Tag Archives: Books

Beautiful Libraries

Library2-1024x521 Heast_Castle_library_p1080553 Hearst-Castle-Library-4 7748240984_fa63d2f89f_o

Stanford Walk I'll meet you all at The Oval on Thursday at 4 PM.  There is ONE bit of bad news.  There was going to be a talk afterward at 5:30 PM, but it looks like the auditorium at Stanford fell through.  This was a surprise to me too - so, my apologies... however, the walk is still on and I look forward to meeting y'all. As a bonus, I'll be giving away a lot of Smugmug goodies!  So be sure to come with room to take home something special! Topaz Detail Review Topaz Detail just upgraded their cool software.  I have written a quick Topaz Detail Review, which I will add to more in coming weeks.  It's a really nice and fun program - I invite you to check it out! Daily Photo - The Gothic Study Note this is the "small" library.  I'll post the main library in a few weeks! As always, you can zoom in to see the details by clicking through.  The details are quite incredible, and I am sure you will delight in seeing the closeups of the hand-carved wooden arches and the painted Spanish ceilings...  it was all amazing!  If you look closely at the full res version towards the middle, you can see a portrait of WR Hearst when he was 31-years-old. from Trey Ratcliff at www.stuckincustoms.com

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New content for MonSFFA members

MonSFFA 2015.05.31-12sNew content has been added to the members’  pages. Click the members’ tab above to reveal links to video recorded at the Belle et la Boeuf, Random photos of the meeting of May 31st, and more from Sylvain regarding his presentation on “Those Early Futures”.

hose Early Futures-01:  Travelling House, from the "En l'an 200" card series (1899), by Jean-Marc Côté
Those Early Futures-01: Travelling House, from the “En l’an 200” card series (1899), by Jean-Marc Côté

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