Tag Archives: Aurora


Space Weather News for July 22, 2018

A LARGE HOLE IN THE SUN’S ATMOSPHERE: A large hole has opened in the sun’s atmosphere and it is spewing a stream of solar wind toward Earth. NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of minor geomagnetic storms when the gaseous material arrives on July 24th. Such holes are primary sources of solar activity during solar minimum, both forming and staying open longer when sunspots are absent. Learn more on today’s edition of Spaceweather.com

Above: A large coronal hole faces Earth on July 21st. Image credit: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory

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MonSFFA’s WARP nominated for Aurora!

MonSFFA’s WARP has been nominated for an Aurora Award in the Best Fan Writing and Publications category.

To view the 2017 issues of WARP, click here.

The 2018 Aurora Awards nominees have been announced.

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The Aurora Awards are nominated by members of the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association. Eligible were “works done in 2017 by Canadians.” The top five nominated works were selected. Additional works were included where there was a tie for fifth place.

The awards ceremony will be held at VCON 42, October 5-7, 2018, in Richmond, BC (www.vcon.ca).

Best Novel

  • All Those Explosions Were Someone Else’s Fault by James Alan Gardner, Tor Books
  • Jade City by Fonda Lee, Orbit
  • Light of a Distant Sun by Brent Nichols, Bundoran Press
  • The Rebel (Book 3 of the San Angeles Series) by Gerald Brandt, DAW Books
  • RecipeArium by Costi Gurgu, White Cat Publications
  • To Guard Against the Dark by Julie E. Czerneda, DAW Books

Best Young Adult Novel

  • Exo by Fonda Lee, Scholastic Press
  • Houses of the Old Blood by Elizabeth Whitton, Kettlescon Press
  • Maddie Hatter and the Gilded Gauge by Jayne Barnard, Tyche Books
  • Scion of the Fox by S.M. Beiko, ECW Press
  • The West Woods by Suzy Vadori, Evil Alter Ego Press

Best Short Fiction

  • A Human Stain by Kelly Robson, Tor.com
  • The Calling by Elizabeth Grotkowski, Enigma Front: The Monster Within, Analemma Books
  • Gone Flying by Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, The Sum of Us: Tales of the Bonded and Bound, Laksa Media
  • Old Souls by Fonda Lee, Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Laksa Media
  • Rose’s Arm by Calvin D. Jim, Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy, Laksa Media

Best Graphic Novel

  • SIGNAL Saga #0: PanGaea and the Key of Mirrari by Dominic Bercier, Mirror Comics Studios
  • Rock Paper Cynic by Peter Chiykowski, Webcomic
  • Honey Dill by Ryan Harby, Webcomic
  • Crash and Burn by Kate Larking and Finn Lucullan, Astres Press
  • It Never Rains by Kari Maaren, Webcomic
  • Riftworld Legends, #1-4 by Jonathan Williams, Daniel Wong, and Paris Alleyne, Joe Books

Best Poem/Song

  • After Midnight by David Clink, Tesseracts 20 (Compostela), EDGE
  • The Canadian Small-Town Denizen and the Distant-Planet Space Traveller by J.J. Steinfeld, 49th Parallels, Bundoran Press
  • Card by Catherine Girczyc, Tesseracts 20 (Compostela), EDGE
  • Cruising Glaciers by Rhea Rose, 49th Parallels, Bundoran Press
  • Heaven Is The Hell Of No Choices by Matt Moore, Polar Borealis #4
  • Meat Puppets by Lynne Sargent, Polar Borealis #4
  • Shadows in the Mist by Lee F. Patrick, Polar Borealis #4

Best Related Work

  • 49th Parallels edited by Hayden Trenholm, Bundoran Press
  • Compostela (Tesseracts 20) edited by Spider Robinson and James Alan Gardner, EDGE
  • Enigma Front: The Monster Within edited by Renée Bennett, Analemma Books
  • On Spec Magazine, The Copper Pig Writers Society
  • The Sum of Us: Tales of the Bonded and Bound edited by Susan Forest and Lucas K. Law, Laksa Media
  • Where the Stars Rise: Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy edited by Lucas K. Law and Derwin Mak, Laksa Media

