3 Doctor Who stories

File 770 posted 3 Dr Who Stories that I thought would interest the MonSFFen. Two are about the spin-off, Class, and the third is about Gallifrey One 2017 in LA.  Apparently, 2016 tickets sold out in under 2 minutes.

(1) HEAD OF THE CLASS. From Variety: “’Doctor Who’ Spinoff ‘Class’ Taps Katherine Kelly to Lead Ensemble Cast”.

Happy Valley” alum Katherine Kelly has been tapped to lead an ensemble of newcomers in the “Doctor Who” spinoff “Class.”

Kelly will play a teacher at Coal Hill School, an institution that has been part of the “Doctor Who” universe since its inception in 1963. Students will be played by newbies Greg Austin, Fady Elsayed, Sophie Hopkins and Vivian Oparah.

Filming on “Class” begins this week. There’s no word yet on a target premiere date for the BBC Three/BBC America series created by Patrick Ness. “Doctor Who” and “Class” exec producer Steven Moffat likened the series to a British version of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”

(2) ROLL CALL. Sci-Fi Storm completes the roster – “BBC announces the Class of Class”.

Joining Kelly as students at the school are Greg Austin (Mr. Selfridge), Fady Elsayed (My Brother the Devil), Sophie Hopkins (The Meeting Place) and newcomer Vivian Oparah.

With the focus on the young adult audience, each of the students is described as having “hidden secrets and desires. They are facing their own worst fears, navigating a life of friends, parents, school work, sex, sorrow — and possibly the end of existence.”

You viagra for women uk ought not to take this measurement more than once every day. Men with erection issues continue agonizing over the issue as opposed to searching for the cure. generic tadalafil at discount is one of the best medicine suggested which treats the impotence in men. NS5A inhibitors prescription for cialis purchase interfere with the synthesis of a new virus. This way, you can prevent any adverse effect and ensure that you do not need to viagra online no rx wake at 4 O’ clock. (3) TWO MINUTE WARNING. Tickets for next year’s Gallifrey One, the Doctor Who-themed convention in LA, go on sale April 16.

As we prepare for Gallifrey One 2017 ticket sales to start, please remember: tickets to Gallifrey One 2016 sold out in less than two minutes. We mention this because we want to emphasize very strongly that you should be prepared to be ready to purchase your tickets shortly before the time announced above….

2017 Ticket Prices

Prices for tickets to our 2017 Gallifrey One convention are as follows:

$95.00 Adult Full Weekend

$50.00 Teen Full Weekend (Ages 12-16)

$20.00 Child Full Weekend (Ages 3-11)

…Please note that we have elected to discontinue single-day tickets for 2017 in order to adequately support our entire attendee base with a complete weekend full of programming. All tickets will allow entry into the 2017 convention at any time throughout the weekend, and attendee badges can be picked up from Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning.

Hugo nominated works

Mike Glyer asked: What did you nominate for the 2016 Hugos?


(Ignore the first one by Brian Z, It’s a Puppy joke for April Fools Day.)

The answers provide an interesting and quite eclectic list of potential good reads.  If typical, I suspect Naomi Novik and Ann Leckie will make it to the final ballot. I’ve read and enjoyed both.
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N.K. Jemisin, The Fifth Season, will probably also make the ballot. This one, I have not read. Sounds rather too dark and weird for my tastes, but the reviewers are ecstatic.

I see some pro artists I do not recognize, always fun to discover new-to-me art.

Tintin was nominated by at least one person for a retro Hugo. That’s fun.

CSFFA announces Aurora voting details

We are pleased to announce that the ballot for the 2016 Aurora Awards for best works and activities done by Canadians in 2015 is available.  There are eight categories for professional works and three for fan activities and work.

The voter’s package will be available later in April but voting for this year’s awards will not begin until June 15th. CSFFA (Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association) members have until Midnight, EDT on July 23rd to cast their ballots. Membership is open to all Canadians and Landed Immigrants.

Diet and Atherosclerosis Because appropriate diet is directly related to the blood pressure, cholesterol levels, you need to do regular exercises. best soft cialis http://deeprootsmag.org/category/departments/talkinganimals/ Impotence cures are however available, though more for secondary than primary impotence. cialis tablets online The release of anti-impotent and other remedial therapy has helped countless sildenafil canadian pharmacy men to enjoy the love-making activity.You need to be aroused to enjoy the taste of the medicine. Best foods to control diabetes are spinach, broccoli, strawberries, green beans, lean canada pharmacy cialis meats, salmon and cinnamon. The awards will be given out at Canvention 36, hosted by When Words Collide, www.whenwordscollide.org, in Calgary, Alberta on the weekend of August 12-14th. Full details about CSFFA, the awards and voting can be found at www.prixaurorawards.ca.

