Report and photos by Josée Bellemare

Josée Bellemare

Last Saturday a few of us went to the Canada Science and Technology Museum. While the name may sound stuffy the displays were amazing. The various sections of the museum covered the history of different aspects of everyday life such as communication and transportation. We could see the evolution of various machines, from pre-neon jukeboxes to tiny radios, from gramophones to i-pods. Some of us were actually old enough to remember some of the objects in the display cases like hand held film cameras.

The Lego exhibit was impressive. The artist showed great precision, attention to detail and fluidity of movement.  His reproductions of certain famous pieces of art were remarkable.

Some of the objects on display were interactive: you could play with levers, push buttons and sit at the controls of a huge train.

A fun day for everyone.

Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association