May 31st Meeting

The Tour de l’Île de Montréal, also known as the Detour de l’ile, was not as effective at keeping members away from our meeting as some other events have been, but it was a nuisance. The detour the organizers advised me to take didn’t work as the ramp to the Bonaventure was closed for construction. I did say a few naughty words….

And then said a few more when I got to the hotel and found the room still set up for previous meeting, complete with dirty coffee cups, and a gazillion chairs that obviously had been moved in there for storage.

IMGP7905However, a few more early birds showed up and the organization for the book sale got underway. My thanks to Matthew, Grace, Marc, Wayne, Marquise, Josée, and others who wandered in to heave chairs and boxes of books around. The sale was a success by our standards–first count seems to be about 180$ for books, and then there was more that came in for snacks. Many thanks here go to Linzy Brown who baked utterly gorgeous cupcakes with flowers.

Cupcakes, SSPThe flowery cupcakes were in keeping with our meeting theme. Last month we celebrated the April showers, so May flowers had to follow. There were flowered shirts, flowers pinned to shirts, the aforementioned cupcake flowers, and Danny pointed out that there were flowers on the money, and all of us had at least a nickle, LOL, so all of us qualified for the participation draw in December.

Sylvain St-Pierre gave an excellent presentation on how well, or not, the future predictions of the past held up.  He had a number of very interesting posters about the room, several of which will find their way to our members’ page in the near future, (insert snicker).

Conversations during the break were quite lively, as the book sale was still going on, and we all had opinions on what was a good read and what was less good. Okay, dross, but hey, the covers drew the eyes, at least those of the men. Other conversations ranged from Puppies, both sad and rabid, to Montreal’s bid for the World Con in 2017. There was a hive of activity surrounding Sean Peatman and his new bride, Melanie. A lovely lady, no wonder we have seen so little of Sean!
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IMGP7913After the break, Keith Braithwaite led a discussion on the work of Glen Larson. The general feeling was that his work may have been derivative, but we enjoyed watching his productions, especially BattleStar Galactica. Keith had some clips of shows that never seemed to have made it to Montreal.

Many, many thank yous are due to the MonsFolk who packed up the left over books, and shoved nearly all of them into MY car. Good Grief, Charlie Brown. The boxes are all heaped up in my basement waiting for me to get them on shelves, which will happen one of these days, maybe before Christmas…

For supper, we journeyed up to the Belle et la boeuf, The hamburgers and poutines were devine, the decor featured a wall of books, LPs, and magazines from the past, which was rather apropos given the book sale and the two presentations which both featured a nostalgic aspect. It was fun picking out the old stuff of our memories, and some stuff even older like wooden farm implements. The menu was terribly funny with names like Capitaine Flam and Pac Mac. The drinks were hilarious, Linzi’s drink (the Miss Piggy) came with a twist of bacon! It was very noisy, however, and children are not allowed, so I don’t know if we will be able to keep going there.

A good meeting! Thanks to all who wrangled the boxes and furniture, gave presentations, donated drinks and snacks, and packed up the books again at the end.

Remember to start collecting all the gear you need for a trip to the Jurassic World, most probably on the 14th of June.

Stop Motion Jonny Quest

Several MonSFFen have become very interested in the technique of stop-motion filming, especially since a presentation by François Ménard, a member who is actively learning and creating some of his own stop motion projects.  And then of course, we have Keith Braithwaite and his devotion to the legendary Ray Harryhausen!

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Joël Champetier

From Jean-Louis Trudel:

champetierphoto“After a long fight with acute leukemia, diagnosed after the Boréal 31 convention in May 2014, Joël Champetier passed away around 2 AM yesterday Saturday in a palliative care unit in St. Tite, a few kilometres away from his home in St. Séverin. A long-time member of SF Canada, Joël Champetier was the author of several novels, young adult books, and short stories. His novels included  La Taupe et le Dragon, published by Tor in English translation in 1999 as The Dragon’s Eye, and La Peau blanche, which inspired the movie La Peau blanche, a.k.a.White Skin and Cannibal, winner of a Toronto International Film Festival award in 2004. A guest of honour at the World Fantasy Convention in 2001, he had won multiple awards, both as a writer with a literary career stretching back to the early 1980s and as the editor for many years of Solaris, one of the world’s oldest active SF magazines (founded in 1974). To many in Québec, he was an inspiration as a writer, as an editor, and as a friend.”

