Zines to share!

Zines to share!

From Nic Farey, This Here: TH 76r

From the 3NF,
 The N3F Review of Books N3FReview202406

2 … Archangel by NR LaPoint … Review by Declan Finn
4 … The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins … Review by Graham Bradley
6 … Brother, Frank by Michael Bunker … Review by Graham Bradley
7 … Deathbringer by Blake Carpenter … Review by Jim McCoy
9 … Deeper than the Darkness by Gregory Benford … Review by Jean-Paul Garnier
9 … The Dream of the Iron Dragon by Rob Kroese … Review by Neovictorian
11 … Going Ballistic by Dorothy Grant … Review by Becky Jones
12 … The Groundskeeper: Raking Up the Dead by Cedar Sanderson … Review by Pat Patterson
13 … Hauser’s Memory by Curt Siodmak … Review by Jean-Paul Garnier
13 … The Icarus Job by Timothy Zahn … Review by Declan Finn
15 … Kindred by Kelly Grayson … Review by Pat Patterson
16 … Monster Hunter Bloodlines by Larry Correia … Review by Graham Bradley
18 … Off to Be the Wizard by Scott Meyer … Review by Graham Bradley
19 … Out of the Soylent Planet by Robert Kroese … Review by Ginger Man
21 … Pirates of the Electromagnetic Waves by Fenton Wood … Review by Rob Kroese
22 … The Powers of the Earth by Travis J. P. Corcoran … Review by Rob Kroese
24 … Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir … Review by Graham Bradley
25 … Scattered, Smothered and Spellbound by Kelly Grayson … Review by Pat Patterson
26 … The Schrödinger Paradox: Entanglement by Holly Chism … Review by Pat Patterson
27 … The Thing From HR by Roy M. Griffis … Review by Michael Gallagher
29 … Virus Thirteen by Joshua Alan Parry … Review by Jason P. Hunt
31 … White Ops by Declan Finn … Review by Ginger Man
Series Reviews
33 … Riptides, Storm Surge, Flotsam of War and Ratchet’s Run by Blaine Lee Pardoe
… Review by Jim McCoy
35 … Uplink Squadron and Second Flight by JN Chaney and Chris Kennedy
… Review by Jim McCoy
Literary Criticism
37 … The Symbiosis of Adventure Fiction and Futurism: A 19th and 20th Century Dialogue
by Franklin Dalcò Grande
Prose Bono
39 … For the Boys by Cedar Sanderson
40 … The Quirky Reader by Cedar Sanderso

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