2024 MonSFFA e-Picnic: Post 2 of 2, 5:00PM – Wrap-Up


We thank Keith Braithwaite, Joe Aspler, Josée Bellemare, Daniel P. Kenney, Kevin Holden, Trudie Mason, Cathy Palmer-Lister, and all who contributed to programming today, and we offer a nod of appreciation, as well, to all who attended.

MonSFFA hopes you have enjoyed your time with us this afternoon, and we ask all of you to check in regularly here at www.MonSFFA.ca for additional content.

We look forward to again gathering, face to face, at August’s get-together, on the 17th. We’ll be meeting in our usual Nouvel Hotel function room on that occasion, and concurrently online via ZOOM, as well!

And don’t forget our big Super Sci-Fi Book Sale, coming October 19, also at the Nouvel Hotel, downtown!

Thank you for your interest and attention today, and don’t forget to comment on this afternoon’s e-Picnic!


Until we meet again, keep safe, healthy, and exercise your creativity! And continue to enjoy your summer!

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