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Long range sensors detect….

  1. Massive black Hole Discovered
  2. What will the sky look like after Milky Way merges with Andromeda Galaxy?
  3. Charting the place of our sun in the galaxy

Massive Black Hole Discovered

(CNN)Scientists have discovered a “monster black hole” so massive that, in theory, it shouldn’t exist.

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It’s a stellar black hole — the type that forms after stars die, collapse, and explode. Researchers had previously believed that the size limit was no more than 20 times the mass of our sun because as these stars die, they lose most of their mass through explosions that expel matter and gas swept away by stellar winds.
This theory has now been toppled by LB-1, the newly-discovered black hole. Located about 15,000 light years away, it has a mass 70 times greater than our sun, according to a press release from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


What will the sky look like after Milky Way merges with Andromeda Galaxy? Our galaxy‘s date with destruction

The Milky Way is on a collision course with its neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy. What will the night sky look like after the crash?
BILLIONS OF YEARS FROM NOW, the night sky will glow with stars, dust, and gas from two galaxies: the Milky Way, in which we live, and the encroaching Andromeda Galaxy (M31).
Lynette Cook for Astronomy
Our galaxy, the Milky Way, and its nearest large neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), are on a collision course. Billions of years from now, the merger will transform the structure of both galaxies and create a new arrangement of stars we have dubbed Milkomeda (“milk-AHM-mee-da”). The merger will radically transform the night sky. But into what?
Currently, the Milky Way’s thin disk of stars and gas appears as a nebulous strip arching across the summer sky. As Andromeda grazes the Milky Way, a second lane of stars will join the one that presently graces the night sky. After the final merger, the stars will no longer be confined to two narrow lanes, but instead scatter across the entire sky.

In our research, we have explored the Milky Way’s fate by simulating Milkomeda’s birth in a supercomputer. The simulations are at a sufficient level of detail to learn a lot about the coming merger and how it will change our perspective on the universe. Although we won’t be here to witness the event — nor to take responsibility for whether our forecast proves accurate — this is the first research in our careers that has a chance of being cited 5 billion years from now.

Lots more to see here!

Charting the sun’s place in our stellar “Neighbourhood”.

Click image to enlarge, Click here to read the article.

Satellites causing problems for astronomers

12 000StarLink satellites by mid 2020s, &  Oneweb has plans to launch  600 by 2021                                                                              

Enjoy the nightsky while we still can….  CPL

For all of his supporters, there are still many others out there with a bone to pick with Elon Musk. And because he has his hands in a diverse array of businesses, it’s anybody’s guess who will wind up with the famous entrepreneur in their critical crosshairs.

As Buzzfeed News reports, this time its astronomers – and they’re voicing their concerns over Elon Musk’s SpaceX firm and its Starlink program. Starlink was initially developed as a way to improve global internet access by clustering groups of smaller satellites closer to the earth instead of relying on fewer, larger ones further out. The $10 billion project intends to culminate in a network of some 12,000 satellites by the mid-2020s.

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The International Astronomical Union, likewise, expressed concern about the impending satellite mania this past June, saying a dark, radio-quiet sky is “not only essential to advancing our understanding of the Universe of which we are a part, but also as a resource for all humanity and for the protection of nocturnal wildlife.” From a practical standpoint, the organization says the light reflecting off the satellites damages observatory telescopes because they have such sensitive optics.

Other agencies, including the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory, say they’ve been working with SpaceX “to jointly analyze and minimize any potential impacts from their proposed Starlink system,” though Buzzfeed points out that astronomers, in general, have little recourse in these cases, because the programs get the stamp of approval from federal agencies.

And there’s more to come, it appears: SpaceX has a competitor, OneWeb, who launched its first batch of satellites earlier this year and has plans to have 600 satellites in orbit by 2021.


First “stars” to show up as the sun goes down over Montreal. I saw the pair of them at dusk from the South Shore in the smog over Montreal on Sat evening. Lovely!  –CPL

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Space Weather News for Nov. 24, 2019

VENUS-JUPITER CONJUNCTION AT SUNSET: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look southwest. Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction little more than a degree apart. Try to catch them before the sky fades to black. The sight of the two brightest planets, side-by-side, surrounded by twilight blue is out of this world. Visit for sky maps and photos.

Above: Venus and Jupiter converging over Richmond, Ontario, Canada, on Nov. 23rd. Photo credit: Joe Bonner. Browse the photo gallery for more.

Local Sensors Detect…Star Trek news

  1. Actor from Trek Episode “Miri” passed away
  2.  Fan Films are not dead!
  3. Shatner honoured


  1. Read Obituary for Michael J. Pollard
  2.  Fan Films are thriving, Trek fan films have not been killed off by the Axanar Lawsuite according to FanFilm Factor.  Read More on this story. (Thanks to Alexis for contribution to Sensors)
High honours in Ottawa for Sutherland, Shatner


Actor William Shatner shakes hands with Gov. Gen. Julie Payette after being promoted to the rank of officer in the Order of Canada during a ceremony at Rideau Hall in Ottawa on Thursday.

He may have been receiving one of Canada’s highest honours but William Shatner — Captain Kirk himself — got a lesson in space Thursday from someone who’s been there.

Shatner was made an officer of the Order of Canada, one step above a member, for a lifetime of achievement and merit, in service to Canada or to humanity at large. Joining Shatner was Donald Sutherland, another Canadian actor, who became a companion of the Order of Canada, a slightly higher honour.

Before the ceremony, former astronaut and now Gov. Gen. Julie Payette took the floor and, with two actors who have travelled to space on the big screen sitting in front of her, wondered curiously about the Hollywood fascination with the stars.

Payette told the story of the time she went to the movies with her friend Scott Kelly, the astronaut who recently spent a year in space. Of course, they took in a space movie, and for Payette it was more familiar than she expected.

After going into space in 1999, Payette was given a short video of her time on the Space Shuttle Discovery, which included a long shot of her launch. Thanks to the video, she has seen herself launching into space so many times that the image is seared into her memory.

Now, as she watched Clint Eastwood blasting off in the movie Space Cowboys, she realized that they were using the footage from her own launch.

“What would you do if I stood up in the movie theatre and said, ‘I’m on that shuttle!’” she whispered to Kelly.

The implication to the actors in attendance was clear: they could have their fun on the soundstage, but they needed people like Payette to actually do the job, even in the movies themselves.

When Shatner’s bio was read to the assembled crowd it noted that he had “boldly gone where few have gone before,” Payette raised her hand in mock confusion.

Shatner turned to her and gestured good-naturedly, in an apparent admission of her superior space credentials.

It was a low-key affair for the actors. Shatner posted happily on Twitter about receiving the award, but kept quiet otherwise. Sutherland, with long white hair and silver-topped cane, exchanged whispered greetings with Payette as he accepted the award.

Reporters were warned as they were shepherded through the back entrance of Rideau Hall that neither Sutherland or Shatner would be doing interviews. Shatner smiled widely as entered the room with the other members and bounded up to the front when his name was called.

Shatner’s age is reported to be 88, but there is no supporting evidence of this fact in his appearance or in his movements. He was sprightly and buoyant before and after the ceremony and, after receiving his medal, he walked by Sutherland and gave him a friendly pat on the arm.

The ceremony came just a matter of hours after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau watched his new cabinet be sworn in at Rideau Hall and the prevailing mood Thursday morning was almost an exact inverse to the previous day. The cabinet swearing-in was full of enthusiasm and hope, with ministers bustling up the path with spouses and children accompanying them.

The mood in the room on Thursday morning was serene and satisfied, in stark contrast to the fraying, nervous energy of the cabinet event. Even a smattering of toddlers sat through the Order of Canada ceremony on their best behaviour.

Although there was significant star power in the room, and Shatner and Sutherland both received lengthy ovations, it was another new member of the Order of Canada who caused a sensation.

Christina Jennings was introduced like most other members, with polite applause from the room, but when her bio noted that she created the CBC period drama Murdoch Mysteries, an electric murmur jolted through the crowd. Jennings smiled in appreciation at the popular affirmation to go along with her institutional honour.

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Remember the Monocerotid meteor shower everyone hoped would be a storm? We didn’t see it due to clouds, but the Starlink satelites proved astronomers right when they moaned about the loss of the night sky. What a mess! Imagine if one were trying a very long exposure for a photo of an obscure galaxy or nebula? –CPL

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STARLINK PHOTOBOMBS A METEOR SHOWER: Astronomers monitoring the skies for an outburst of alpha Monocerotid meteors on Nov. 22nd were surprised when their cameras filled instead with an outburst of satellites. A train of Starlink satellites flew over the La Palma observatory in the Canary islands, stealing the show. Despite the interference, a flurry of alpha Monocerotids was observed. Visit for the full story and video.

Above: Starlink satellites overrun the alpha Monocerotid meteor shower above La Palma on Nov. 22, 2019. Credit: Denis Vida of the University of Western Ontario and Global Meteor Network.