For the list of this year’s finalists for the Aurora awards go to our website at: www.prixaurorawards.ca.

Congratulations, Keith and Cathy!

Aurora Nominees

Keith Braithwaite has been nominated for his cover of WARP 93, and Cathy Palmer-Lister for editing WARPs90-93.

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And WARP 90 from here: http://www.monsffa.ca/?page_id=100

Keith’s Monet, cover of WARP 93, is here: http://www.monsffa.ca/?page_id=2695

Two MonSFFen on Aurora Ballot

No, this is not an April Fools Joke. Two members of MonSFFA appear on the Aurora Ballot.

( OK, the first category might be a joke. )

Best Canadian Squirrel in a book, story or poem

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  • Squirrelly McSquirrelface in, An Icebreaker goes North, Nuts Are Us books
  • Fuzzy Nutcracker in, The Galactic Safe, In Trees Publishing
  • Digger Moreholes in, “A Tail of Nuts”, Rodent Magazine, issue 341
  • Zippy Treeclimber in, “The Maze of Nuts”, Squirrel Poets, issue 1
  • Warhammer Graytail in, A Song of Oaks and Pine, Random Tree Press

We are proud to announce this special new category.  Stay tuned for more details.

2016 Aurora Award Ballot

We are pleased to announce the finalists for the 2016 Aurora Awards for best works and activities done by Canadians in 2015.  The first eight categories are for professional works.  Voting for this year’s awards will begin on June 15th.  CSFFA (Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association) members have until Midnight, EDT on July 23rd to cast their ballots.  The voter’s package will be available later in April.  Membership is open to all Canadians and Landed Immigrants.

The awards will be given out at Canvention 36, hosted by When Words Collide in Calgary, Alberta on the weekend of August 12-14th.  Full details about CSFFA, the awards and voting can be found at www.prixaurorawards.ca.

Best English Novel

  • Cursed: Black Swan by Ryan T. McFadden, Dragon Moon Press
  • A Daughter of No Nation by A.M. Dellamonica, Tor Books
  • Drowning in Amber by E.C. Bell, Tyche Books
  • Much Ado about Macbeth by Randy McCharles, Tyche Books
  • Signal to Noise by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Solaris
  • Too Far Gone by Chadwick Ginther, Ravenstone Books

Best English Young Adult Novel

  • The Flame in the Maze by Caitlin Sweet, ChiZine Publications
  • The Fountain by Suzy Vadori, Evil Alter Ego Press
  • An Inheritance of Ashes by Leah Bobet, Scholastic Canada/Clarion Books US
  • Mabel the Mafioso Dwarf by Sherry Peters, Dwarvenamazon
  • Maddie Hatter and the Deadly Diamond by Jayne Barnard, Tyche Books

Best English Short Fiction

  •  “Cosmobotica” by Costi Gurgu & Tony Pi, Running Press
  • “Game Not Over” by Ron Friedman, Galaxy’s Edge, January
  • “La Héron” by Charlotte Ashley, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April 2015
  • “Looking for Gordo” by Robert J. Sawyer, Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft
  • “Super Frenemies” by Stephen Kotowych, Caped: An Anthology of Superhero Tales, Local Hero Press
  • “Waters of Versailles” by Kelly Robson, Tor.com

Best English Poem/Song

  •  “Elegy for WLC” by David Clink, The Dalhousie Review
  • Origami Crane / Light Defying Spaceship” by Naru Dames Sundar, Liminality, Issue 5 Autumn
  • Portrait” by David Clink, On Spec Winter/Spring
  • Typhon & Echidna: A Love Story” by Sandra Kasturi, Gods, Memes and Monsters: A 21st Century Bestiary
  • Venice Letting Go” by Sandra Kasturi, If the World were to Stop Spinning (Chapbook)

Best English Graphic Novel

  • Bloodsuckers written by J.M. Frey, illustrated by Ryan Cole; Toronto Comics, Vol 2 (ed. Steven Andrews)
  • Crash and Burn: Prologue by Kate Larking & Finn Lucullan, Astres Press
  • Infinitum by GMB Chomichuk, ChiZine Publications
  • The Lady ParaNorma by Vincent Marcone, ChiZine Publications
  • West of Bathurst: The Complete Collection by Kari Maaren

