Looking Up!

dragon reads ebook final mergedSky events for December 2015

RASCal Geoff Gaherty posts an excellent blog for sky events. He tends to concentrate on the moon, planets, and brightest stars, so it’s great for urban star gazers armed with digital devices. You might want to bookmark the site and return to it when the mood grabs you.

On the 3rd of December, Japan’s Hayabasa 2 spacecraft, on a six year mission to catch and sample an asteroid, will fly past Earth. Earth’s gravity will slingshot the spacecraft toward its target, 162173 Ryugu, which Hayabasa 2 is expected to reach in July 2018. This animation from JAXA (the Japanese space agency) previews the flyby. READ MORE: http://www.spaceweather.com/

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You will not want to miss the Geminid meteor shower, which always puts on a good show.   The peak nights are expected to be on December 13-14 (night of December 13 till dawn December 14) and 14-15 (night of December 14 till dawn December 15).

In this diagram of the inner solar system, all of The fireball orbits intersect at a single point–Earth. The orbits are color-coded by velocity, from slow (red) to fast (blue). Click for larger view

Every night, a network of NASA all-sky cameras scans the skies above the United States for meteoritic fireballs. On Dec. 2, 2015, the network reported 27 fireballs. Automated software maintained by NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office calculates their orbits, velocity, penetration depth in Earth’s atmosphere and many other characteristics. Daily results are presented on Spaceweather.com

How to choose your first telescope

You’ll get lots of hype when trying to pick a telescope. But by knowing just a few basics, described here, you’ll be able to choose the one that’s right for your observing interests, lifestyle, and budget.

A quick guide to types of telescopes

With a little guidance, you can pick a high-quality telescope that can last a lifetime.

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S&T: Craig Michael Utter

Here’s a quick guide to help you make sense of all the types of telescope models available today. Armed with these few basics, you’ll have a good idea what to look for (and what to avoid) when scouring the marketplace for your new scope.If you still have questions or need more details, check out these additional resources:

Many (arguably most) good starter scopes cost $400 or more, though some superb choices are available for under $250. But read this article first, so you’ll understand the terminology and what type of telescope will be best for you.

Read more: http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/types-of-telescopes/

Time Travel: Science Fiction & Reality

Robot and worm holeFrom www.space.com, one of the best articles I’ve seen on time travel. Nice use of the TARDIS, too!


Do take a few side trips on those links, very worthwhile reading.  This one, for instance: http://www.space.com/21675-time-travel.html

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Capaldi, Moffat and Gatiss came third in a Doctor Who pub quiz

If anyone should know a thing or two about Doctor Who it’s Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and Peter Capaldi.

But when the trio entered a Who pub quiz at the Doctor Who Festival in Australia, they discovered a cold, hard truth, which was captured on camera.
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The trio – who called themselves The Time Wasters – clearly didn’t know their wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

Prix Aurora Prize winners

The 2015 Prix Aurora Awards were presented November 22 at Canvention 35, hosted by SFContario 6 in Toronto.

Best English Novel

  •  A Play of Shadow by Julie E. Czerneda, DAW Books

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Best English YA Novel


  • Lockstep by Karl Schroeder, Tor Books
  • Out of This World by Charles de Lint, Razorbill Canada

Best English Short Fiction

  • “Crimson Sky” by Eric Choi, Analog, July/August

Best English Poem/Song

  • “A Hex, With Bees” by Tony Pi, Wrestling With Gods: Tesseracts Eighteen, EDGE

Best English Graphic Novel

  • It Never Rains by Kari Maaren, Webcomic

Best English Related Work

  • On Spec published by the Copper Pig Writers’ Society

Best Artist

  • Dan O’ Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press and On Spec magazine

Best Fan Publication

  • Speculating Canada edited by Derek Newman-Stille

Best Fan Music

  • Kari Maaren, YouTube Channel

Best Fan Organizational

  • Sandra Kasturi, Chair, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Toronto

Best Fan Related Work

  • Derek Newman-Stille, Speculating Canada on Trent Radio 92.7 FM

The voting statistics [PDF file] are available. A total of 173 ballots were cast.

Website Contributors

MonSFFA is pleased to be able to offer our members a chance to contribute to our website.

So far, three of our more active members have their own pages on www.monsffa.ca .  Look for Danny Sichel’s short story reviews and François Ménard’s stop motion projects under the tab for contributors, and Josée’s convention photos under photo galleries.

There is lots of room for your photos, and personal genre projects such as model building and costuming.

Interested? Contact MonSFFA’s webmaster.  You may choose to share your projects with the world, or ask to have your page under the password protected members’ pages.

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Free stories, 1941 Retro Hugos

Third Volume of Free Stories Eligible for 1941 Retro Hugos

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Short Fiction Eligible for the 1941 Retro-Hugos Vol. 3, a collection of 30 public domain stories by Ray Cummings and Henry Kuttner, has been issued by File 770 commenter von Dimpleheimer. (Earlier posts contain links to Volume 1, and Volume Two.)

dragon reads ebook final mergedClick on the appropriate link to download a version from a Google storage drive.

These books are created to help MidAmeriCon II members who will vote next year on the Retro Hugos (along with the regular Hugos).

The stories in Volume Three are:

  • Ray Cummings “Arton’s Metal” in Super Science Stories, May 1940.
  • Ray Cummings & Gabrielle Cummings (as Gabriel Wilson) “Corpses from Canvas” in Horror Stories, May 1940.
  • Ray Cummings “The Girl from Infinite Smallness” in Planet Stories, Spring 1940. Continue reading Free stories, 1941 Retro Hugos

Annual Holiday Feast!

Join us for MonSFFA’s Annual Holiday Feast!

Saturday, December 5, 18:00 at the Irish Embassy Pub and Grill.097
1234 Bishop Street, Montreal


Family and friends are welcome,
but please note that the pub does not allow minors.
RSVP  <president@monsffa.ca>

Cost is 25$ plus taxes and gratuity. Appetiser, dessert incl.
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We get to choose from one of these special set menus:

Prime Rib Au Jus
Gaspor Pork Belly
Turkey Dinner Plate
Vegetarian Curry *

Nov meeting recap

We were to start at 11 AM with the MonSFFA Sunday morning matinée, but had to cancel that since the DVDs arrived too late to be shown before 13:00. The time wasn’t wasted, however, since the few members who came early spent the time talking about plans for next year, how to get more use out of our website, Yahoo group, and so on.

IMGP8380Sylvain and Keith gave a wonderful presentation on spaceship design. Sylvain started with the earliest humans, and the fascination we had, and STILL have with flight. He showed many examples of designs for flying machines, some of which worked, and others that hadn’t a hope of lifting off the ground. Keith continued with the space ships of Science Fiction television and movies, again some well imagined and others highly improbably, but COOL looking. And some that were neither!

After the break, and a few announcements, we talked a bit about next year, but had to cut that short since the presentation had been longer than expected. (and was so interesting, we could even have gone on for another hour!) Then we got out the crayons, scissors, construction paper, and began work on the sets for our stop motion project. There is still a lot to do, but we might be ready to begin the actual photography work in February.


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We also have homework:  Get the hockey schedule &  do a recon of the restaurants in the area of the hotel, always have a back up restaurant in case we can’t get in the first choice, so members who are delayed will know where to find us.

You will find more pictures in the members’ section.  There are more to be added later, so do check back in a few days.


Reality Check

How an asteroid REALLY killed the dinosaurs


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Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association