Welcome to MonSFFA’s March 2025 meeting. Oh! So that’s why the REM hasn’t been running as scheduled!
We are returning to our downtown meeting locale on this occasion, but of course, out-of-town members can take part, as always, via ZOOM. So do join us for a few hours of sci-fi fun! Today’s proceedings will be getting underway shortly.
Folks attending the meeting live and in person please take note: we are meeting in the “Faubourg Room” of Le Nouvel Hotel, today, rather than our usual Maisonneuve Room, which we are told is unavailable this weekend. The Faubourg is just down the hall from the Maisonneuve.
For those opting to join our ZOOM-chat and take part from the warmth and comfort of home, see the instructions, immediately below (Item 2), to join in and participate online.
Our programming agenda begins at 1:00PM; the meeting will conclude at 5:00PM. This opening post has gone up 30 minutes before the meeting’s start time to allow folk to gather online at their leisure. A closing post will go up at 5:00PM to officially thank today’s presenters/discussion moderators, and to publish the date of the next MonSFFA event.
To take part in this afternoon’s meeting online, join our ZOOM video-chat, which will run throughout the next few hours. Simply click here and follow the prompts: This Afternoon’s MonSFFA Meeting on ZOOM
If you’re not fully equipped to ZOOM, you can also take part by phone (voice only); in the Montreal area, the toll-free number to call is: 1-438-809-7799. From out of town? No problem; find your ZOOM call-in number here: Call-In Numbers
Also, have this information on hand as you may be asked to enter it:
Meeting ID: 896 3074 3351
Passcode: 054089
St. Patrick’s Day rolls around again mid-March; in celebration, make like the Green Hornet, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and the Green Lama—wear something green to the meeting!
Today’s programming agenda is as follows:
1:00PM – The Multiverse
An exploration of Marvel’s, DC’s, and other examples of “the multiverse” in SF/F!
2:00PM – Stories From the Sky
We recount some of the mythical stories behind the constellations of the night sky. 
3:00PM – Break
Club business, announcements, and raffle
3:30PM – Tutorial: Crafting a Presentation!
We all have a favourite SF/F passion—a particular author, TV series, film, superhero, game, or sub-genre like steampunk or time travel! MonSFFA thrives on the varied interests and involvement of its members. You all have a panel discussion or presentation in you, and to that end, we offer a quick tutorial on preparing and giving a treatise on your favourite genre-related topic at a club meeting!
4:30PM – Final Thoughts and Wrap-Up!
We close the afternoon with final thoughts, questions, and commentary on today’s topics, or other subjects members may have to briefly share with the group. Your feedback, dear members, is always welcome!
5:00PM – End of Meeting
Please Note: While we strive to keep on schedule, we do, sometimes, fall behind a little, or find ourselves having to reshuffle the order of items on the agenda for one reason or another, or reschedule planned presentations/discussions. Therefore, please understand that all programming is subject to change!
The meeting officially begins at 1:00PM! Thanks for joining us today, and enjoy the afternoon!