncanny Magazine, and Strange Horizons. A Clarion 2018 alumnus, she is working concurrently on her first two short story collections.

The other shortlisted works for the 2019 Short Story Award were:

Sunburst medallion.

The Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic has celebrated the best in Canadian fantastic literature in both Adult and Young Adult publications since 2001. Winners receive a medallion that incorporates the Sunburst logo. Winners of both the Adult and Young Adult Sunburst Award also receive a cash prize of $1,000, while winners of the Short Story Sunburst Award receive a cash prize of $500.

The Sunburst Award takes its name from the debut novel of the late Phyllis Gotlieb, one of the first published authors of contemporary Canadian speculative fiction.

SUNBURST JURORS. The 2019 Sunburst Award novel jury was comprised of Greg Bechtel, Susan Forest, Kari Maaren, and Susan Reynolds. Jurors for the 2019 short story awards were S.M. Beiko, David Demchuk, and Gemma Files.

The jurors for the 2020 Sunburst Awards have been named. Novel Jury: Kristyn Dunnion, Michelle Butler Hallett, John Jantunen, Michael Johnstone, and Peter Darbyshire. Short Story Jury: Omar El Akkad, Ruth Clarke, and Sarah Tolmie.

Submissions of eligible works published in 2019 for the 2020 awards will be accepted October 15, 2019. Submissions will close January 31, 2020. See the Sunburst Award News Page for details.

Fanzine to share: Tightbeam for October 2019.

With this mailing:

Tightbeam for October 2019.


Editors all appreciate Letters of Comment.

Table of Contents

1 … Front cover by Angela K. Scott
6 … Swans by Angela K. Scott
31 … Lounging Around by Jose Sanchez
32 … Back Cover by Jose Sanchez

4 … George Phillies

4 … Heath Row
6 … Bob Jennings
6 … Lloyd Penney

7 … High School Prodigies … Review by Jessi Silver
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10 … Ascendance of a Bookworm … Review by Jessi Silver
11 … Kemono Michi: Rise Up … Review by Jessi Silver

13 … Sherlock Holmes and the Sussex Sea-Devils … Review by Bob Jennings
15 … The Far Shore by Glenn Damato … Review by Tamara Wilhite
16 … Nemo’s World: The Substrate Wars 2 by Jeb Kinnison … Review by Jim McCoy
17 … Time Loop by Pam Uphoff … Review by Pat Patterson
19 … The Golden Horde, by Chris Kennedy … Review by Pat Patterson

Short Stories
21 … All In by Rajan Khanna … Review by Greg Hullender and Eric Wong
22 … Molecular Rage by Marie Bilodeau … Review by Greg Hullender and Eric Wong

22 … World War Z … Review by Chris Nuttall
23 … Star Trek: Deep Space Nine … Review by Jim McCoy

25 … L. Sprague de Camp Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph. D.
28 … Astounding by Alec Nevala-Lee …Review by Kevin Trainor

Gourmet Bureau
29 … Chicken Korma by Pam Uphoff and Cedar Sanderson

Smofcon scholarships have been awarded

The first scholarship which was open to a Canadian citizen or resident was not awarded because no one applied for it !! Granted that Smofcon is geared largely to people who run the BIG cons, the basics of getting a con off the ground and running smoothly are pretty much the same everywhere.   –CPL

Cansmof Inc, is pleased to announce that two scholarships for the purpose of attending Smofcon 37 in Albuquerque, NM have been awarded.

Cansmof announced three scholarships: the first scholarship was open to a Canadian citizen or resident, the second was open to a non-North American resident, while the third one was open to anyone involved in running conventions, regardless of their place of residence or citizenship. Cansmof Inc. created these scholarships to allow promising convention-runners to attend the annual Smofcon convention-runners convention.

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Cansmof congratulates the two recipients and thanks all applicants.

Smofcon 37 will be held in Albuquerque, NM. December 6 through 8, 2019.
For information about this year’s Smofcon, see https://smofcon37.com/
For information about Smofcon in general, see http://smofcon.com/

Barbara Hambly wins 2019 Forry Award

The Forry Award is presented by the LASFS for lifetime achievement in SF/S.

Glad to see her being recognized–one of my favourite authors! I don’t generally read vampire stories, but I will admit to a fondness for  Simon Ysidro.  –CPL

Hambly Wins 2019 Forry Award

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By John Hertz:  The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society on October 3 voted its annual Forry Award to Barbara Hambly, author of science fiction & fantasy and indeed a graphic artist of no small ability.

Her first published book was Time of the Dark (1982); forty more. Those Who Hunt the Night (1989) won a Locus Award.  She’s written originally for Star TrekStar WarsBeauty & the Beast, the DC Comics Metaverse.  She’s been translated into Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Russian.  She was President of SFWA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America) 1994-1996.

