Fanzines to share!

A number of fanzines have arrived in our “mailbox in the last couple of weeks or so. Check them out!

  1. From our Friend Leybl in Israel, CyberCozen–He reprinted Keith’s reviews!  Wonderful!   CCNovember 2018-v01


  1. From Garth, Obdurate Eye 3.1 ( Fabulous cover art!)  and Obdurate eye 3

Dear Lady and Gentlemen,

It seems that I have recently put myself in the position of constructing another fannish directory. (Whether this is redundant I leave to your judgment.) Can you expand on the rather meagre information I have about your APAs?

It all started when I tried to figure out how many other APAs are operating besides eAPA, of which I am the Official Editor. Attached for your amusement is the latest edition of my personalzine, The Obdurate Eye #3, which includes some rather skeletal lists of APAs, fanzines, conventions, et al.

Yours truly,

Garth Spencer

2  FROM The National Fantasy Fan Federation, Founded 1941

With this mailing: Eldritch Science for November 2018, a zine in four parts.


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3. From Felicity Walker, the zine for the BC SFA (pay no attention to the dates) BCSFAzine 532 [150 DPI]

4. And then the National Fantasy Fan Federation sent out a batch of zines:

Archive 2

MT VOID 2038

MT VOID 2037

MT VOID 2036



5. And Joe sent us Alexiad:
