Post 6 of 6: Wrap-Up

This is our closing post of the afternoon.


Before we wrap things up, here are the answers to the Halloween Quiz posted at the outset of this afternoon’s conclave:

1) Halloween is the day before which holiday?

ANSWER: All Saints (Hallows) Day

2) The tradition of making Jack-o-Lanterns to ward off evil spirits is thousands of years old. Which vegetable were they originally made out of?

ANSWER: Turnips

3) According to superstition, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see?

ANSWER: Your future husband or wife.

4) Which region in the world do pumpkins originate from?

ANSWER: Central America

5) Who wrote the novel Frankenstein?

ANSWER: Mary Shelley

6) Transylvania is a region in which country?

ANSWER: Romania

7) Halloween has its origins in which ancient Celtic festival?

ANSWER: Samhain

8) Which actor played Dr. Frank-n-Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show?

ANSWER: Tim Curry

9) Is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?


10) What is the significance of seeing a spider on Halloween?

ANSWER: It is thought to be the spirit of a loved one watching over the person who finds the spider.

11) Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead starting at midnight on October 31?

ANSWER: Mexico

12) According to superstition, a person born on Halloween has what particular ability?

ANSWER: The ability to see and talk to spirits.

13) Who directed The Nightmare Before Christmas?

ANSWER: Henry Selick

14) Which vampire said, “Don’t be afraid. I’m going to give you the choice I never had.”

ANSWER: Lestat (Interview with the Vampire)

15) How many people were hanged during the Salem Witch Trials?


16) Every Halloween, Charlie Brown helps his friend Linus wait for what character to appear?

ANSWER: The Great Pumpkin

17) What do people “bob” for on Halloween?

ANSWER: Apples

18) Who is said to haunt the White House Rose Garden?

ANSWER: First Lady Dolly Madison

19) Pumpkins can be orange, white, green, or what other colour?


20) In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, how many people are killed with a chainsaw?


21) What’s the body-count for the film Halloween?

ANSWER: Five people, and a dog.

22) Which year was the movie Freaks made?

ANSWER: 1932

23) In the original Alien film, how many alien eggs were made for the egg chamber inside the downed spacecraft?


24) How many Oscars was Psycho nominated for?



We thank for their chief contributions to this afternoon’s e-meeting Keith Braithwaite, Linda Ross-Mansfield, Lindsay Brown, and Cathy Palmer-Lister. We offer a nod of appreciation, as well, to all of our supporting players.

MonSFFA hopes you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, we thank you for dropping in, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at for additional content during this stubbornly persistent pandemic, and for any updates as to when the club will be returning to long-overdue regular, face-to-face meetings!

Thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment on today’s e-meeting!


Alas, no booking of our intended downtown meeting room has yet been confirmed; function space rentals remain on pause still at this time, and we continue to await word of facilities reopening.

If you are able, take a walk or ride soon out to a local park, or to the off-island countryside, and delight in peak leaf season on a crisp autumn day. Have fun with the upcoming Halloween holiday, too!

We bid a fond farewell to all until we meet again on Saturday, November 12, at 1:00PM, likely again online right here at But if our intended meeting hall reopens its function space anytime soon, we’ll be looking forward to a real, live, in-person meeting and, of course, let you know of any such change of plans regarding November’s get-together.

Keep well, everyone, save some of those Halloween treats for the kids, and thrill to all the horror movies airing and streaming this month!