Best English Related Work

  • Licence Expired: The Unauthorized James Bond edited by Madeline Ashby and David Nickle, ChiZine Publications
  • nEvermore! Tales of Murder, Mystery & the Macabre edited by Nancy Kilpatrick and Caro Soles, EDGE
  • Playground of Lost Toys edited by Colleen Anderson and Ursula Pflug, Exile Editions
  • Professor Challenger: New Worlds, Lost Places edited by J R Campbell and Charles Prepolec, EDGE
  • Second Contacts edited by Michael Rimar & Hayden Trenholm, Bundoran Press

Best Visual Presentation

  • Bitten, Season 2, Daegan Fryklind, No Equal/eOne/Hoodwink
  • Continuum, Season 4, Simon Barry, Reunion Pictures
  • Dark Matter, Season 1, Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie, Prodigy Pictures
  • Killjoys, Season 1, Michelle Lovretta, Temple Street Productions
  • Orphan Black, Season 3, John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, Temple Street Productions

Best Artist

  • James Beveridge, covers and poster art
  • Erik Mohr, covers for ChiZine Publications
  • Jeff Minkevics, covers for Five Rivers Press
  • Dan O’Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press
  • Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, body of work: Robot sculptures made from upcycled metal objects

Best Fan Publication

  • Broken Toys edited by Taral Wayne
  • Ecdysis edited by Jonathan Crowe
  • The Page of Reviews edited by Adam Shaftoe-Durrant
  • Speculating Canada edited by Derek Newman-Stille
  • WARP, issues 90-93 edited by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Best Fan Organizational

  • Samantha Beiko and Chadwick Ginther, Chair, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Winnipeg
  • Derek Künsken and Marie Bilodeau, Executive, Can*Con 2015, Ottawa
  • Randy McCharles, Chair, When Words Collide, Calgary
  • Matt Moore, Marie Bilodeau and Nicole Lavigne, Co-chairs, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Ottawa
  • Alana Otis and Paul Roberts, Co-chairs, Ad Astra 34 Convention, Toronto

Best Fan Related Work

  • Morva Bowman and Alan Pollard, Halsway Con Concert, Somerset, UK
  • Keith Braithwaite, The Doctor and his Companion, Montreal Science Fiction & Fantasy Association (WARP)
  • Steve Fahnestalk, weekly column in Amazing Stories Magazine
  • Kari Maaren, Everbody Hates Elves (album), Bandcamp and CD
  • Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating, Canada on Trent Radio 92.7 FM

Note: No award will be given out for the Best Music category this year due to insufficient eligible nominees.  Eligible nominees were incorporated into the Best Fan Related Work.

CSFFA announces Aurora short list

We are pleased to announce the nominees for the 2016 Aurora Awards for best works and activities done by Canadians in 2015. The first eight categories are for professional works. Voting for this year’s awards will begin on June 15th. CSFFA (Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association) members have until Midnight, EDT on July 23rd to cast their ballots. The voter’s package will be available later in April. Membership is open to all Canadians and Landed Immigrants.

The awards will be given out at Canvention 36, hosted by When Words Collide in Calgary, Alberta on the weekend of August 12-14th. Full details about CSFFA, the awards and voting can be found at www.prixaurorawards.ca.

Best English Novel

Cursed: Black Swan by Ryan T. McFadden, Dragon Moon Press
A Daughter of No Nation by A.M. Dellamonica, Tor Books
Drowning in Amber by E.C. Bell, Tyche Books
Much Ado about Macbeth by Randy McCharles, Tyche Books
Signal to Noise by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Solaris
Too Far Gone by Chadwick Ginther, Ravenstone Books

Best English Young Adult Novel

The Flame in the Maze by Caitlin Sweet, ChiZine Publications
The Fountain by Suzy Vadori, Evil Alter Ego Press
An Inheritance of Ashes by Leah Bobet, Scholastic Canada/Clarion Books US
Mabel the Mafioso Dwarf by Sherry Peters, Dwarvenamazon
Maddie Hatter and the Deadly Diamond by Jayne Barnard, Tyche Books

Best English Short Fiction

“Cosmobotica” by Costi Gurgu & Tony Pi, Running Press
“Game Not Over” by Ron Friedman, Galaxy’s Edge, January
“La Héron” by Charlotte Ashley, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, March/April 2015
“Looking for Gordo” by Robert J. Sawyer, Future Visions: Original Science Fiction Inspired by Microsoft
“Super Frenemies” by Stephen Kotowych, Caped: An Anthology of Superhero Tales, Local Hero Press
“Waters of Versailles” by Kelly Robson, Tor.com