Writing outside our field she’s done – among others – a dozen and a half historical-fiction novels about Benjamin January, starting with Free Man of Color (1997), i.e. him; Lady of Perdition is expected in February 2020.

She’s been a teacher, model, waitress, technical editor, all-night liquor-store clerk, and Shotokan karate instructor (she has a Black Belt).

When someone asked me about her fantasy writing, I said “If she sends a man of today into Swordland, and he has to pick up a sabre and use it, he’ll have been athletic enough already to defend himself, but afterward he’ll realize his hand is blistered.”

The Forrest J Ackerman or Forry Award has been given by the LASFS each year since 1966 for lifetime achievement in the SF field.  It is decided by a vote of members at a club meeting, usually in the fall, and currently presented at Loscon, the SF convention hosted annually by the LASFS since 1977.  The eponym of the award – you were waiting for me to use that word, weren’t you – was a pioneer of SF, fandom, and the LASFS in particular.

This year’s nominations and voting were conducted by Program Chief Charles Lee Jackson II, assisted by Christian McGuire.  The names of all previous winners were posted.  They can be seen listed by year here and alphabetically here (LASFS Website).

Each attending member was allowed three nominations; this resulted in twenty nominees.  In the first round of voting, members were allowed three votes; eliminating the lowest gave a list of ten; a second round, with members allowed two votes, gave a list of five; a third round, with one vote, gave a list of two; a fourth round gave the winner.

Most winners have been pro SF authors, illustrators, editors; some have been fans.  Some people are both.  A Forry Award anthology was published in 2016; see here; the LASFS motto De profundis ad astra (Latin; “From the depths to the stars”) is reflected in the title.

The LASFS is the oldest SF club in the world – founded 1934.  This was its 4,286th meeting.

LASFS President Marty Cantor announced he would present the Forry Award at Loscon.  This year’s Loscon will be Loscon XLVI, held 29 November – 1 December (United States Thanksgiving weekend) at the L.A. International Airport (LAX) Marriott Hotel; see here.

That’s my SF club.  How’s yours?  Anything to report?

2019 Harvey Awards

2019 Harvey Awards

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The winners of the Harvey Awards, honoring the life and work of comics creator Harvey Kurtzman,(1924-1993), cartoonist, writer, editor and founder of Mad Magazine, were announced October 4.

The awards were voted on by eligible industry professionals including creators, in-house professionals, librarians, and retailers. The awards are presented under the auspices of New York Comic-Con.

Book of the Year

  • Hey Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka (Scholastic Graphix)

Digital Book of the Year

Best Children’s or Young Adult Book

  • Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (First Second)

Best Manga

  • My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi (VIZ Media)

Best European Book

  • Waves by Ingrid Chabbert and Carole Maurel (Archaia)

Best Comics Adaptation Award

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse by Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation, based on Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)

In addition, the Harvey Awards honored the 2019 inductees to their Hall of Fame and a Comics Industry Pioneer.

Hall of Fame

The seven recipients include two active creators, and five posthumous honorees who were Harvey Kurtzman’s core 1950’s MAD Magazine collaborators.

  • Mike Mignola (Hellboy)
  • Alison Bechdel (Fun Home), and
  • Will Elder
  • Jack Davis
  • John Severin
  • Marie Severin
  • Ben Oda

Comics Industry Pioneer

  • Maggie Thompson, on behalf of her work with her late husband Don Thompson as longtime editors of the Comics Buyer’s Guide.

[Thanks to Mike Kennedy for an assist.]

Sixty Years of The Twilight Zone

 Article snitched from File 770. —CPL

Sixty Years of The Twilight Zone

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By Steve Vertlieb: Rod Serling’s iconic, landmark television series The Twilight Zone, premiered over the CBS Television Network on Friday night, October 2, 1959. The program featured the brilliant literary poetry of its creator, as well as the writings of Richard Matheson, Charles Beaumont and Ray Bradbury. It’s science fiction/fantasy premise often camouflaged Serling’s own deeply sensitive social commentary, and profound pleas for understanding and tolerance.

The program broke new ground with its reverent, often haunting, sometimes heartbreaking allegories, and remains one of the most eloquent and influential network television series in the history of the medium. For its sixtieth anniversary, the city of Binghamton, New York, which cradled the author’s birth place, has scheduled a celebration of the acclaimed tv show this weekend, commemorating the anniversary of the premiere of this wondrous television anthology series.

