Spotlight on Keith and Cathy, Aurora nominees

WARP93CoverArtAuroraWinner+NomineeLogos_2"WARP is getting attention!

Keith Braithwaite was nominated for his cover of WARP 93, and Cathy Palmer-Lister as WARP editor.

Click here to learn about Keith’s “restoration” of the lost Monet and here to view his bio.
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Cathy has posted a bio here.

For more information about the Auroras, go to

April 17: The Sci-Fi classic movie matinee

Time MachineThe April 17 MonSFFA meeting starts at NOON with the  Sunday Sci-Fi Cinema Matinée:  The George Pal Edition.

Keith writes:

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Sunspot AR2529, CME, auroras possible

For more pictures of Sunspot AR 2529, go to

Read that Sunspot AR2529 was big enough to be seen naked-eye, so I had a look-see this morning. My sight is getting worse (starting cataracts), unfortunately I saw three overlapping suns, but there was a slight streak of  darkness near the centre of the sun. I was able to confirm the sighting with binoculars covered with #14 welder’s glass. Not sure I would have seen anything without the binoculars had I not had three overlapping sunspots!

If you want to observe the sun, please be careful to use proper protection for your eyes!

I bought Welder’s glass #14 quite a  few years ago for 5$. You can also use binoculars and telescopes to project the sun onto a white surface. I used the projection method to view the transit of Venus.
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There will probably be auroras tonight, not sure how far south they will be visible though.

Space Weather News for April 12, 2016

EARTH ENTERS SOLAR WIND STREAM: A G1-class geomagnetic storm is in progress on April 12th as Earth enters a stream of fast-moving solar wind.  NOAA forecasters estimate a 70% chance of additional storming on April 13th as Earth moves deeper into the stream.  Also, a minor CME from big sunspot AR2529 could deliver a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field on April 13th, further boosting the odds of storminess.  Visit for more information.

Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire

Looking for some good reading en français? You might want to check out some of these titles.

The finalists for the 2016 Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire have been announced.

The nominees were selected by a jury consisting of writers, critics, journalists, and translators: Joëlle Wintrebert, Jean-Luc Rivera, Pascal Patoz, Bruno Para, Jean-Claude Dunyach, François Angelier, Sandrine Brugot-Maillard, Olivier Legendre, Jean-Claude Vantroyen.

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The Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire will be presented in May at the Étonnants Voyageurs (Amazing Travellers – International Book & Film Festival) in Saint-Malo, May 14-16.


Long Range Sensors Detect…

  • Huge Sunspot
  • Kepler is stabilized

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SOLAR MINIMUM, INTERRUPTED: The sun’s headlong plunge into solar minimum has been interrupted by the surprise emergence of a big sunspot.  AR2529 doubled in size over the weekend, and the behemoth spot is now being photographed by amateur astronomers around the world. On Saturday, Jean-Pierre Brahic of Uzès, France, took this picture of the swirling maelstrom of magnetic fields at the sunspot’s dark core:

As the inset image of Earth shows, the sunspot’s core is wide enough to swallow our planet–twice. Fortunately we are 93 million miles away.   READ MORE

KEPLER SPACECRAFT IS STABILIZED: You may have heard that the Kepler Spacecraft went into emergency mode. Fortunately, it’s back up, but won’t be asked to do much until scientists figure out what went wrong. It’s in orbit around the sun, so communication back & forth takes time–13 minutes.

Kepler is the spacecraft responsible for finding exoplanets, 1041 confirmed hits so far. More about Kepler and the exoplanets on its home page:

Monsffa’s Monday laugh

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Star Wars, Star Wars, and a bit more Star Wars

  1. Official trailer released. Looks interesting.

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episod116squareOur spe­cial guest Craig Miller was the Pub­li­cist and Direc­tor of Fan Rela­tions for Lucas­film dur­ing the hey-day of the 70’s and 80’s. Ever won­der how fans knew what was going on in fan­dom before social media? Whose job was it to tell the world about this new movie called Star Wars? Craig shares some awe­some stories.

Now speak­ing of social media… SO MUCH STAR WARS this week! Rogue One Teaser Trailer dropped as well as The Force Awak­ens Blu-Ray with Spe­cial Fea­tures. We review some of the bonus fea­tures with Sky­walker and blog­ger, Drew Kaplan. Then, Richard and Sarah dive in to the ROGUE ONE TEASER TRAILER. The music! The plot! AT-ATs!

conduct3.  Closer to home, the OVMF Star Wars concerts June 12 & June 19 have sold out. They have added a third date, June 16, which is a Thursday evening.

April 17 Meeting starts at NOON

Film reelApr 17: We have an early start, NOON, with the return of the Sunday Movie Matinée, hosted by Keith.

