Meeting July 10: All the posts in order

Here are the links to all the posts in order. Note that the zoom session which was recorded is under the members only tab. Keith introduces the meeting, Summer quizzes to tease your brain! Dr Who’s Who–A guide to the actors who played the doctor, presented by Joe Aspler The Break: Club announcements, Display Table featuring models by Brian Knapp, pictures of participation prizes. Guest Speaker François Vigneault, comics and graphic novel artist. Shakespeare in SF-In three acts, presented by Danny Sichel The Wrap: Presented by Keith, answers to the quizzes

Keith managed to sneak in a Ray Harryhausen reference! (you owe the club a quarter, Keith), so we had a discussion about Harryhausen’s visit to Montreal, which led to talk about people who got his autograph, Here’s one from Lil Moir: