Leggings for Readers!

Need stockings this winter?middleearthleggings_0

“What’s cooler than legs encased in coziness? Legs encased in bookish coziness. We’ve rounded up some awesome pieces…”

Indeed they have! comicbookleggingsThere are maps of Middle Earth and Westeros,  Super Heroes, quotations, and lots more. Have a look: http://www.quirkbooks.com/post/literary-looks-bookish-tights-and-leggings

But really over the top, IMO, are these:

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GRRM 3Wondering what GRRM thought of these? Me, too, so went looking, and found these comments on his “Not a Blog”
Stranger Than Strange
Every time I think my life could not possibly get any weirder, it does:
I can think a dozen things to say about those leggings, all of which would get me into deep, deep trouble, so I had better just scratch my head and say, “No, really? This must be a joke.”

I don’t think I get any money off these. But who the hell knows at this point?

Current Location:Santa Fe
Current Mood:surreal

Tags: weird sh*t