Tag Archives: Boite Noire

Boîte Noire to close, sell off DVD collection

Founder blames youthful tastes, as well as technological change

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“It’s not the same kind of film consumption today,” said Poitras. “A good Boîte Noire customer would come in 30 weeks a year and rent between three and five films. That’s disappeared. Young people are less there. Look, we often talk about film festivals and how they’re festivals for the grey-hair set. It’s a different world. Look, I was in one little corner of the galaxy so it’s hard for me to talk about the entire galaxy. But I see less people interested in the masters, in filmmakers like Fellini and Bergman. For a long time we had a student special. You could rent two films for $5.50. That doesn’t destroy your budget. But it didn’t work. We’re in a society where we entertain ourselves to death. The leisure offering is so much bigger than it was 20 or 30 years ago.”

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