February 2023 e-Meeting, Post 7 of 8: Special SF/F LP Record Offer!

This is post 7 of 8.


The vinyl records listed here (Sylvain’s Sci-Fi LPs, Complete List) belonged to our dear departed friend, Sylvain St-Pierre. Most are SF/F movie soundtracks. All the discs appear to be in good condition; sleeves show minimal to medium wear.

We are making this list available to MonSFFA club members for the benefit of any interested in acquiring some of these records. Obviously, one would require a functioning turntable/sound system on which to play them.

We have organized the records under large headings indicating style of music/content. We have further arranged most of these albums into “lots,” meaning two, three, or more records grouped together thematically and offered as a single bundle. Each lot is identified by a sub-heading (e.g.: Classics Collection, Fantasy Collection). There are a couple of records not so grouped, and these are available as single items.

Classics Collection
Fantasy Collection

While we are not attaching any specific price/value to these LPs, upon your acquisition of any of the records, we would welcome a modest donation to MonSFFA in keeping with Sylvain’s wish that his legacy be shared with his fellow MonSFFen, and that it help to support the club financially.

Calculate, then, what you believe would be a reasonable donation based upon the number of records you acquire—a couple of dollars, or $5.00, or $10.00, for example.

Note that while the club, of course, would be grateful, a donation is not mandatory.

Please peruse this list and e-mail club VP Keith Braithwaite at veep@monsffa.ca with a note as to which of the lots you would like to acquire. In the event of more than one person wishing to procure the same lot, a random draw will determine which person is awarded said lot.

However, any person(s) opting to acquire all of this collection, and thus all of the lots listed, will be given priority.

Arrangements will subsequently be made as to local deliveries (probably, pick-up at a designated locale on a chosen date). Be aware that out-of-town members may be required to cover shipping costs.

The deadline for notifying us of your desire to procure any or all of these records is Saturday, March 11, 2023—date of the next MonSFFA e-meeting—by no later than 3:00PM, please. Again, send your e-mails to Keith at: veep@monsffa.ca

After this date, any albums remaining unselected will be sold or donated to a used record store or thrift shop, with any and all funds there raised directed to MonSFFA’s coffers.

For those on ZOOM at this moment, we welcome any questions you may have. Those not equipped to join us on ZOOM may ask their questions by using this post’s “Leave a Comment” feature.