TWO SOLAR CYCLES ARE ACTIVE AT ONCE: You don’t see this every day. There are two sunspots on the sun today, and each one comes from a different 11-year solar cycle. Two solar cycles are active at once. What does it mean? Find out on today’s edition of

Above: These two sunspots have opposite magnetic polarities–a sign that they come from different solar cycles. Credit: NASA/SDO with labeling by Dr. Tony Phillips

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More zines to Share!

Another zine to share!


Editorial, by John Thiel, page three

Author Interview, James E. Gunn, by John Thiel, page five

Author Interview, Lee S. King, by Tamara Wilhite, page nine

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Some Characteristics of Science Fiction: Orwell & Sheckley, by Jeffrey Redmond, page fourteen

Time and Now, by Will Mayo, page twenty two

Ulterior Motives, Jeffrey Redmond, page twenty four

The Moon, by John Polselli, page thirty

Montreal Stop Motion Festival

The Stop Motion Festival is scheduled for September 14-20

2020 Call for entries

We invite you to submit your films today! Our 2020 call for entries is open now until June 30, 2020, and as always, submissions are free. To do so, simply use our submission form supported by Zone Festival. For short film competition details and how to submit your work, visit our website under Submit a film tab.

Suggestion to pass the time!
Festival video channel:

Our new Vimeo channel allows you to discover dozens and soon hundreds of films that have been presented during our previous editions. We are also adding some of the film’s making-ofs and behind-the-scenes for interested stop motion lovers!

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Suggestion pour passer le temps!
Chaîne Vimeo du Festival :

Notre nouvelle chaîne Vimeo vous permet de découvrir des dizaines et bientôt des centaines de films ayant été présentés lors de nos précédentes éditions. Nous y ajoutons également des revues de tournage pour les intéressés!

Nous vous souhaitons bon visionnement et de belles expériences en naviguant d’un film à l’autre. Vous pouvez vous abonner à notre chaîne gratuite pour être informés de tous les nouveaux ajouts! Restez prudent et en bonne santé à la maison!