Zines to share!

From the N3F, NAPA271, with a fabulous cover by Alan White.

In this issue:
Front Cover: Donated by Alan White
The Official Organ #271
Mini-Editorial, by Jefferson P. Swycaffer
Snow Poster Township #16, by Heath Row – 8
Intermission 143.5, by Ahrvid Engholm – 6
The Murdered Master Mage, by George Phillies – 3
Intermission 144, by Ahrvid Engholm – 16
Archive Midwinter, by Jefferson P. Swycaffer – 4
Ye Murthered Master Mage #271, by George Phillies – 3
Brandy Hall Issue 7 July 2024, by Mark Nelson – 8
Fan Fic 2, by George Phillies – 4
Renovation and Innovation Letter, by Adrian Kresnak – 3
Samizdat… Ish #26, July/August 2024, by Samuel Lubell – 8
Brownian Motion #9, by Garth Spencer – 15
Snow Poster Township #17, by Heath Row – 7

Just added at https://efanzines.com are:

      • Rob Jackson’s Inca #24
      • John D. Berry’s Asterisk
      • Guy H. Lillian III’s Spartacus #74
      • Octothorpe #114 a regular fannish podcast by John Coxon, Alison Scott and Liz Batty, is now on line

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