SF Writing Workshop offered in Montreal

The instructor is Su Sokol, familiar to MonSFFen as she was part of the panel discussion on difficulties faced by women in the field of SF.

Sur Place Media
5585 Avenue du Parc
Montréal, QC H2V 4H2

This workshop is for anyone who’s interested in writing science fiction or adding wonder to the stories they are already writing.

During the sessions, participants will learn about science fiction and its sub-genres and be guided through the process of developing interesting and realistic characters, world-building, and plotting. Finally, participants will create their own short works of fiction which will be workshopped during the class.

Schedule (4 sessions)
Thursday, January 9, 7:00-9:30pm
Thursday, January 16, 7:00-9:30pm
Thursday, February 6, 7:00-9:30pm
Thursday, February 13, 7:00-9:30pm
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Week by Week Breakdown

Session One: Introduction to science fiction and its sub-genres (e.g. cyberpunk, space opera, utopia/dystopia, first-contact stories, hopepunk, post-apocalyptic tales, slipstream.) Examples of such works will be identified and discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to identify a type of science fiction story that interests them and explore a subject for a story of their own.

Session Two: Study and practice different aspects of the craft including character development and voice, realistic and effective dialogue, world-building without info-dumping, story arc, and SF themes and tropes. We will also discuss point-of-view, tense, and tone.

Two-week break during which participants work on a piece of short science fiction.

Session Three: Give and receive feedback on your own original short works of science fiction.

Session Four: Workshop the remaining short science fiction stories. Participants will be given individualized feedback and suggestions for moving forward to perfect and publish their work.

About the Instructor

Su J. Sokol is a writer of speculative and interstitial fiction. She is the author of two novels, Cycling to Asylum, which was long-listed for the Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic and optioned for a film, and Run J Run, published in 2019 by Renaissance Press. A YA speculative fiction novel, Zee, is to be published in French by Bouton d’or Acadie. Her short fiction has appeared in a number of magazines and anthologies such as The Future Fire; Spark: A Creative Anthology; Glittership: An LGBTQ Science Fiction and Fantasy Podcast; and After the Orange: Ruin and Recovery. Su is a member of the Québec Writers’ Federation and SFCanada—Canada’s National Association of Science Fiction Professionals. She also curates and participates in readings and literary events in Canada and abroad.

Astronomers catch water erupting from plumes on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa

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From Astronomy Magazine
Astronomers made the first direct measurement of water vapor in Europa’s atmosphere. It’s the best evidence yet for water plumes erupting from the icy moon.
Subsurface water on Jupiter’s moon Europa is one place where humans plan to search for life. This artist’s concept shows a massive plume of underground water erupting from the moon’s surface.
NASA/ESA/K. Retherford/SWRI
Jupiter’s moon Europa has an icy shell that conceals a liquid water ocean. Now, scientists have made the first direct measurement of water vapor in Europa’s atmosphere. It’s the best evidence yet for a water plume erupting from the moon’s surface.

The measurements also imply that outside of plume events, Europa’s atmosphere likely has less water vapor overall than previously thought. The scientists describe their findings Monday in Nature Astronomy.

More on the Meteor shower

There could be a meteor storm tonight, “could be” being the key words here. There are a lot of “if”s involved in the prediction, and the Montreal area will cloud over during the night ( Well, of course it will!! )

However, even from the city, you might catch a few meteors from this rare shower before the rain starts.

The storm, if it happens. will peak at 11:50 pm ET, when Earth is entering the meteor stream. The stream is very narrow, so the viewing window is very tight.  Environment Canada is predicting rain for the Montreal area around midnight. Of course. I have yet to see a meteor storm, it ALWAYS clouds over even when the day starts out clear and sunny.

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And the weather here:

Possible Meteor shower

Space Weather News for Nov. 19, 2019

A METEOR OUTBURST COULD HAPPEN THIS WEEK: Get ready for a meteor outburst–maybe. Later this week, Earth will pass by a stream of dusty debris from an unnamed comet. Forecasters believe this could cause an outburst of alpha Monocerotid meteors on Thursday night/Friday morning (Nov. 21-22). Visit today’s edition of for the full story and observing tips.

Aurora alerts: Sign up for Spaceweather Alerts and get a text message when auroras appear in your area.
Above: A previous outburst of alpha Monocerotid meteors in 1995. This is a composite of meteors video-recorded during the outburst by Sirko Molau in Germany.

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