Best English Poem/Song

“Elegy for WLC” by David Clink, The Dalhousie Review
“Origami Crane / Light Defying Spaceship” by Naru Dames Sundar, Liminality, Issue 5 Autumn
“Portrait” by David Clink, On Spec Winter/Spring
“Typhon & Echidna: A Love Story” by Sandra Kasturi, Gods, Memes and Monsters: A 21st Century Bestiary
“Venice Letting Go” by Sandra Kasturi, If the World were to Stop Spinning (Chapbook)

Best English Graphic Novel

Bloodsuckers written by J.M. Frey, illustrated by Ryan Cole; Toronto Comics, Vol 2 (ed. Steven Andrews)
Crash and Burn: Prologue by Kate Larking & Finn Lucullan, Astres Press
Infinitum by GMB Chomichuk, ChiZine Publications
The Lady ParaNorma by Vincent Marcone, ChiZine Publications
West of Bathurst: The Complete Collection by Kari Maaren

Best English Related Work

The remedy frees it for supple blood muscles in the penile area of men. cialis uk http://amerikabulteni.com/2011/10/16/wall-street-bahari-times-square%E2%80%99i-de-isgal-etti/ viagra uk You’ll be able to repeat the teachings if you’re not among those males who can’t give their greatest on bed due to sexual dysfunction, then you’re indeed lucky in that aspect. Erectile dysfunction or impotence is basically something that does not take place then the man faces erectile dysfunction, he has problems in erection and having a satisfied intercourse. cipla cialis online Due to which, it helps to reduce the chances viagra online of dandruff. Licence Expired: The Unauthorized James Bond edited by Madeline Ashby and David Nickle, ChiZine Publications
nEvermore! Tales of Murder, Mystery & the Macabre edited by Nancy Kilpatrick and Caro Soles, EDGE
Playground of Lost Toys edited by Colleen Anderson and Ursula Pflug, Exile Editions
Professor Challenger: New Worlds, Lost Places edited by J R Campbell and Charles Prepolec, EDGE
Second Contacts edited by Michael Rimar & Hayden Trenholm, Bundoran Press

Best Visual Presentation

Bitten, Season 2, Daegan Fryklind, No Equal/eOne/Hoodwink
Continuum, Season 4, Simon Barry, Reunion Pictures
Dark Matter, Season 1, Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie, Prodigy Pictures
Killjoys, Season 1, Michelle Lovretta, Temple Street Productions
Orphan Black, Season 3, John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, Temple Street Productions

Best Artist

James Beveridge, covers and poster art
Erik Mohr, covers for ChiZine Publications
Jeff Minkevics, covers for Five Rivers Press
Dan O’Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press
Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, body of work: Robot sculptures made from upcycled metal objects

Best Fan Publication

Broken Toys edited by Taral Wayne
Ecdysis edited by Jonathan Crowe
The Page of Reviews edited by Adam Shaftoe-Durrant
Speculating Canada edited by Derek Newman-Stille
WARP, issues 90-93 edited by Cathy Palmer-Lister

Best Fan Organizational

Samantha Beiko and Chadwick Ginther, Chair, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Winnipeg
Derek Künsken and Marie Bilodeau, Executive, Can*Con 2015, Ottawa
Randy McCharles, Chair, When Words Collide, Calgary
Matt Moore, Marie Bilodeau and Nicole Lavigne, Co-chairs, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Ottawa
Alana Otis and Paul Roberts, Co-chairs, Ad Astra 34 Convention, Toronto

Best Fan Related Work

Morva Bowman and Alan Pollard, Halsway Con Concert, Somerset, UK
Keith Braithwaite, The Doctor and his Companion, Montreal Science Fiction & Fantasy Association (WARP)
Steve Fahnestalk, weekly column in Amazing Stories Magazine
Kari Maaren, Everbody Hates Elves (album), Bandcamp and CD
Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating, Canada on Trent Radio 92.7 FM

Note: No award will be given out for the Best Music category this year due to insufficient eligible nominees. Eligible nominees were incorporated into the Best Fan Related Work.

MonSFFA Programming Change

Please Note: A correction was made since this was first posted. I had stupidly pasted the June meeting smack into the middle of the May meeting.

We have swapped the programming for the May and June meetings. This is so that our book sale will come after the SPCA booksale. I usually get some really good books off the SPCA sale to add some new content to our sale.

If you have books to donate to the sale, please bring them early on the morning of the 12th of June. Set up will begin at 10 AM. As usual, volunteers at the set up get first crack at the books!.

This is the revised schedule for the next three meetings.

