Contribute to WOOF, Plus Fanzines to share

Are you a fan-ed? You might want to consider contributing to WOOF.

Here is the official word from this year’s WOOF Official Editor, Guy Lillian, as to how people can contribute to this year’s collation of the 43rd iteration of the Worldcon Order Of Faneditors APA:

“I will be asking for a copy requirement of 50, and will be glad to print on 8 1/2 x 11 paper for overseas or other contributors. Send to Every contributor will get a copy, naturally ; extras will be for sale for $3 to benefit the fan funds, $5 including postage if I have to mail. Contributors, of course, are exempt, although I’d appreciate comp for the cost. Printing costs also appreciated, $3 per double-sided sheet before August 8, market price afterwards.”

Zines to share

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From Israel, CyberCozen, edited by Leybl Botwinik.  Some interesting stories of interest to Star Wars fans, and one I find a bit scary:  Amazon wants to make a TV series based on LotR.

Askew 25 edited by John Purcell: lots of reviews including The Kaiju Film by Jason Barr, Itinerary for 2018 TAFF winner Johan Anglemark (he’s taking the scenic way to San Jose), a very short story, obits.

 MT VOID 2021:     Edited by Mark  & Evelyn Leeper, Mt Void is the zine for the Mt. Holz Science Fiction Society.

Table of Contents

  • Science Fiction (and Other) Discussion Groups, Films, Lectures, etc. (NJ)
  • PROVENANCE by Ann Leckie (audiobook review by Joe Karpierz)
  • APOCALYPSE NYX by Kameron Hurley (book review by Joe          Karpierz)
  • LoCs
  • This Week’s Reading (THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV and IN THE DEVIL’S GARDEN) (book comments by Evelyn C. Leeper)
  • Quote of the Week