Tag Archives: Africa

Wonderful anthology from Africa

Gail Jamieson from South Africa has sent me a link to a wonderful anthology from Africa. The art is magnificent!I posted the table of contents below the message from Gail., but be sure to read the editorial which is delightful.  https://omenana.com/2022/12/23/omenana-issue-24-special-south-african-focussed-edition/

At 08:52 2023-01-07, Gail wrote:
Hi Cathy

I thought you might be interested to see what is happening in SF&F in Africa


Happy New Year BTW….



1: A History of The Science Fiction & Fantasy South Africa (SFFSA) Club – Gail Jamieson
2: Men, Women & Other Beings From the South: An Overview of South African Science Fiction & Fantasy – Deirdre C. Byrne and Gerhard Hope
3: Amadi on the Concrete – Jarred. J. Thompson
4: Into the Hyacinth – Mandisi Nkomo
5: Naruoma, the Cow Detective of the Millennium – Rešoketšwe Manenzhe
6: What Pushes Against This Moment – VH Ncube
7: The White Necked Ravens of Camissa – Nick Wood
8: TAAL – Abigail Godsell
9: Slipping – Lauren Beukes

Omenana Speculative Fiction Magazine is published quarterly by Seven Hills Media. All rights reserved. For feedback or information, please email sevenhills.media@yahoo.com