Post 2 of 6: July 11 DIY Virtual MonSFFA Meeting

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12 thoughts on “Post 2 of 6: July 11 DIY Virtual MonSFFA Meeting”

  1. Signal Hill is lovely, too–gorgeous walking trails on the water and wild blueberries in the summer.

  2. Thanks, Sylvain .. an amazing amount of research.

    The map of Gaul in your Slide 06 explains what every high school student used to learn in their first term of Latin studies:

    “Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres” – “All Gaul is divided into three parts”

    1. For a long time, the accounts of news being shouted from field to field were considered legendary. Until somebody bothered to test the method and found it entirely workable.

  3. Sylvain, I keep writing to my niece in cursive, in hopes that she will eventually make the effort to lean it. I can’t understand why kids today find it easier to print–it takes longer to write that way.

    1. It would work in theory, but you need a bit of magic to give it an edge. Like having gargoyle operators and such.

  4. This is a wonderful presentation. The pictures of phones remind me of the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site in Baddeck, Nova Scotia.

      1. The early years, especially, were quite wild. Everybody was fiddling around with the technology to find what the limits were.

      2. Yes, we used to live in Cape Breton and went once. Well worth a visit.

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