July 20 MonSFFA Meeting Will Commemorate Apollo 11 Moonshot! And More!…



Check it out for reports on the club’s recent activities, and news of upcoming events, like our…


Saturday, July 20, 11:30AM-5:00PM

St-François Room (second floor)

Hôtel Espresso, 1005 Guy St., Downtown Montreal

Meeting Theme: It’s the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing! Bring in for our display table your moonshot souvenirs, books, toys, etc.

On July 20, 1969, the lunar lander Eagle touched down on the moon, an astounding exploratory and scientific feat achieved from conception and design to testing and realization in less than a decade! A few hours later, Astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set foot on other world, followed shortly thereafter by crewmate “Buzz” Aldrin. The event was watched back on Earth by a worldwide television audience of some 530 million!

MonSFFA will remember and celebrate this monumental achievement in space exploration and scientific and technological advancement at our July meeting, the date of which just happens to be the 20th, the 50th anniversary, to the day, of this grand milestone in human history!


11:30AM-12:30PM (Pre-Meeting Session)

Utopia Planitia Shipyards Competition:      MonSFFA’s 2019 group project continues as our build teams finish assembling and begin detailing and painting their scratchbuilt model spacecraft!


One Giant Leap: 50 years ago on this very date, Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon, marking the culmination of President Kennedy’s challenge to his nation to put a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth! We remember, evaluate, and celebrate this monumental achievement, discussing it, too, from the point of view of sci-fi fans, for whom science fiction had become reality!

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Mid-Meeting Break: Fund-raising raffle; brief discussion of recent club business


Visions of the Future: An appreciation of the work of NASA space artist Robert T. McCall.


Music in SF/F: An exploration from numerous perspectives of music in science fiction and fantasy.



MonSFFA’s Summer Barbecue-in-the-Park, traditionally held in July, will this year be held on Sunday, August 11!

We’ve made this change so as to accommodate our scheduled 50th-anniversary retrospective of the Apollo 11 moonshot on July 20 (see above), which, as chance would have it, happens to be the exact historical date on which that first moon landing took place back in 1969.

We take this opportunity to invite all club members, their families, and friends to join us August 11 for our annual Summer Barbecue-in-the-Park, 2019 edition!

Be sure to check the club’s Web site the evening prior to the event for any word of cancellation due to impending rain. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be postponed until the following Sunday, August 18, same time and place.

So, if the rain stays away, we will gather on the 11th at about 10:30-11:00AM under or nearby our usual stand of trees in Parc Angrignon, Lasalle (Angrignon Metro).  You’ll find us behind the Metro/bus station and just a short walk from the parking lot adjacent the now-shuttered “Farm”, or petting zoo.

Bring your own food and drink; MonSFFA will supply a small cooking grill. We usually commandeer a couple of picnic tables for the day, but you may wish to cart along a folding chair of your own, or a picnic blanket, and perhaps a card or board game, ball, or Frisbee.

And don’t forget your sunscreen!

Do join us for a pleasant afternoon of easy conversation, refreshing drink, and tasty fare amongst the company of fannish friends!