MonSFFA’s next meeting is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Saturday, March 8, from 1:00PM to 5:00PM!

As winter recedes, we are returning to our downtown meeting locale, Le Nouvel Hotel, 1740 Rene-Levesque Ouest (corner St-Mathieu).

However, we have received a message from Le Nouvel, informing us of a change of meeting room. So, Please note that because our usual meeting room will be unavailable on this occasion, we will be gathering instead in the “Faubourg” room, just down the hall. Once again, tomorrow, we will be meeting in the Faubourg, rather than our usual Maisonneuve room.

Out-of-towners, as always, may join our ZOOM-chat and take part in the meeting from the warmth and comfort of home!

Meeting Theme: St. Patrick’s Day rolls around again in about a week; to celebrate, make like the Green Hornet, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, and the Green Lama—wear something green to the meeting!

On the Agenda:

The Multiverse: An exploration of Marvel’s, DC’s, and other examples of “the multiverse” in SF/F!

Stories From the Sky: We recount some of the mythical stories behind the constellations of the night sky.

Tutorial – Crafting a Presentation: We all have a favourite SF/F passion—a particular author, TV series, film, superhero, game, or sub-genre like steampunk or time travel! MonSFFA thrives on the varied interests and involvement of its members. You all have a panel discussion or presentation in you, and to that end, we offer a quick tutorial on preparing and giving a treatise on your favourite genre-related topic at a club meeting!

and more…

Please Note: While we strive to keep on schedule, we do, sometimes, fall behind a little, or find ourselves having to reshuffle the order of items on the agenda for one reason or another, or reschedule planned presentations/discussions. Therefore, please understand that all programming is subject to change!

We hope to see all of you tomorrow, Saturday, March 8!