Solar explosion now a dangerous sunspot

On the 4th of January there was a Class X explosion on the farside of the sun. Now it is turning toward Earth, and has already caused shortwave radio blackouts. We might see some Aurora activity. CPL
Space Weather News for Jan 6, 2023

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: A large and potentially dangerous sunspot is turning toward Earth. This morning (Jan. 6th at 0057 UT) it unleashed an X-class solar flare and caused a shortwave radio blackout over the South Pacific Ocean. Given the size and apparent complexity of the active region, there’s a good chance the explosions will continue in the days ahead.  Full story @

Instant solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.

Above: An X1.2-class solar flare on Jan. 6, 2023, recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Space Weather News for Jan 4, 2023

SIGNIFICANT FARSIDE EXPLOSION: A powerful explosion rocked the farside of the sun yesterday, hurling a bright CME over the edge of the solar disk. It may have been an X-class event. Helioseismic echoes suggest that the source of the blast is just behind the sun’s southeastern limb and could turn to face Earth later this week. Full story @

Instant solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.

Above: A bright CME emerges from the farside of the sun on Jan. 3rd. Credit: The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)