MonSFFA’s next meeting is scheduled to take place next Saturday, March 8, from 1:00PM to 5:00PM! We are returning to our downtown meeting locale as winter recedes, and will be gathering in the “Maisonneuve” room at Le Nouvel Hotel, 1740 Rene-Levesque Ouest (corner St-Mathieu). Or, for out-of-towners, join our ZOOM-chat and take part in the meeting from the warmth and comfort of home!

Meeting Theme: St. Patrick’s Day rolls around again mid-March; in celebration, make like the Green Hornet, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and the Green Lama—wear something green to the meeting!

On the Agenda:

The Multiverse: An exploration of Marvel’s, DC’s, and other examples of “the multiverse” in SF/F!

Stories From the Sky: We recount some of the mythical stories behind the constellations of the night sky.

Tutorial – Crafting a Presentation: We all have a favourite SF/F passion—a particular author, TV series, film, superhero, game, or sub-genre like steampunk or time travel! MonSFFA thrives on the varied interests and involvement of its members. You all have a panel discussion or presentation in you, and to that end, we offer a quick tutorial on preparing and giving a treatise on your favourite genre-related topic at a club meeting!

and more…

Please Note: While we strive to keep on schedule, we do, sometimes, fall behind a little, or find ourselves having to reshuffle the order of items on the agenda for one reason or another, or reschedule planned presentations/discussions. Therefore, please understand that all programming is subject to change!

We hope to see all of you on Saturday, March 8!