Best Visual Presentation

  • Blade Runner 2049 directed by Denis Villeneuve, Alcon Entertainment
  • Dark Matter, Season 3, Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie, Prodigy Pictures
  • Killjoys, Season 3, Michelle Lovretta, Temple Street Productions
  • Orphan Black, Season 5, John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, Temple Street Productions
  • Travelers, Season 2, Brad Wright, Carrie Mudd, John G. Lenic, and Eric McCormack, Peacock Alley Entertainment
  • Wynonna Earp, Season 2, Emily Andras, Seven24 Films Calgary

Best Artist

  • Samantha M. Beiko, covers for Laksa Media
  • Ann Crowe, cover art for Avians
  • Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk, A Rivet of Robots: Body of Work
  • Dan O’Driscoll, covers for Bundoran Press
  • Fiona Staples, art for Saga comic series

Best Fan Writing and Publications

  • Reflections on Community and Gender in Canadian SFF, Krista D. Ball
  • Travelling TARDIS, Jennifer Desmarais, JenEric Designs
  • Science literacy for Science Fiction Readers and Writers, Ron S. Friedman, Quora
  • Speculating Canada edited by Derek Newman-Stille
  • WARP edited by Cathy Palmer-Lister, Montreal Science Fiction and Fantasy Association (MonSFFA)

Best Fan Organizational

  • Derek Künsken and Marie Bilodeau, executive, Can*Con, Ottawa
  • Matt Moore, Marie Bilodeau, Nicole Lavigne and Brandon Crilly, co-chairs, Chiaroscuro Reading Series: Ottawa
  • Randy McCharles, chair When Words Collide, Calgary
  • Hope Nicholson, chair Prairie Comics Festival, Winnipeg
  • Sandra Wickham, chair Creative Ink Festival, Burnaby, BC

Best Fan Related Work

  • S.M. Beiko and Clare C. Marshall, Business BFFs (Podcast)
  • Kari Maaren, Monthly Musical Performances at ChiSeries Toronto
  • Kraken Not Stirred, Robots vs. Monsters (musical album)
  • Joshua Pantalleresco, Just Joshing (Podcast)
  • Steve Swanson, Poster for When Words Collide

Aurora Awards Nomination period closing Saturday

 Received from  Clifford Samuels,  Aurora Awards administrator

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Nominations for this year’s Aurora Awards must be in by 11:59 pm EDT this Saturday, May 26. That is in less than one week.
This is a generic email to all account holders, who have requested
notices, to remind you to get your nominations in. Remember to use the Finalize button on the nomination main page to lock in your selections.
Make sure that what you want to nominate has already been approved and
transferred to the nomination drop down lists. Do not wait until the last day to add items to the eligibility lists because it takes about two days to work its way through the verification and transfer process.
For those that have already nominated, thank you. We will be announcing the final ballot in early June.
Clifford Samuels
Aurora Awards administrator

les gagnants du Prix Aurora/Boréal

Prix Aurora/Boréal

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Le Prix Aurora / Boréal 2018 a été présenté ce week-end au Congrès Boréal 2018 à Montréal.

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleur roman

  • Georges, Karoline: De synthèse (Alto)

Prix Aurora-Boréal – Meilleure nouvelle en français

  • Côté, Philippe-Aubert: La nuit aux trois démons (Les Six Brumes)

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleure bande dessinée

  • Desharnais, Francis/Val Mo: Le seigneur de Saint-Rock (Front Froid)

Prix Aurora/Boréal – Meilleur ouvrage connexe

  • Trudel, Jean-Louis: Petit Guide de la science-fiction au Québec (Alire)

Prix Boréal – Création artistique visuelle et audiovisuelle

  • Villeneuve, Denis: Blade Runner 2049 (film)

Prix Boréal – Fanédition



If you live where it is not snowing, you may want to watch for possible aurora.  –CPL

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Space Weather News for March 13, 2018

A GASH IN THE SUN’S ATMOSPHERE: An unusually wide hole has opened in the sun’s atmosphere, and it is spewing a fan-shaped stream of solar wind toward Earth. NOAA forecasters say there is a 55% chance of minor G1-class geomagnetic storms when the solar wind arrives, probably during the late hours of March 14th. Visit Spaceweather.com for more information and updates.

Remember,SpaceWeather.com is on Facebook!
Above: This image from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) shows the gash where solar wind is emerging on March 13th. The false brown color of the sun corresponds to the 193 ångström wavelength of SDO’s extreme ultraviolet telescope.


Space Weather News for Nov. 29, 2017

GEOMAGNETIC STORM PREDICTED (G1-CLASS): NOAA forecasters estimate a 55% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Nov. 29th when Earth’s magnetic field is expected to receive a glancing blow from a CME, hurled toward us days ago by a magnetic explosion on the sun. There’s more: A fissure in the sun’s atmosphere is spewing solar wind into space, and the gaseous material could reach Earth on Nov. 29th as well. G1-class storms have little effect on power grids and satellites. However, they can affect migratory animals that navigate using magnetism. Such storms can also cause spectacular auroras around the Arctic Circle. Visit Spaceweather.com for more information and updates.

Remember, SpaceWeather.com is on Facebook!

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Above: Solar wind is flowing toward Earth from a fissure in the sun’s atmosphere where magnetic fields have opened up, allowing the gaseous material to escape. [Aurora Photo Gallery]


Space Weather News for Nov. 23, 2017

CRAZY PINK AURORAS: Does Solar Minimum turn auroras pink? Sky watchers around the Arctic Circle are starting to wonder.  For the second winter in a row, unusual pink lights have exploded in the night sky when the sun is blank–no sunspots. Solar wind from the “low activity” sun is producing pink auroras so bright that the Arctic landscape itself is turning pink. Visit Spaceweather.com for pictures of these unusual auroras and more information about the underlying physics.

Remember, SpaceWeather.com is on Facebook!

Above: On Nov. 22nd, aurora tour guide Marianne Bergli witnessed this surge of pink auroras over Kvaløya, Norway. [Aurora Photo Gallery]

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A meteoroid exploded over the Arctic Circle on Nov. 16th, wiping out the aurora borealis and turning the midnight sky blue.

Space Weather News for Nov. 17, 2017

METEOR EXPLODES OVER THE ARCTIC: On the evening of Nov. 16th, a meteoroid ripped through the atmosphere over the Arctic Circle and exploded. The resulting fireball wiped out the aurora borealis, cast shadows, and turned the night sky blue. Visit Spaceweather.com to see a movie of the explosion, captured accidentally by an automated aurora skycam in northern Finland.

SOLAR WIND, INCOMING: Today, a hole in the sun’s atmosphere is facing Earth. The emerging stream of solar wind could reach our planet as early as Nov. 19th, with G1-class geomagnetic storms possible on Nov. 20th. Sign up for free aurora alerts.

Remember, SpaceWeather.com is on Facebook!

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Amazing Auroras

Apparently, the auroras were amazing–and I forgot to look! arrhhh!!!  –Cathy

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Space Weather News for Sept. 28, 2017
https://www.facebook.com/spaceweatherdotcomSURPRISINGLY STRONG GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Knowing that a solar wind stream was heading for Earth, forecasters predicted a geomagnetic storm last night. However, they didn’t predict it would be so strong, a G3-class event. During the peak of this surprising space storm, Northern Lights spilled over the Canadian border into more than half a dozen US states. Visit Spaceweather.com for pictures of the display and updates as the solar wind continues to blow.

Remember, SpaceWeather.com is on Facebook!
Above: Auroras over Fairbanks, Alaska, on Sept. 28, 2017. “Indescribable!” says photographer Sacha Layos. “Truly one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.” Browse the Realtime Aurora Photo Gallery for more sightings.

Auroras predicted for 27th and 28th

GEOMAGNETIC STORM PREDICTED: NOAA forecasters say there is a 65% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Sept. 27th, increasing to 80% on Sept. 28th, as a stream of high-speed solar wind buffets our planet’s magnetic field.  Isolated periods of moderate G2-class storming could spark Northern Lights in US states as far south as, e.g., New York, Idaho and Washington. Visit Spaceweather.com for more information and updates.

Remember, SpaceWeather.com is on Facebook!
Above: Auroras over Troms county, Norway, on Sept. 24th. Photo credit: Horia Bogda. Browse the Realtime Aurora Photo Gallery for the latest sightings.

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