MonSFFA Modeller SIG Invitation

On behalf of MonSFFA Modeller :
Please accept this email as our invitation to join the new MonSFFA Scale Modeller Special Interest Group. We are a community of like-minded individuals who enjoy the building and displaying of plastic scale models. It’s intended to be a way to exchange information, announcements, ideas, techniques, photos and anything else related to model building. Updated posts will appear on the MonSFFA website ( via drop down menu on the right – under Activities/SIGS/SIG: Scale Modeller. There is also a community chat group on the MonSFFA FaceBook page to help in starting discussions, post photos, or ask advice on a current project. We plan to start Zoom meetings once a month as soon as meeting schedule is approved. If you are interested in joining, or have any questions, please contact us via email at  We’re looking forward to see what you have been working on!


Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association