DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Saturday, April 4, is the date on which our fourth club meeting of 2020 was originally scheduled to  take place. But of course, that’s not going to happen, now!
We all find ourselves quarantined, staying put at home in an effort to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus that has slammed the country, and indeed, the whole world!
The club’s meetings and events have, understandably, been cancelled until further notice.
So in order to keep in touch with club members as best we can under the circumstances, we’ve been posting a variety of content right here on this Web site, and we’ve put together a sort of DIY virtual meeting, if you will, in place of what would have been our usual gathering.

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Visit this site tomorrow afternoon; among other fascinating and fun content, we’ll be posting a trivia challenge which we’ve set up as a contest (with prizes!) and offering a special presentation on Plagues and Disease in SF/F! We hope it will all interest and entertain you while you sit at home in self-isolation!
So at 1:00PM, the usual start-time of our regular club meetings, we’ll put this content up, and we invite you all to drop by at that time and check it out!
See You Tomorrow Afternoon…
And wash your hands thoroughly, and often!


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