Fanzine to share: Tightbeam for October 2019.

With this mailing:

Tightbeam for October 2019.


Editors all appreciate Letters of Comment.

Table of Contents

1 … Front cover by Angela K. Scott
6 … Swans by Angela K. Scott
31 … Lounging Around by Jose Sanchez
32 … Back Cover by Jose Sanchez

4 … George Phillies

4 … Heath Row
6 … Bob Jennings
6 … Lloyd Penney

7 … High School Prodigies … Review by Jessi Silver
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10 … Ascendance of a Bookworm … Review by Jessi Silver
11 … Kemono Michi: Rise Up … Review by Jessi Silver

13 … Sherlock Holmes and the Sussex Sea-Devils … Review by Bob Jennings
15 … The Far Shore by Glenn Damato … Review by Tamara Wilhite
16 … Nemo’s World: The Substrate Wars 2 by Jeb Kinnison … Review by Jim McCoy
17 … Time Loop by Pam Uphoff … Review by Pat Patterson
19 … The Golden Horde, by Chris Kennedy … Review by Pat Patterson

Short Stories
21 … All In by Rajan Khanna … Review by Greg Hullender and Eric Wong
22 … Molecular Rage by Marie Bilodeau … Review by Greg Hullender and Eric Wong

22 … World War Z … Review by Chris Nuttall
23 … Star Trek: Deep Space Nine … Review by Jim McCoy

25 … L. Sprague de Camp Bio-Bibliography by Jon D. Swartz, Ph. D.
28 … Astounding by Alec Nevala-Lee …Review by Kevin Trainor

Gourmet Bureau
29 … Chicken Korma by Pam Uphoff and Cedar Sanderson