Post 2 of 6: September 12 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting

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13 thoughts on “Post 2 of 6: September 12 DIY, Virtual MonSFFA Meeting”

    1. LOL–reminds me of a book I read. The protagonist was told he could learn an alien language faster with an RNA drip, but he refused because you never know what else might come into your brain.

  1. Excellent presentation. I generally love super schoolfic. Wizards, Vampires, Mutants… Its all good…

  2. In the ‘how’ category- the Teacher, from the Trek episode Spock’s Brain.

  3. no Hogwarts. what about the school on voyager or ds9

    if Monsffa is a university where is everyones diplomas lol.

  4. Why yes, I did learn something! Education is even more widely featured in the Genre than I expected. Thank you, Danny, an excellent presentation.

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