January 2023 Virtual Meeting, Post 8 of 8: Wrap-Up

This post officially closes today’s MonSFFA e-meeting.


Our thanks to Joe Aspler, Josée Bellemare, Keith Braithwaite, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for their contributions to today’s programme. Your efforts are very much appreciated! We thank, as well, all of our supporting contributors this afternoon.

And of course, to those who visited with us today, and took in our online get-together, thank you for your interest and attention, and don’t forget to comment!


We sincerely hope you have enjoyed your time with us these past few hours and encourage you to visit www.MonSFFA.ca regularly for additional content.

As club members are no doubt aware, our hoped-for return to in-person club meetings has unfortunately been stymied by pandemic-related circumstances; we will keep you updated as to any progress regarding our continuing search for a new meeting room!

We invite you to join us again next month, right here at www.MonSFFA.ca, for another MonSFFA e-Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, February 11, beginning at 1:00PM.


Until next month, then, we bid you farewell, and include our wishes for your good health and safe travels.