Tag Archives: Campbell

Can we separate the art from the artist?

Can we separate the art from the artist?

At the September MonSFFA meeting, Danny asked the question, “Can we separate the art from the artist?”.  Danny first raised the issue last year, but with the renaming of two major SF awards since August, the topic has really exploded with many viewpoints being expressed.

File 770 picked up on two stories that I thought MonSFFen who were at that meeting might want to follow. Click the links for the rest of the story. 

   ANOTHER WAY OF LOOKING AT THINGS. David Gerrold contends art and the artist should be regarded separately in his public Facebook post:

So let’s say that I point out that the owners of a specific fast-food chain have donated a lot of money to anti-LGBTQ+ causes.

This is not an invitation to say:

“The food is terrible.”

Let’s say that I point out that a particular actor has said some unsavory things about politics. This is not an invitation to say,
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“She can’t act anyway.”

Or maybe a well-known author has said something egregiously stupid. That’s not an invitation to say,

“I never liked his writing in the first place.” …

SHOULD CLARKE’S NAME STAY ON AN AWARD? Jason Sanford’s post “Yes, Arthur C. Clarke was likely a pedophile” reviews two decades of press coverage about the issue. His closing lines are:

Now that we’re finally examining the issues around people like John W. Campbell, James Tiptree Jr., and Marion Zimmer Bradley, we should do the same for Clarke. Especially since a major genre award is named for him.

None of this changes how important Clarke’s stories were to my development as a writer or his impact on the field of science fiction. This doesn’t mean you can’t still love his books.

But the SF/F genre simply can’t ignore this issue any longer.

Free until end of March: stories by the 2016 Campbell-eligible authors


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