Club’s e-Picnic 2024 Will Take Place in Two Weeks!

MonSFFA’s Summer BBQ was held earlier today; our next event, an online “e-Picnic” on ZOOM, will follow in two weeks time, on Sunday, July 28!

(Click on Images to view Full-Size)

SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1:00PM: e-Picnic 2024

In particular for our out-of-town members and friends, and any who couldn’t make it to the Summer BBQ, MonSFFA will host an “e-Picnic” via ZOOM ( on Sunday, July 28, beginning at 1:00PM—have your favourite summer snacks and libations on hand!

In addition to talking with friends online about any and all topics SF/F and fannish, we’ll have opportunity to view an album of photographs snapped by those MonSFFen who took part in our field trip to the Montreal Biodome last month.

Plus, we’ll invite folk to “show-and-tell” the group about any cool sci-fi destinations or events they’ve enjoyed on vacation during this first half of summer—conventions, museums, theme parks, shows! Share your experiences, and any photos, with the group!


And, we’ll take the opportunity to hold our very first meeting of the club’s Special-Interest Group (SIG) for Art. If you’re interested in sci-fi art, be sure to take part!

Host Keith Braithwaite will give a talk/workshop on “How to Create Sci-Fi Art Without Knowing How to Draw!”

See You On ZOOM in Two Weeks!

No Rain in Forecast; Club’s Summer BBQ Today is a “Go!”


TODAY, July 14, Beginning 10:00AM, Parc Maisonneuve (Next to Olympic Stadium and Botanical Gardens)

Today’s weather forecast remains excellent: sunny and hot; no rain! The club’s Summer BBQ will, therefore, proceed as planned.

(Click on Image to view Full-Size)

MonSFFen and their families, as well as  friends of the club, are invited to gather beginning at about 10:00AM today in Parc Maisonneuve for the club’s 2024 Summer BBQ!

Parc Maisonneuve, easily accessible by Metro (Viau, Pie-IX) or bus, is located in the city’s East End, adjacent the Olympic Stadium and the Botanical Gardens. Parking is available on site, or on nearby streets.

Our intention is to claim a picnic spot somewhere along one of the lines of trees in the park, not too far from the parking lot and the Chalet; our “Preferred Picnic Area” is indicated on the map (above; click on image to enlarge). Look for us within roughly that area.

So join MonSFFA for a relaxing day in the park! Friends, fun, food, and fire, the latter provided by the club’s new propane barbecue, which we’ll have on site for those who may wish to grill up a couple of burgers, sausages, and such! Bring your own refreshments, snacks, and any meats you may wish to barbecue. And don’t forget your sunscreen and a sun hat! Note that proper washroom facilities are located a short stroll away in the park’s Chalet.

We hope to see all of you later today…