Meeting of the 13th of March, 2021

Missed the meeting? No worries! Here are all the posts in order. The Zoom was recorded and is available under the members only tab in the top menu.

We introduce the cast!

In honour of St-Patrick’s Day coming up, we are all Irish!


Keith Braithwaite’s introduction includes a comprehensive presentation on The StarLost.

Also, parody songs, jokes, and announcements.

Joe Aspler presents: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld!
The Break

  • Birthday Greetings
  • Announcements regarding WARP and programming
  • models by Dan Kenney and Wayne Glover
  • Participation Prizes
  • The Anagram Game
The best and worst of Trek: A live discussion on Zoom which was recorded and is available on our members only page.
A Year’s Worth of Avatars: Sylvain St-Pierre’s retrospective description of our Pandemic year.


More parody songs and Dad jokes! More anagram puzzles on Zoom.

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