The Twilight Zone: An Element of Time” is my published 2009 celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the classic Rod Serling television series. With original teleplays by Richard Matheson, Charles Beaumont, Ray Bradbury, George Clayton Johnson, and the visionary pen of host Rod Serling, along with accompanying scores by Bernard Herrmann, Jerry Goldsmith, Franz Waxman and Fred Steiner, among others, this tender recollection of the iconic sci-fi/fantasy anthology series is dedicated to the memory of its beloved creator, Rod Serling, who left us far too soon on June 28th, 1975 at age 50.

His legendary television series, and his revered memory, live on beyond “shadow and substance.” “That’s the signpost up ahead.” Be swept away into another dimension with this sweet remembrance, adrift upon rippling currents of time and space, only to be found in…The Twilight Zone.

See Steve’s extended writeup The Twilight Zone: An Element of Time” at American Music Preservation which begins

There is an obscure Air Force term relating to a moment when a plane is coming down on approach and a pilot cannot see the horizon. It’s called The…

Local sensors detect…

Some stories from today’s Montreal Gazette

  • Dr Seus in Mississauga’s Square One
  • Damon regrets passing on Avatar
  • Axe used in The Shining is sold at auction
  • Flashback: William Shatner, Oct 3, 1980

Fans can enter Dr. Seuss’ world

Montreal Gazette, 

You can click here to view images from CTV Report

A new immersive experience inspired by the whimsical works of Dr. Seuss is opening in the Toronto area this fall. The 15,000-square-foot exhibit inside a Mississauga, Ont., mall runs from Oct. 26 to Jan. 5 before a U.S. tour. Highlights include a Grinch-themed room, a balloon-filled maze inspired by Oh, The Places You’ll Go, a room full of waist-high clovers as a nod to Horton Hears a Who!, and a mirrored room featuring the Sneetches. The interactive gallery is a collaboration between children’s entertainment company Dr. Seuss Enterprises and event company Kilburn Live.

Damon regrets passing on Avatar

Matt Damon missed his chance to be in one of the biggest movies of all time. Director James Cameron offered him the lead role in Avatar along with 10 per cent from the movie’s box office take, which would’ve earned him US$250 million, but he said no. Damon chose to stick with the Bourne films instead and still regrets missing the chance to work with Cameron. “I realized, in having to say no, that I was probably passing on the chance to ever work with him,” Damon said. Avatar 2 is due in December 2021.

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Shining axe slices off chunk of cash

The axe used by Jack Nicholson’s character in The Shining to hack through a bathroom door has been sold at auction for the equivalent of C$276,667, according to Britain’s Independent. The prop from Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 adaptation of the Stephen King novel of the same name was sold for four times its estimate at the Entertainment Memorabilia Live Auction in London on Tuesday.

Oct. 3, 1980: Shatner discusses career

Jean Pierre Rivest caught William Shatner in a reflective mood when Rivest photographed the Montreal-born actor for an article published Oct. 3, 1980.

Shatner, then 41, was here to star in a horror movie whose working title was The Fright. Eleven years after the original Star Trek series had been cancelled, Shatner was still grappling with the career hangover of playing Capt. James T. Kirk, one of the most vivid TV characters of the 1960s.

Continue reading Local sensors detect…

Can we separate the art from the artist?

Can we separate the art from the artist?

At the September MonSFFA meeting, Danny asked the question, “Can we separate the art from the artist?”.  Danny first raised the issue last year, but with the renaming of two major SF awards since August, the topic has really exploded with many viewpoints being expressed.

File 770 picked up on two stories that I thought MonSFFen who were at that meeting might want to follow. Click the links for the rest of the story. 

   ANOTHER WAY OF LOOKING AT THINGS. David Gerrold contends art and the artist should be regarded separately in his public Facebook post:

So let’s say that I point out that the owners of a specific fast-food chain have donated a lot of money to anti-LGBTQ+ causes.

This is not an invitation to say:

“The food is terrible.”

Let’s say that I point out that a particular actor has said some unsavory things about politics. This is not an invitation to say,
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“She can’t act anyway.”

Or maybe a well-known author has said something egregiously stupid. That’s not an invitation to say,

“I never liked his writing in the first place.” …

SHOULD CLARKE’S NAME STAY ON AN AWARD? Jason Sanford’s post “Yes, Arthur C. Clarke was likely a pedophile” reviews two decades of press coverage about the issue. His closing lines are:

Now that we’re finally examining the issues around people like John W. Campbell, James Tiptree Jr., and Marion Zimmer Bradley, we should do the same for Clarke. Especially since a major genre award is named for him.

None of this changes how important Clarke’s stories were to my development as a writer or his impact on the field of science fiction. This doesn’t mean you can’t still love his books.

But the SF/F genre simply can’t ignore this issue any longer.

Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association