Joël Champetier (1957-2015)

Joël passed away last night after a long and courageous battle with cancer. A huge loss to our It helps in the chemical breakdown of food canadian pharmacy for viagra into smaller components thereby facilitating the assimilation nutrients by body cells. Through the evolution of modern medicine, surgeons have now come up with a new prostate cancer treatment known in many circles as HIFU, which stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol, which acts just like a traditional landline phone service except it uses your existing internet connection to make calls. cialis fast delivery With this article we have come up with some useful natural remedies that will help individuals get rid of inflammation and enable market commander levitra blood circulation and clear away toxic materials. Arginine is found in higher concentrations in the rind of the watermelon and moreover this fruit has more citrulline in the edible part than previously believed. pill viagra fandom. I don’t have the words, so will pass you on to the team at Solaris:

CSFFA Hall of Fame

The male face represents the field of Fantasy with elements of Bacchus, Loki and the Green Man in the wild look and secretive, ironic smile. His helmet is the Knight’s helmet of Classical Fantasy. His wild face reminds us of not only the myths and legends that underlie all literature but also of dark fantasy and all of its eldritch children.
The female face is timeless, a homage to the sub-genre of Time Travel. Her helmet is a retro space helmet, referencing the traditional role of Space in Science Fiction. The retro helmet is also a bow to the sub-genre of Steam Punk, a part of the growing field of Alternate History.

Have you nominated your choice for this year’s addition to the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association’s Hall of Fame?
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The two back-to-back faces are in the spirit of Janus, Roman God of doorways, of decisions and of beginnings and endings. They look forward to the future, as much of Science Fiction always has, and back to the past, which is the home of most of Fantasy.

Street Closures on the 31st

Street closures, again.  🙁

There is a map of the bike routes here:

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May Impulse

May Impulse is now on line! Enjoy!
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May 31st Meeting

Book sale 2May 31st meeting starts EARLY–we begin setting up the book sale at 10 AM, and sales begin by noon. Volunteers get first crack at the books. Also, if you have a few items you would like to sell or auction, bring them in, too. We’ll be glad to help you de-clutter for a small cut of the profits, 😉

Check our photo galleries for images of previous book sales.

Scroll down a bit for details regarding the book sale.
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Click here, for details regarding the rest of the meeting day which is open to the public. Bring your friends!  We will be discussing Glen Larson and there will be a presentation on some of the wilder predictions of the future.


May 31 Meeting

Book & Garage Sale, starts at noon  Prices for books start at 3 paperbacks for a dollar, special deals on series and bulk purchases.

Book sale 2

Also, a chance to de-clutter your home — bring in SFF stuff you would like to see off to a good home. Set a price, or silent auction, make  some money to buy more books…. 

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Tribute to Glen Larson: A discussion of Glen Larson’s works Battlestar(Battlestar Galactica, Knight Rider, Magnum, P.I., etc)  and his legacy, moderated by Keith Braithwaite.

There is a nice audio tribute here:

Charges of plagiarism have been made against him, justified or not? For a less than glowing review of Larson’s work, click

Congrès Boréal May 8-10

Boreal 2Congrès Boréal is at the Espresso hotel this weekend.

GoH are: Natasha Beaulieu, Patrice Cazeault, Sébastien Chartrand, Esther Rochon, Patrick Senécal, Jo Walton

Panellists include a veritable who’s who of Québec authors, editors, artists, and publishers.

The Aurora Award for best novel written in French is awarded in conjunction with the Prix Boréal.

The following events are FREE:

Vendredi : ouverture en soirée à la Maison des écrivains de l’UNEQ (3492, avenue Laval) de 18 h 30 à 21 h
 Samedi : lecture de Sébastien Chartrand (salle Gatineau, hôtel Espresso, 1005, rue Guy) de 11 h à 12 h (avec le soutien de l’UNEQ)

Concours de la meilleure formule (salle Saint-François, hôtel Espresso, 1005, rue Guy) de 13 h à 14 h (dans le cadre des 24 heures de science)

Lecture d’Esther Rochon (salle Nicolet, hôtel Espresso, 1005, rue Guy) de 19 h à 20 h (avec le soutien de l’UNEQ)

Dimanche : lecture de Natasha Beaulieu (salle Gatineau), hôtel Espresso, 1005, rue Guy) de 11 h à 12 h (avec le soutien de l’UNEQ)

Nota Bene : Les activités en accès libre ne donnent pas accès au reste du congrès.

Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association