Post 2 of 7: Monarchies in SF&F

This is post 2 of 7.


Flash Gordon featured Emperor Ming, merciless ruler of Mongo, and his alluring daughter, Princess Aura.

The Padishah Emperor, hereditary sovereign of House Corrino, along with the royals of House Harkonnen and House Atreides, spiced up the pages of the influential Dune books.

Meanwhile, the Star Wars franchise pitted evil Emperor Palpatine against the rebellious, forceful Princess Leia Organa, of Alderaan’s ruling family, and her Jedi cohorts.

And the nobility of Westeros played the game of thrones with varying degrees of success.

The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, the Discworld series, Marvel’s Wakanda movies, and countless other science fiction and fantasy books, comics, films, and television shows feature various monarchies, whether despotic dictatorship, benevolent regime, or some weird permutation of real-world royalist systems of government.

Over the next hour of our ZOOM-chat, we’ll examine and discuss some of these.

Those not able to join the chat may contribute nonetheless by using this post’s “Leave a Comment” feature to type in commentary or ask a question of our presenter.

Next Post: 2:30PM