Zines to Share!

Lots of zines to share!

TH 52

This Here, edited by Nic Farey, has a most interesting article about defining “fanzine”. You’d think it would be obvious, but nooooo–when fans start splitting hairs, they don’t know when to stop.

From George Philies, the N3F Review of Books N3FReview202204

From Bill Burns over at e-fanzines

Catching up with site updates after returning from my UK Eastercon trip, I’ve added these new issues at https://efanzines.com

Michael Dobson’s Random Jottings #2, 3 & 21

Opuntia #523, edited by Dale Speirs

Octothorpe #56, a regular fannish podcast by Liz Batty, John Coxon and Alison Scott


Christopher J. Garcia’s Claims Department #33

Nic Farey’s This Here…#52

William Breiding’s Portable Storage #7

I also have some new pages to add to the site, which I will do soon.