Following the classic film, and discussion of its merits, we will have a presentation by René Walling on the Bandes Desinées, AKA les BDs.  
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Title pageAnd then, the culmination of 9 months work: the actual filming of our very own Stop Motion Project.

Our sensors detect…

Our local sensors detect:

  • Continuing reaction to the Dragon Con Awards
  • Galaxy Quest sequel — Is it a go or not?

Long Range Sensors Detect:

  • Early Mars bombardment – Precursor to life on Mars?
  • Trigger for Milky Way’s youngest supernova identified
  • Long-Ago Supernovae Littered Earth

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  • Observing: This Week’s Sky at a Glance, April 8 – 16

Our local sensors detect:

  • Continuing reaction to the Dragon Con Awards: Puppies, both sad and rabid, are declaring a victory and predicting the end of the Hugos. I don’t understand why they are so set on destroying something they claim not care about.  And why do they persist in claiming the Hugos are “fixed” in some way by a cabal? File 770 continues to compile the comments, pro and con. I don’t know Sean O’Hara , but he makes  valid points, starting with “What the World Needs Now Is Another Sci-Fi Award Like I Need a Hole in My Head”
  • Galaxy Quest sequel –– Is it a go or not? Two actors from Galaxy Quest commented on the proposed sequel, one claiming it is off because of the passing of Alan Rickman, the other claiming it is on in spite of the huge hole left by Rickman’s passing. I think too much time has passed.  Read More

Long Range Sensors Detect:

  • Early Mars bombardment – Precursor to life on Mars? The bombardment of Mars some 4 billion years ago by comets and asteroids as large as West Virginia likely enhanced climate conditions enough to make the planet more conducive to life, at least for a time, said a new University of Colorado Boulder (CU-Boulder) study.Read More
  • Trigger for Milky Way’s youngest supernova identified: The stellar explosion occurred when two white dwarfs collided. Understanding type Ia supernovae causes more precisely will give astronomers greater insight into the expansion rate of the universe. Read More
  • Long-Ago Supernovae Littered Earth: Roughly 2 million years ago, as the human ancestor homo erectus was descending from the trees, two supernovae exploded nearby and showered Earth with debris.  This article describes the investigation into these supervovae. Near the end, and in a comment afterwards, the question of the effect this may have had on human evolution is raised.  Read More
  • Observing Highlights — This Week’s Sky at a Glance, April 8 – 16: Mercury makes its best dusk appearance this year, and the moon will occult Aldeberran.  Mercury is the most difficult planet to view. It is faint, in the city binoculars may be required. Also, it is very low to the horizon, so you need a good sight line to the west. Further details and finder chart here.

Hugo Awards/DragonCon Awards/Puppies

Does SF/F really need another award? I swear they multiply like rabbits. The latest is from Dragon Con and will be known as “The Dragon”.

Click here to see the official Dragon Con press release. The list of rules and conditions is here.

Since Dragon Con announced it would start its own awards, there has been a lot of talk comparing them to the Hugos and of course the Puppies are involved in the discussion. If you believe the Puppies, they were the driving force behind the new awards.  Well, they were told many times to start their own awards if they didn’t like the Hugos, so apparently, now they have.

I don’t see why some would think the DC awards would be in competition with the Hugos (largely a different crowd), but I think Good Reads as a popular vote award already covers most of the same ground.

DC has a few little bugs to iron out, but I think their biggest problem will be the fact that anyone can vote and the door is open to abuse. They do say they will remove suspicious votes, but that’s easier said than done.  Might explain DC’s need for the legalese in the rules. It’s like reading the rules and conditions for a contest, written by the folks over at QC’s Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux.

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DC has a lot of categories, and IMO, there is too much overlapping. There are 7 categories for best novel. I can see a voter getting tied up in knots trying to decide whether to nominate a book in Military SF, or just SF, or maybe even YA.  Especially as you can only nominate one in each category! There are no short story, novella, or editor categories. This is viewed negatively by the fen, but I think it simply reflects a different electorate, which is perfectly fine.

I also find this FAQ somewhat disturbing. Of course, candidates for an award will do some advertising of the fact, I’ve been quite happily making sure lots & lots of potential Aurora voters know Keith and I are on the short ballot, but a full page on a website explaining how to promote oneself is a bit tacky on the part of the awards organization.

Can someone nominate just my book, game, movie, or comic? Yes, a fan can leave any category they wish blank.

File 770 is following the debate, Puppies and all, and is worth scrolling through if you have an interest in the subject.  It starts here, with the announcement.  Comments and reactions from all and sundry, including Pups, interesting as always.



Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association