November 2023 MonSFFA Meeting, Post 1 of 7, 12:30PM; Pre-Meeting Tech Check


As club members all know, during the pandemic isolation protocols dictated that we suspend our in-person meetings for a time, a hiatus that stretched into some three years, as it turned out, a dramatically longer period than anyone had anticipated! So as to allow MonSFFen to continue meeting, the club instituted a series of virtual get-togethers. These “e-meetings,” as we dubbed them, proved successful and popular with most MonSFFen.

When the pandemic ended and post-COVID-19 anxiety faded, and it became feasible to once again meet in person, we nevertheless wanted to continue to offer this online option, particularly to our out-of-town members. We elected to experiment with live-streaming our in-person meetings, which has largely met with success. But, in that some of our equipment is a tad antiquated, and we are at the mercy of the available WiFi at our physical meeting locale, the effort has not been without a few technical glitches. Last month’s “Halloween” meeting, for instance, proved particularly gremlin-plagued, predictably perhaps, given the meeting’s theme!

In any case, the experiment continues this month, and if all has gone well, you are now viewing a live-stream of MonSFFA’s November 2023 Meeting. It is our aim to live-stream this and future club meetings, thereby creating hybrid events in which participation may take place both in-person and virtually.

This afternoon’s proceedings are shortly to get underway. Those of you joining us online may follow along, and participate, by way of our ZOOM-chat (See item “3,” next post, for instructions on how to do so).