Apr 17: We have an early start, NOON, with the return of the Sunday Movie Matinée, hosted by Keith. Following the classic film, and discussion of its merits, we will have a presentation by René Walling on the Bandes Desinées, AKA les BDs. And then, the culmination of 9 months work: the actual filming of our very own Stop Motion Project.

In the course of the program, the participant gathers creative feedback on their writing and free viagra on line advice on their career objectives. You can buy Booster capsules, Kamdeepak capsules and Mast Mood oil https://www.unica-web.com/DEUTSCH/2016/presidents-letter-april.html no prescription levitra using a credit or debit card. The ideal dose of this medicine is 50mg and the doctor may prefer to increase the cipla cialis canada dose to 25 mg or 10 mg. First of all, it is completely normal for experiencing ED symptoms when you are stressed or tired, make generic cialis sure that you visit your doctor in case the user feels uncomfortable side effects, he should see a doctor and get relief from the side effects. May 15: Cities of the Future! will be hosted by Sylvain St-Pierre. Mega cities like Trantor, cities in the clouds (Star Trek, Star Wars) underground (Caves of Steel) how has SF, past and present, viewed the future of urban life? How realistic are their predictions? If we travelled back to the founding of Montreal, how would the colonists react to our predictions of current life here?

A panel discussion will follow: Seeing the Past through Rose-Tinted Glasses. A bit of nostalgia–remembering the books, comics, TV shows of our youth. How well do they pass the test of time? Why did we love them so? Would our kids enjoy them at all? The classic age of SF is said to be about 15… Would you agree?

Board Games: Various members will be bringing their favourite SF/F-based board games to share.

June 12: Our Annual second hand book sale! Donations of gently used books are gratefully accepted. After which, we have tentatively scheduled a game of something or other to be determined by the group.

New Content for Members


New content has been added to the Members’ pages.
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Mouse over the Members tab on the top Menu, and click Sylvain’s Gallery to see his photographs from our field trip to Dinosaurs Unearthed at the Science Museum.

NB: MonSFFA programming change

Please Note: A correction was made since this was first posted. I had stupidly pasted the June meeting smack into the middle of the May meeting.

We have swapped the programming for the May and June meetings. This is so that our book sale will come after the SPCA booksale. I usually get some really good books off the SPCA sale to add some new content to our sale.

If you have books to donate to the sale, please bring them early on the morning of the 12th of June. Set up will begin at 10 AM. As usual, volunteers at the set up get first crack at the books!.

This is the revised schedule for the next three meetings.

Apr 17: We have an early start, NOON, with the return of the Sunday Movie Matinée, hosted by Keith. Following the classic film, and discussion of its merits, we will have a presentation by René Walling on the Bandes Desinées, AKA les BDs. And then, the culmination of 9 months work: the actual filming of our very own Stop Motion Project.

A diet too high in fat, meat, dairy, tadalafil online india refined foods and chemicals slows the body’s natural detoxification process. Fibrosis is in fact the thickening of the eye’s macula (the part of your eye responsible for detailed, central vision) Foot sores or ulcers (which can result in amputation) Infections to the skin, female genital tract, and urinary tract High blood pressure High cholesterol Erectile dysfunction Treatment Type 1 diabetes may develop within a relatively short generic cialis time span and usually well tolerated by users. The men by and large experience the ill effects of this issue are not ready to accomplish a penile erection that is vital for sex with the female levitra purchase online accomplice. Men are sensitive about their performance in bed Since sex represents virility and masculinity for men, they try their best to perform in bed. buy viagra without consultation May 15: Cities of the Future! will be hosted by Sylvain St-Pierre. Mega cities like Trantor, cities in the clouds (Star Trek, Star Wars) underground (Caves of Steel) how has SF, past and present, viewed the future of urban life? How realistic are their predictions? If we travelled back to the founding of Montreal, how would the colonists react to our predictions of current life here?

A panel discussion will follow: Seeing the Past through Rose-Tinted Glasses. A bit of nostalgia–remembering the books, comics, TV shows of our youth. How well do they pass the test of time? Why did we love them so? Would our kids enjoy them at all? The classic age of SF is said to be about 15… Would you agree?

Board Games: Various members will be bringing their favourite SF/F-based board games to share.

June 12: Our Annual second hand book sale! Donations of gently used books are gratefully accepted. After which, we have tentatively scheduled a game of something or other to be determined by the group.

OVMF plays music of Star Wars VII

I was thinking it would be fun to trek out to hear the Star Wars concert after our June meeting, but that concert is sold out.

There will be second performance on June 19th. Tickets can be purchased on line. http://www.ovmf.qc.ca

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Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association