Tag Archives: CME

CME to arrive here June 10th

Space Weather News for June 8, 2024

HARD RADIATION STORM: A powerful explosion on the sun today peppered Earth and nearby spacecraft with “hard” protons. The radiation storm fogged satellite cameras for hours. Following close behind, a CME is heading for Earth, and its arrival on June 10th could spark G2-class geomagnetic storms. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Solar flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway

Above: Today’s M9.7-class solar flare recorded by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory

Possible auroras down to northern-tier US States.

Never fails, these storms hit just when we have cloudy skies. But in case we get a clearing, watch for auroras around 13th, 14th. Also, if you have solar observing glasses such as the ones MonSFFA was given by the RASC MOntreal Centre at the January meeting, keep an eye on the sun anytime it peeks through the clouds. Lots of visible sunspots!
Space Weather News for Feb 12, 2024

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: A forecast model from NOAA shows multiple CMEs striking Earth on Feb. 13th. Their impacts could cause G2-class (Moderate) geomagnetic storms with auroras across northern-tier US States. Also, there’s a slim chance they might combine to form a more potent “Cannibal CME.” Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

CME impact alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when the CMEs strike.

Above: A NOAA forecast model shows multiple CMEs en route to Earth.



Space Weather News for July 18, 2023

A SIGNIFICANT EXPLOSION ON THE SUN: Giant sunspot AR3363 finally blew its top. An hours-long explosion on July 18th hurled a massive CME into space and triggered a radiation storm around Earth. The CME might graze our planet later this week. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Solar Flare alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts to receive instant text messages when strong flares are underway.
Above: Debris from today’s M6-class explosion. Credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory.

Video of yesterday’s CME

Space Weather News for June 13, 2022

MAGNIFICENT CME: Earlier today, an unusually slow solar flare hurled a magnificent CME into space. The explosion and its afterglow lasted nearly 8 hours. The CME could sideswipe Earth’s magnetosphere later this week, producing minor geomagnetic storms. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Don’t miss the next solar flare: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service receive instant text messages when strong solar flares are underway.
Above: Visit Spaceweather.com to watch a movie of today’s CME



Space Weather News for April 11, 2022

EARTH-DIRECTED CME: A dead sunspot exploded today. The corpse of AR2987, which decayed days ago, erupted, and the debris is heading straight for Earth. A CME expected to arrive on April 14th could spark moderately-strong G2-class geomagnetic storms. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

CME Alerts: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service receive instant text messages when significant CMEs hit Earth’s magnetic field.
Above: Old sunspot AR2987 erupting on April 11, 2022. Credit: NASA/SDO


Class X1.3 Flare causes shortwave radio blackout

Space Weather News for March 30, 2022

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Earth-orbiting satellites have just detected a powerful explosion on the sun. The X1.3-class flare on March 30th (1737 UT) caused a shortwave radio blackout over the Americas and has almost certainly hurled a CME toward Earth. Follow this developing story @ Spaceweather.com.

Don’t miss another solar flare: Subscribers to our Space Weather Alert Service received a text message about this X-flare while it was happening. Such prompt notifications allow ham radio operators, amateur astronomers and others to react to flares before they fade away.
Above: The extreme ultraviolet flash from today’s X-flare. Credit: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory


Space Weather News for March 29, 2022

A ‘CANNIBAL CME’ IS APPROACHING EARTH: A strong G3-class geomagnetic storm is possible later this week when a ‘Cannibal CME’ hits Earth’s magnetic field. It’s a ‘cannibal’ because it ate one of its own kind en route to our planet. The mash-up of two CMEs could spark naked-eye auroras visible from northern-tier US states. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Aurora Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: This frame from a NASA animation shows one CME overtaking another. The resulting merger is called a ‘Cannibal CME.’

Watch the skies tonight, possible auroras!

Space Weather News for March 13, 2022

CME SPARKS GEOMAGNETIC STORM: As predicted, a CME hit Earth’s magnetic field today, March 13th, sparking a moderately-strong G2-class geomagnetic storm. Depending on conditions in the CME’s wake, the storm could spill into March 14th. If it does, sky watchers in northern-tier US states might be able to see auroras after local nightfall. Stay tuned to Spaceweather.com for updates.

Aurora Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: First contact with the CME ignited bright auroras over Nome, Alaska. Photo credit: John Dean. Monitor the aurora photo gallery for more sightings.


Space Weather News for March 11, 2022

GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (G2-CLASS): Earlier today the sun launched a full halo CME into space. The storm cloud is expected to hit Venus on March 13th followed by Earth later the same day. NOAA forecasters say that G2-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the CME arrives. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

Aurora Alerts: Sign up for Space Weather Alerts and get instant text notifications when geomagnetic storms are underway.
Above: A full halo CME is heading for Earth. Image credit: the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).


HUGE EXPLOSION ON THE FARSIDE OF THE SUN: Earth might have just dodged a bullet. Earlier today, NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft observed a tremendous coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the farside of the sun. Helioseismic maps of the sun’s farside suggest that a huge sunspot group may be responsible, and it will soon turn to face Earth. See the data and more @ Spaceweather.com.

Above: A coronagraph onboard NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft captured this farside CME on Feb. 15-16, 2022.

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